
Chapter 3 continued

Glazze, just like any day, is walking to school by himself. However, today is different. First: he is in a gladiator costume. Second: he actually wants to be alone. He is still trying to process today's events.

'I didn't know the syringe had that much of an effect! To think that even my own… I should take this as a good thing, I can get a girlfriend now. Yeah, I should just focus on the bright side.'

Although Glazze's trying to look at only the positives, he is still shrouded in a lingering feeling of sadness. Nevertheless, he doesn't stop his walking and, eventually, arrives at the gates.

'I have different teachers today. Another day of explaining who I am to them… At least the bullying has come to a complete halt. Hannah isn't in my first two classes so that is good.''

His absent minded strides lead him to his first class, Maths.

"Class is about to start, take your seats people!"

The teacher spots Glazze enter and asks:

"Are you new? I wasn't told about a new kid."

"No, I am Glazze Illou, I have been in your class since the beginning, sir."

"What?! Are you really Glazze?!"

The male, pirate costume wearing teacher's surprised exclamation reaches all of the students in the class; they all turn.

When they look at the completely changed physique of the previously tiny Glazze, they start exchanging murmurs

"Is that really him? This guy's muscles are huge!"

"Kind fit not gonna lie, I'd smash."

"I couldn't imagine his getting bullied anymore."

Glazze just stands there and decides to endure the envious gazes thrown his way. He is still not used to it, even after going through it all day yesterday.

After recomposing himself, the tall, black haired math teacher quickly says.

"Well ok, sit down then."

Since the class is monotonous, Glazze ends up eavesdropping on others' conversations. He picks up a few random things.

"I couldn't afford it so I just borrowed some money."

"Dude, how much would 5000 bananas weigh?"

"Oh, we have Miss. Brando last, don't we? She is the sexiest teacher on earth: long blonde hair, huge melons, nice ass, perfect face and she is quite slim. I heard she is 27 years old."

Since Glazze wasn't paying much attention to the lesson, it went quicker than expected. He opens up a piece of paper that was in his bag to check the lesson he has. English with Miss. Brando.

'This is the only lesson keeping me from lunch. I just need to live through this and then I can eat in peace on the rooftop.'

Glazze walks quickly to his next class in the hopes that it goes as quickly as maths. When he reaches the door to the English class, he remembers something.

'I didn't do my homework. I forgot… What do I do? I guess I'll just wish she forgets, it's not like I can do anything else.'

He walks through the door and sneaks towards his seat. Didn't he really expect to go unnoticed looking like that? Of course, the teacher, a beautiful young woman wearing a king outfit, caught him.

"New kid, huh? What's your name?"

'Oh no, she caught me! She is really strict on homework, my only choice is to play the new kid.'

"Hello, Miss. My name is Fallacy."

His mind goes blank and he names a character from an ecchi harem manga. Gulp. Glazze is waiting for her reply with a lone drop of sweat sliding down his cheek.

"Hmm, ok. You can sit in Glazze's seat since I don't think he is in. However, you must stay behind so I can get you up to date. Is that alright, Glazze?"

"Yes. Thank you, Miss."

Glazze walks to his seat and lets a sigh loose.

He did it. He managed to trick his english teacher.

'Now it is just a matter of waiting until another teacher tells her or something. I'll think of a lie by then.'

Unlike he has wished for, the class dragged on. The lengthy lectures made the class feel as if many hours had passed. Now all Glazze has to do is wait for the teacher to tell him some stuff and then he can go. He lets everyone leave and stays behind with the teacher.

"Take a seat over here, Fallacy."

Miss. Brando points to a seat in front of her desk. Glazze leisurely walks over to the seat while adjusting his costume. After he sits, the teacher stands up and carries on talking.

"So, Fallacy."

The teacher slowly takes step after step in the door's direction.

"Did you really think I didn't know…"

She doesn't make eye contact with Glazze, she just carries on walking toward the door one slow step at a time. She reaches the door.



