
College Virgin

Hanna was a complete virgin; she hadn't ever smoked taken drugs, gone to a party, had sex, head a drink, or had a partner. She was an angel who rivaled even the angels in power. She always thought she could avoid any of those till marriage, but what takes place when the school's badboy, jerk, playboy, and monster—named Ryan—comes her way? She's a freshman in a new college in another state. She might be able to resist the need, but will she be able to resist temptation?

Doja_Mama · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Chapter 1

My little monster of a bother, Nick, cries, "Mum, Hanna is having sex!" as I fling a pillow at him. I toss him a towel, and he dashes out of my room sticking his tongue out. With his revolver in his hands, my dad storms into my room, followed by my older brother, who is there to see the spectacle.

"He tricked you once more." As my father looks about for any indication of a boy who would dare to contaminate his angel, I say to him. My dad is kissing my forehead as my older brother laughs and walks out of the room.

"Go quickly to avoid missing your flight." He states. Grinning, I stand up and survey my room. I was relocating to Windhoek, the city where my college is located. Although I didn't want to leave my family, we determined that UNAM was the best and safest option for me for a variety of reasons.

I rise up, pack my luggage with the last necessities, and close it. After that, I make my way downstairs to spend one more moment with my family. Our final meal together before I left for college was that one. I had no intention of coming back for the holidays. I had no intention of telling them, and they were unaware of this. If my parents found out, my brother Ferb, who persuaded them it was a good idea, would quickly backtrack, and my dad would try to use his influence at my local institution to get me to stay. I acted as though I had no other plans since I didn't want that.

We headed to the airport where I boarded the plane, crying all the way to UNAM, after I finished eating and spending time with my family.

It takes me a few hours to get to my institution. I was thrilled to be at college, just like any other freshman, but I was extra happier that I had chosen to come here because of how far away home was. Though I didn't think it would truly happen, my resident hall, Greece Hall, has me and others queued up in front of it. In contrast to other hallways, we hear our room number called aloud so we may go grab our keys. Students, both new and old, are sat all around me, waiting for their room number and names.

I notice a group of people seated beneath a tree on the far left. The highly attractive guys are smoking or inappropriately caressing the girls while the girls are dressed skimpily. I give a headshake. I sincerely hope we never come into contact. They look troublesome.

"Room 234" it yells.

A few others are passing by to greet the group that seems troublesome, and several freshmen girls are staring at the boys with lust in their eyes.

"Hanna Jacob, 234." She yells in exasperation.

I shake my head, noticing that I've heard my name a couple times. Everyone is staring at me as I quickly grab my keys; some are laughing, some are pitty, and some are curious.

I turn around and try to go away, but something is in the way. Glancing up, I notice a blonde female with numerous piercings and blue highlights in her hair grinning at me. She is dressed in shorts and a crop top. I step to the side to give her space, realizing that she is one of the girls from the group I didn't like. She puts her hands in mine and laughs.

"Hi, roommate. Call me Jessica. With a smile, she speaks.

"234" Unsure, I inquired.

"The one and only," she responds, dragging me along in tow.

Jess helps carry my suitcase and tugs me to the elevator.

"So, what is your age?" she inquires.

"I am eighteen."

"Compact enough." Says she.

I examine her hands. She must have been talking about me because she is not carrying a fruit. Enough ripeness for what?

"Jess!" a bunch of pals exclaim as they enter, and I smile while remaining silent.

"How was your vacation?"

"It seems that you two stayed with Ryan."

"Poor you."

"How did it go?"

Jess is not given enough time to respond as the questions keep coming in. I can't help but wonder if Jess is just popular or if everyone at college is this way. When the elevator door opens, Jess ignores the females and dashes out, dragging me along with the suitcase.

Those artificial humans, ugh! They only seem cordial because of the lads, particularly Ryan. Avoid girls who are like that. Jess replies as I grinned and nodded. I'm grateful for someone to look out for me and offer guidance. I attempted to avoid rumor and didn't enjoy difficulties. I was expecting for a fresh start at college and avoided friends for a long time since I felt that everything always found its way back to you.

As soon as we enter the room, I notice that Jess has already set up her half of the room with images of the rock group all over it. But no photos of the family. Since red and black are my favorite colors, I really liked the red and black bedding she had. One more encouraging indication.

