
Chapter 1 A weird beginning

A boy is lying unconscious on the ground of a forest. Long strands of unkempt, purple hair cover his jet-black eyes and part of scruffy ripped clothes. He jolts up into a sitting position as it starts to rain. Lightning strikes powerfully near him, he stands up slowly. Although he is a bit dazed, he walks unsteadily toward a cave that was reflected by the light in the distance. His determination allows him to power through even though blood is crawling down his leg from a thin cut on his outer thigh...

"This cave's a bit dirty, I guess it's not the worst place I've slept in."

He lies down on the dirty floor slightly unwillingly and rests his head on his arms.




As the morning illuminates a bright shine of yellow, the boy awakens from his slumber. An unpleasant rumbling noise attacks his ears.

He moans, "I'm so hungry!!".

He hastily stands up and exits the cave. He sees the sun shining. He thinks to himself, 'How do I get out of here?'. Walking north from the cave, he looks upon the trees. He sees an ominous scratch mark on the trees, a cold shiver spreads down his spine. He hardens his heart and carries on walking.

He sees footprints scattered on the ground. He notices the deformed shape of the footprints and gets even more anxious. He comes across a mysterious rock that houses a dilapidated scroll. Yielding to his curiosity, he rolls it open — "SCREECH!". A screech exits from the direction of the cave.

With his heartbeat racing, he decides to show a sense of urgency. He hurriedly unravels the scroll to reveal the contents. However, contrary to his expectations, what met him was immeasurable pain. He couldn't resist it and collapsed. While in the middle of his sleep, he is woken up by a floating, see-through solid circle. He raises his body from the ground and brushes off some dirt before meeting the circle with his gaze.

He clenches the hand into a fist and prepares himself to punch it with all his might. It suddenly dissipates. "I'm going insane!". He pinches himself in the cheek. A bit too hard, perhaps, as tears start to obstruct his vision. He rubs his cheek and realizes that he is in reality. So, where did that thing go!?

Another screech, almost identical to the previous ones, reaches his ears. As he hears it, the image of the countless, non-human footprints pops into his head. He links them, the screech and the footprints, to the scratch marks and realizes that the cause of it is one animal. Not wanting to stay around for longer, he runs in the opposite direction. "SCREECH!". Yet another screech, this time closer, pierces his eardrums; he reflexively cups his ears. The boy pushes himself — more and more blood creeping out of his leg with every step. A road! He sees a road and instinctively runs towards it.

"Wait! If I lead it to civilization, people, innocent people will get hurt!"

He turns his head to finally get a glimpse of the monster. 'Where is it?'. With his heart rate, somehow, increasing further.

Silence. 'Has it stopped-'. THUD. A woman hastily opens her car door and kneels next to the boy. "A-Are you ok?!". The boy can hear her muffled scream reverberating through his head. His vision blurring more and more still. "I'll call an ambulance right this second!".

"... I was driving… Hit the boy… Isn't waking up…"

As the boy's eyes slowly closed, he heard one last faint cry... from the woman as he felt his mind close off everything around him. He sunk into a void of darkness...

He felt like he was suspended in the air. Space was shrouded with a huge gray shadow, little shards of light seeping through the minuscule cracks. An old man emerges from behind the gray, fog-like substance. The boy stumbles backward, his legs yielding to the man's aura. The old man's immense pressure immediately halts the boy's attempts to get back up. As if he hasn't yet noticed the kid, he carries on walking forward with a solemn expression.

The man's finger shoots toward the boy and, with a crackly voice, he exclaims, "You have my inheritance now!". Unable to hold himself back, the boy asks, "What do you mean inheritance? What are you talking about?". The old man lowers his face to the boy's eye level and explains, "Listen here, you now own my ability, you must make it your own. Now that you have my power of illusion, a power that has immeasurable potential… since you were the one that found this, it is your fate". The man stretches his hand toward the boy, "To use the power, focus on what you want to create, you must figure out the rest yourself. Once you have familiarized yourself with the power, I will contact you again through another dream." The boy takes the man's hand and lifts his body. The man shouts even louder than before, "Now Go! Take vengeance for me!"