The teacher locks the door. However, Glazze doesn't notice this, he is too surprised.

'I didn't think anyone could recognise me like this!'

"You really are an idiot. I literally said: Is that alright, Glazze. And you answered yes."

She walks back to her desk at the same pace. She turns to finally make eye contact with Glazze and places her hand on the desk he is sitting at.

"Don't you think you should be punished?"

"P-Punished? How so?"

Miss Brando draws her face nearer to his and smiles mischievously.

"I noticed that you have changed and, to put it simply, I like the new you. That homework is especially important so you need to give me something in return for not doing it. If you don't, I'll make your life a living hell, even worse than before."

Her previously idle hand is raised closer to his face and stops on his cheek.

"You'd better please me if you want to avoid any further punishment."

The position she strategically put herself in emphasises her slender figure and abnormally big breasts. This pose alone is enough to push Glazze far enough to completely have him under her control.

'She thinks she is benefitting from this? Jokes on her, sex could never be a punishment for me! I'll fuck her so hard she'll be begging for more. She doesn't know what the hell she got herself into. I'll play the victim for now.'

"I-I understand Miss Brando."

"Good. I knew these horny boys wouldn't be able to resist. Oh and Miss Brando is too long. When we are by ourselves, call me Luna. What lesson do you have after lunch?"

"Science but my teacher isn't in so we just have self study."

"I don't have a lesson after lunch so you come here for your punishment instead of self study."

"But I will get in troub-"

"I will deal with it. Don't talk back to me you bad boy. I might have to discipline you more than I thought."

"Just to make sure you don't forget and you aren't late, I'll give you a little taste for what's to come."

Miss Brando walks closer to Glazze with a childish smile, her gait is filled with confidence and her posture is domineering. She grabs Glazze's hand and escorts it to her chest.

Glazze is too taken aback to even resist - not that he wants to. His eyes trace his right hand's movement. The hand was now positioned on Miss Brando's chest.

Squish Squish

His hand squeezed her breast gently. The soft boobs covered the front of his hand.

Squish Squish

The feeling stimulates him too much, he loses control. He raises his left hand to meet his right and pulls off Miss Brando's bra aggressively. Both of Glazze's hands pounce onto her exposed breasts.

Squish Squish

Glazze places his finger onto her nipple and moves it around.


A faint moan escaped Miss Brando's mouth which brought both of them back to their senses. Glazze stops moving and starts to process the overwhelming stimulation that just took control. With a bright red blush, Miss Brando pushes Glazze's frozen hand away and turns her head away from him.

"I said a little taste, dummy. Go and eat your lunch."

The embarrassed English teacher keeps her gaze averted. She desperately tries to ignore the wetness in her pants.

"Yes Miss Bran- Luna."

Glazze speeds out of the classroom and heads straight to the toilets.

'I think I might have came a little. That was the most fantastic thing I have ever experienced. But I need to go clean up.'

After he cleans himself up, Glazze walks to the roof to eat lunch like any other day.

"You're late..."

A completely unexpected turn of events starts to take place. Someone meets him up on the rooftop and it's none other than…

"Shrimp face."

Hannah's facing away from Glazze with her hair flailing around from the air.

"Why didn't you just tell me who you were before instead of kicking me."

Hannah sniffs and continues.

"Why did you have to kick me?"

"Please forgive me Hannah, I won't do it again!"

Glazze's faltering voice squeezes out his pleads for another chance. Hannah turns to Glazze.

"That's the thing, Glazze. I-I can't stop thinking about that kick."

"Did it hurt that much?"

"No, the opposite. It felt really good…"

'Felt good?! This is the kind of reaction an MC would get in a mang- No. No, it can't be! Was it because I imitated the character from the manga? I really haven't experienced the full extent of the syringes powers."

"I can't get enough. Glazze. I need you to help me, I promise I will be good. So please, make me feel good."