
Chapter Seven

She pondered, "He doesn't know my name. That's not good. Uncle must have mentioned me to him, so why doesn't he know my name? Maybe he forgot." She decided to ask, "I thought you knew my name." "I know your name," he replied, as we approached the entrance. He turned to look at me, and I met his gaze. "I just wanted to hear it from your mouth," he smirked. She was left speechless, unsure why he wanted to hear her say it. "This guy is quite amusing," she thought.

"Hmm, my name is ....."

Vivian interrupted, "Children come and eat," and Selma's stomach grumbled, this time much louder than before".

"Ok, let's eat".

**************************************************************************** Daniels Pov

With an eagerness that couldn't be contained, I abandoned my friends at the party the moment I caught wind of my cousin's arrival.

As I stepped foot into the familiar comfort of home, Mom's voice welcomed me, revealing that my cousin was in her room and would soon grace us with her presence downstairs. Realizing I had a precious window of time, I hurriedly made my way to my room, determined to shower away the day's excitement and dress

I descended the stairs, my anticipation growing with each step. Upon reaching the kitchen, I gladly lent a hand to my dear mother, assisting her in setting the dishes on the dining table. Her presence added to the thrill, as we both eagerly awaited the upcoming moment of delight.

Once the kitchen duties were done, I found myself leisurely strolling to the sitting room. The anticipation tugged at me like a child yearning for their favorite treat. I switched on the television, but my mind was elsewhere, entirely consumed by the thought of her arrival.

Just as I was about to settle into the softness of the couch, a sound drifted into my ears. Footsteps. Delicate yet distinct, they marked her approach. My heart leaped with certainty, and I whispered to myself, "It's her."

Unable to contain my excitement, I sprang to my feet and approached the stairs with quickened steps. There, descending gracefully, was a tall lady with an aura of elegance surrounding her. Her back was turned to me, momentarily shrouding her features in a tantalizing mystery. "Hello," I called out, my voice laced with anticipation and warmth.

In response, she turned around, and her captivating presence struck me like a bolt of lightning. Standing tall and slim, she exuded a timeless beauty that seemed almost otherworldly. Her small, pink lips curled into a gentle smile, and her eyes held an enchanting glimmer beneath the cover of long, natural eyelashes.

Her outfit accentuated her grace, a white top complementing her radiant complexion, and a pink short subtly blending with the natural hues of her skin. Her skin, with a delicate shade of light brown, exhibited a flawless complexion, entirely devoid of any imperfections.

"Hi" She replied while fondling her fingers "She is a shy person," I thought. Just then I heard some rumbling sound from her stomach "You must be hungry" I said smiling

"follow me" We ate together with Mum and Dad ***************************************************************************

Selma's pov

The flavors of the food were so delightful that I found myself on the brink of asking for seconds. Following the meal, I retired to my room for some rest. The bed surpassed my expectations, as its softness and comfort far outshone the one I had back in Nigeria.

Thoughts of my mother and siblings occupied my mind. I reminisced about the time I had called them during a previous meal, realizing how much I would be missed. The memory of my uncle's mention of "Pycans" resurfaced, and I hoped that one would be born in Nigeria.

With that contemplation, I drifted off into sleep. ********

As dawn broke, Selma arose from her slumber. She undertook her morning routine of brushing, bathing, and dressing. Stepping out of her room, she surveyed the downstairs area in search of others. Yet, the space was vacant, everyone was still enveloped in their dreams.

"They must still be asleep," she murmured with a yawn. Her attention was drawn to a nearby door, positioned not too far from the staircase.

"What could possibly be behind that door?" she pondered. Approaching it, she turned the knob and swung it open, revealing a spacious library within.

"Wow, the collection of books here is truly astonishing," she marveled silently. Determined to indulge her literary curiosity, she entered the library, a trove of literature sprawled out before her. Among them, a book titled "The Hidden Power" caught her eye, its back cover adorned in a shade of verdant green.

"Ah, you're awake."

Recognizing the voice that greeted her, she didn't need to physically turn to ascertain that it was Uncle Sam. Nevertheless, she turned to face him.

"Indeed, good morning, sir," she replied, her gaze fixed upon him.

Uncle Sam sported a casual ensemble of a blue t-shirt and shorts. His drowsiness was evident as he yawned and stretched his arms.

"Good morning. Did you have a restful sleep?" he inquired. "Yes"

"Alright, let me awaken the others so we can get dressed, have our meal, and then head outside for a delightful time. Sounds good?"

"Sure," she replied.

As soon as Uncle Sam exited the library, Selma delved into the book she had chosen earlier.