"I got here yesterday." I nod in response to her explanation, then turn to glance around. There was a bed on each side of the adorable little room.

"Oh, you need two dollars and fifty cents to do laundry. The laundry room is to your left and the toilet is just down the hall to your right." "Well," she replies, and I nod.

Her phone beeps, and she gives it a grin.

"All right, let's unpack you so you don't arrive late." Says she.

"Beyond? For what purpose? I query.

"This is a haunted house; Hell's Corner." "Sitting on the bed," she says.

I felt uncomfortable interacting with strangers because I had spent many years solitary with my family and only had my brother Ferb's best friend, whom I considered to be a brother. I had come to college hoping for a fresh start and to meet new people, but now that I had the chance, I wanted to return. Moreover, I had no interest in horror films, so why would I visit a haunted house?

"Isn't today the day for our floor meeting? Additionally, there is a freshmen orientation celebration at the institution. I embrace myself and say, finding a courteous way to decline.

"You don't need to go to that floor meetings tomorrow since I'll be there. Nothing really important has been passed on, other than the fact that there are no substances such as alcohol or cigarettes allowed in the rooms, and quiet hours were from 10 to 7." Says she.

"I'm quiet, I don't do that." Sitting on my bed, I state.

"You're doing well; additionally, only freshmen and predators attend school-sponsored parties." She claims that it was the worst suggestion that anyone could have made for her.

"Hunters." I reiterate, not getting what she's saying.

"The football team searching for a naive rookie." She explains, saying.

"Oh." I acknowledge this by smiling.

"All we need to do is unpack you before we head out." She says, "I think you mistook my ahh for an agreement to go."

"I have to stay." I admit that I should have been more explicit.

"Why?" Do you feel afraid?She says with a smile.

"What?" Sure. Choosing that, in my opinion, was a safer course of action than claiming I was afraid she wouldn't accept me among her friends.

"Hanna, there is no need to be afraid; it's an exciting fresh perspective, and you shouldn't allow fear prevent you from trying something new. It would be like choosing to remain a virgin out of fear of having your feelings hurt." Says she.

"Not all virgins remain virgins out of fear of experiencing heartbreak." I express my dislike for the open comment.

"Why are all of you prickly? other from that, Hanna, are you virgin? She asks, casting a dubious glance at me.

"What?" I express disbelief at her candor.

"Yes, you are," She claps her hands excitedly and laughs.

"I did not say that." I spoke fast.

"But you never refuted it," She smiles broadly in response.

"What is your issue with virgins, and why?" I query.

"What?" And me? Hell no, I adore virgins. Says she.

"There's nothing to have been afraid of; everybody was once one." I smile and nod in accord as she continues.

"Come back to the spooky house; it will be a bonding experience for us." Says she.

I remain mute and, with her assistance, begin unpacking; we then discuss the roommate arrangement.

A few hours later, when I've finished unpacking and had a nap on my bed, Jess enters the room with her shampoo and conditioner in her hands and her bathrobe folded surrounding her.

She asks, "Why aren't you ready?"

"I'm not leaving." I respond.

She puts down her bath caddy, approaches my bed, and takes a seat next to me.

"Hanna, don't let fear control you; I assure you that you will be alright and that my friends will also be present." Says she.

When I consider being honest, I realize that telling the truth was my only option.

"That's not it." Says I.

"So what's wrong? You can rely on me." Says she.

"What if, what if I don't win their approval?" I remark in a terrified tone.

"Don't worry, my friends are not judgmental and they would love you." She gives me a shoulder pat while grinning.

I say, "Okay, I have to get home by one."

"Okay, Cinderella, head to the shower." She laughs, she says.

"Please put on my sandals." She continues by giving me her slippers, which I accept with gratitude. It is never really appropriate to evaluate someone based only on their appearance; Jess was by no means a cruel girl.

When I open my room door after taking a shower, I trip and fall onto something. I yell as I slip and close my eyes, expecting to experience discomfort, only to feel arms encircling my nude body to save me from plunging.

"Grateful, Jesus." Says I, relieved.

Christ? Though I've received many calls, that is a first. Says a man with an accent that was English.

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