
The Hunt for Love

Story 18: The Hunt for Love

Today I am married with a wife and children, but I still have a passion for women. I always like to find young girls to have fun with. Especially the first teenage girls, 15, 16, 17 years old, even more special.

Even though the law says that having sex with a girl or a minor is illegal, I still like to break the law because even some lawmakers I believe still break the law like I do. I'm not kidding, some of the big names in society are shouting against having sex with young girls, but behind the scenes, they spend money to buy young girls to keep them cool.

I do not want to care about anyone's story and do not want anyone to care about my story because it is a personal matter for each of us.

On the other hand, the maiden whom I married was not the one who forced them, she volunteered on her own, because they needed the benefit of me.

Some girls like to have fun, go for a walk, spend money, and jump in the materialistic society, but they do not know how to make money, so they take money because of their mother's reputation in exchange for a virgin hunter like me to have fun.

This kind of thing, no one loses, no one gains, because they agreed to give me my body, and I also agreed to give her money back, it is over. We consider it business or pleasure without certainty.

This kind of commercial love can not be sincere love. Let me give you a brief overview of the more than 100 women I have ever tasted, including the widows of Beer Garden and the women who flirt on Facebook, because even though they are not virgins, she is.

Rich techniques and experience in an amazing love game. But let me compare, I prefer young virgins more. I like to see Prey Sambor King Kok when I just kiss her and touch her body a little.

In particular, I was even more pleased when I saw them move, convulsing with pain mixed with rage. If I see blood coming out, I am even more proud because it proves that I have been a virgin whom no man has ever touched before.

Listen to me describe for a while now, you all may understand that I lust for sex, but I can not deny, it because I have such a passion. As for the question of where I went to contact young girls to accompany my passion, I would like to say that I did not go out to find young girls myself.

This era is over, as long as you have money, you can use ghosts to cook rice, ha ha. For me, too, I have a child under the command of a tortoise, a skill to find a girl, a young girl to bring me.

Even the tortoise, I used to be fat because she wanted to please the boss and give me a body from the first time I started working. She is not old and wrinkled because she is only 30 years old.

When I rode her, she volunteered to be a turtle master, looking for young girls for me to enjoy. I think she knows the boss, so I promoted her to be the secretary in charge of my bed.

However, I issued a clear order to her that if any woman refused to volunteer, I would not take it. Therefore, my female secretary chooses only women who are willing and want to benefit from me.

If so, it makes me feel like I have not sinned against all women. It was as if we had finally agreed to trade something fairly. I have so many women, but my wife never complains, but she has a request not to have sex with any woman and not to bring those women home for her to see.

Just a request is not a problem for me because I am a person who gives honor to my wife. One day my secretary brought me good news that a girl needed money to go to school for $ 500. My secretary dared to confirm that she was a beautiful virgin, but I did not believe much because I was afraid she was a weaver who cheated money.

Although I did not believe it, I told my secretary to bring the girl to see me first. The girl is only 17 years old, her body is young and fresh because she is just a virgin, her face is clean and usable, and there is a medical certificate stating that she is a virgin.

The girl told me that her parents were poor, but she wanted to get a good education so that she could earn a living in the future.

The money that parents send from the district is not enough because living in the city requires a lot of spending. Just met and talked a little, I can know that she is a virgin and not a girl who likes to cheat on money.

In the past, the young women I went to bed with, of them jumped on the bandwagon and pretended to be virgins, but all their clothes were gone, even though she was only 16 or 17 years old. But this girl, just seeing the defense, I know is not like the original girl, as I said.

With the confirmation of the secretary and the doctor's certificate, I no longer doubt her virginity. Instead, I was stunned and wanted to taste her baby. I fantasize about drawing scenes that I have encountered in the past. Oops!

Everyone was convulsing and moaning like a pig in hot water when my long goddess was thrust into a narrow tunnel until there was blood mixed with the wet, wet mucus on her thighs. Oops!

Remembering this, my heart was pounding and full of hunger. $ 500 is not a problem for a civil servant who just has a signature and a lot of money flows in like me. I made an appointment for the little girl to go to a hotel at noon the next day.

Frankly, I prefer to ride girls during the day than at night, because it allows me to see the amazing view clearly to my eyes to make my passion even more intense.

When the secretary took the girl to the hotel where I was waiting in the room, I noticed that the girl was very scared because this was the first time she entered the hotel with a man and did not know.

What will happen next? So I had to use gentle psychology to comfort her and give her $ 500. Just seeing the money, she was very happy, but still scared. When I took her to sit on the bed, she hurriedly told me with a trembling gesture, "Gentle, I'm scared."

I replied, "I did not do too much, but I have to endure a little pain, then it is not easy." She continued: "It hurts a lot, I'm scared." When the pain is gone! Come and sit next to me! Look up and look up! "Well, that's fine."