"The protective power of the pycan, embodied in a golden hue," she read aloud.

"So this book is centered around pycans. How I wish I could see one," she mused aloud. While engrossed in the book, she noticed a slip of paper nestled between its pages. The paper was completely blank, devoid of any writing. As she reached to retrieve it, to her astonishment, the paper suddenly ignited.

"Ahh!" she exclaimed, instinctively tossing the paper away. It had inexplicably burst into flames in her hand. Fear gripping her, she hurriedly left the library, making her way to the kitchen to fetch some water in an attempt to cool herself down.

In the kitchen, she picked up a plastic cup, collected water from the tap, and positioned it on the table. She then moved to another table to fetch a jug for further water. After filling the jug, she returned to retrieve her cup intending to drink, but upon arrival, the cup stood empty.

Perplexed, she exclaimed, "I distinctly poured water into this cup. It was brimming with water. Why is it now devoid?"

Selma grappled with confusion, struggling to fathom the situation. She was certain about pouring water into the cup. She pondered, "Perhaps it leaked out." Yet, a swift examination of the table and floor presented no evidence of water spillage. Had it been a spill, residue would have been evident.

Shrugging off a growing unease, she murmured, "Only the divine knows how the water vanished," attempting to dispel her nascent fear. Retrieving fresh water, she consumed three cups, and as she began the fourth, a series of clicking sounds echoed behind her. Startled, she halted, pivoting to identify the source of the noise. Bewilderment clouded her thoughts. Setting the cup down, she turned to exit the kitchen, spotting the previously filled jug now resting on the floor.

"What! I positioned it on the table," her voice quivered. Fear gripping her, she hurriedly fled the kitchen, unaware that eerie entities emerged from the cupboard as she made her escape. ****************************************************************************

Her terror was so profound that she bolted from the kitchen in haste. Unbeknownst to her, a presence stood before her, and in her precipitous flight, an inadvertent collision sent her reeling backward.

"Easy," Daniel's soothing voice resonated as he extended a helping hand, his concern evident.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were in front of me," she apologized, dusting off her skirt as she steadied herself.

"It's all right. But why were you running?" his query was tinged with curiosity.

She hesitated, reluctant to divulge the cause of her flight, fearing mockery. Eventually, she mustered the courage to share, "Something truly frightening occurred in the kitchen. I couldn't bear it, so I rushed out."

She studied Daniel's face, hoping for a reaction. Yet, his countenance remained unchanged, cool, and composed. His attention shifted subtly, directed towards the kitchen entrance.

"What was it that scared you?" he inquired, gaze fixed on the kitchen's threshold, hands casually resting in his pockets.

Gripping his hand, she pulled him towards the kitchen. "Come, I'll show you," she urged.

Leading her cousin into the kitchen, she approached the spot where the jug had been, while Daniel leaned against the wall, arms folded.

"Let me demonstrate," she began, her gaze flickering to the space where the jug once sat. But to her astonishment, it was gone. Her eyes darted to her cousin's face, searching for a reaction.

"Daniel and Selma, let's go," the distant call of Vivian's voice resonated from the living room, momentarily slicing through the atmosphere of mystery. "Selma, don't stress yourself. Perhaps it was your imagination," Daniel attempted to reassure her, his tone soothing.

"It wasn't my imagination! I know what I saw," she retorted, fear etching her features.

"Alright, I believe you. Let's go. Mom and Dad are waiting in the car," he said, his voice softening as he tried to allay her anxiety.

Exiting the house, they joined the others. Sam's inquiry about their delay was met with apologies, the passage of time having escaped their awareness.

"We're sorry. We lost track of time," Selma explained.

"No problem," Uncle Sam replied as he started the car's engine.

The journey commenced, with Aunt Vivian pointing out landmarks and sharing their names. However, Selma's thoughts were preoccupied, fixated on the unsettling kitchen episode. She struggled to comprehend the inexplicable events that had transpired.

Inevitably, exhaustion embraced her, and she surrendered to slumber's embrace.

In the dimness of the room, I lay on the bed, wide awake. Suddenly, a woman materialized, her hair like spun gold, her eyes pools of liquid amber. She adorned herself in a resplendent, shimmering gown of pure gold, radiating an otherworldly magnificence. Her beauty was mesmerizing as she approached.

Leaning closer, she gazed into my eyes, her touch gentle as her fingers grazed my cheeks. A tender kiss graced my forehead. "Let fear dissolve, for you are chosen," her voice, a harmonious melody, resonated through the room, carrying with it a sense of destiny and wonder.

With those words, the ethereal figure dissolved into the shadows, leaving a sense of wonder and intrigue in her wake.