Her hands tried to unbutton her shirt, trembling. I saw this, so I put my hand on her hand and helped unbutton her shirt one by one. Finally, her shirt was opened, revealing her white breasts, but there was still a bra covering another hill.

I hurriedly peeled off the bra again, her breasts also appeared in front of me unkempt and have red nipples that want to play. At this stage, the little girl breathes heavily, showing signs of fear and reluctance.

But I could not stand it anymore, so I hurried to look at her white breasts. The fragrance of the maiden made me even more excited. I licked my tongue around the nipples, rolling to the end and sucking the red end.

The little girl, Prey Sambor, Khnha, Peng, Cheung, and Minit, writhed with fear and sensuality, but also hid her eyes and did not dare to look at my gestures because of embarrassment.

Even so, her chest tightened and twisted. I stripped her naked body and licked her tongue everywhere, making her moan uncontrollably.

My tongue fluttered slowly down to her thin belly, which was now fluttering with the rhythm of her breathing. I need to use cold methods to make this little girl lose her fear so that she can feel happy in return.

The only way to make a small person feel hot in the fire of passion is to use my magic tongue to lick and play with the valley of lust. Every woman, when her tongue is licked at this important strategic point, must be scared, almost urinating. So I tore her legs open and pulled off her skirt.

The little girl started to shake when I took off my skirt because I was embarrassed and never seen such a shocking event. Seeing this, I bent down to kiss Chhmus Chhmul near her earlobe and whispered: "Do not move, you make me comfortable!

Finally, I took off her skirt, threw it to the corner of the bed, and tore her ankles wide open until the club was separated, revealing a red gem. Just seeing her secret immediately made my heart skip a beat.

Who can resist going to meet such fresh oysters. Behold, her flesh is like the grapes of a grapefruit in the middle of her thighs.

Oh my God, what a beautiful balloon! Koh Kam Tep is no different from a brown thorn, which is adorned with weeds that have just grown, not black like a widow's field or a woman's land that has been plowed dozens of times.

Her whole body was nowhere to be seen (swallowing saliva, remembering the girl I was secretly in love with).

And the longer the criticism, the more intense the fire of passion. But the little girl was terrified and begged for mercy from me.

"Please do not do me too hard, I'm scared, do not be too strong, you ... Do not .... Kam Tep and flip it up. I do it slowly and lightly, flipping it up skillfully.

The little girl's body now began to tremble, trembling, her hips swaying up and down, as well as biting her ears, and crooked mouth. When I saw this, I pushed my tongue deeper into her love cave and turned my tongue around the mouth of the well.

I do not care how the little girl is having convulsions, cramps, lifting her buttocks up and down, because now I only think of dancing my tongue often, smearing it, arousing the horror of my lovely, beautiful twists and turns.

Her voice moaned loudly, sucking on her mouth constantly, as if experiencing delicious food. This confirms that her passion has ignited to the top and full of natural desire, and even the mucus of her arousal flows out, touching my tongue has a sweet taste.

I know that she is in dire need of something right now, so I can not let her go hungry and full of desire and wait any longer. When she needs it, I have to give it to her, because I need her as much as I do.

There is no need to explain here for too long because having encountered such sweet baby food, I can not procrastinate any longer. I stripped off my pants, pulled out a long, long stick of art, and aimed it straight at her sex gate.

As soon as I pressed my hips and pushed the goddess into her wet and slippery cave, she immediately lost her mouth, screamed in pain, and tried to move like an eel on fire. She twitched and kicked her legs up and down, and I pushed harder and harder several times to push her hard muscles into her depths, sinking to the bottom.

But I took it out and it was very difficult because the meat on both sides of her club squeezed Ach Mak, I was cramped. I moved slowly, not too panicked, when the little girl was in pain when my big weapon pierced the hymen for the first time like this.

She slipped out of her voice from the beginning, unconscious, and this is my desire, I wish to taste the pure virgin.

I want to experience the horror, excitement and overcrowding of such a club. So when my goddess opened the way for easy access, I started to shuffle my hips and attack without hesitation.

I hit Angre into her narrow mortar hole happily. Now she does not seem to be in much pain and has accepted some comfort because she moaned loudly from the rhythm of my hit. Excited me and speeded up the smear until the water broke in her hole.

I soaked it for a while to cool down and then took out my weapon, with the red blood of the virgin attached to it. I am very happy because she is a real virgin.

I tried to play sex with her again, but she refused, saying that she was in so much pain that she could not bear it. I did not force her, and I got ready to take a shower and change my clothes.

Later, I tried to contact her to sleep again and thought of taking her as a mistress, but my secretary told me that she had moved to another rented house. I have a broken liver, I miss the delicious food too much.

Until now, I still miss her and I will never forget her taste of love and virginity. I wish her the best of luck, a successful graduation, and a glorious future.