

Story 007: Aphrodisiacs

When I was 23, I fell in love with a beautiful girl. She is a very lovely woman, tall, beautiful, with big eyes and even a broken cheek.

Many men are chasing her and I have been trying to contact her for almost a year until she agrees to go somewhere with me.

At this point, my friends were jealous and everyone mocked that my face did not smell her fingernails because she did not love me, but more pity.

They said, "If I can capture her, I'm proud of her.

At that time, I did not think much because I loved her with all my heart, but sometimes I used to take pictures of her when I needed to help myself.

Imagining too many times, I have a feeling I want to have something real with her once.

But to no avail, because she's very worried about her body, she really thinks about things together before marriage.

She says that doing this with her is something that does not honor her and I have no chance of achieving that goal, much more than just shaking hands.

Until one day I met a friend of one of the older brothers in the bar. I also took this to consult with him. He told me to leave it for a long time, it was not allowed

Be careful, they will eat it before it disappears. He then told me how he used to use aphrodisiacs.

The next day I went to get it at his house for $ 10. He told me how to use it, but I was afraid to use it because I was afraid it would not work and she knew she no longer loved me.

But I finally got a chance to use it until I heard that day, she told me that her parents went to work in Siem Reap for 5 days, so she had to stay home alone.

The first day I went to help her at home because I used to go in and out of her house freely, her parents also know that we love each other.

That day we talked from here to there until 7 pm, she drove me home and I agreed to go back, all hope.

When I got home, I slept and thought, what should I do? Use the medicine you bought at once!…

The next day, I put the medicine in a syringe, injected it into a can of orange juice that she likes to drink, and put it in the refrigerator. I plan to visit her later in the evening and ask her to go to the movies and send her home in the evening.

When I got to the cinema, I handed her a can of orange juice, but she did not drink immediately until she had watched almost half of the movie, and then she drank a little at a time.

At that time, I was really trembling in my heart, nervous, excited, watching things, not knowing what to do, and busy thinking about whether the medicine worked or not.

She sucked on the orange juice until I noticed that her condition did not change at all, but also felt that her hands began to heat up slightly. The medicine may be working, you know? I'm overjoyed in my heart.

Then I tried to put my hand on her thigh. She turned to look at me and said no! And also turned back. If like before, she must have twisted my hand and it's out of my hand, but now I think I understand!

This medicine really works.

Thinking like that, I put my hand on her thigh for a while, then tried to touch it, starting to move her hand up and down slightly and she did not say anything. At that time, my hair was hard and almost cracked out of my pants.

Emm… If you take her hand to touch and play, I do not know how comfortable you are, sir !!

After a while, the movie ended and we both came home. On the way home, I saw her face turn bright red. I also asked her if she was sick or not?

She also said no! And ask back, why did I ask that? I also said that I saw her red face and felt hot steam emanating from her body. She replied shortly, "Yes?" And was silent, but also noticed that her face was getting redder.

When I got home, it was almost 8 o'clock, but she told me to come and watch TV first! I went in to sit and watch, talk to each other, and slowly moved in to sit next to her. I miss in my heart because she did not run away like before… Suspicious like and look!

Funny… Then I tried to shake her hand again, she did not mind. I fell in love with her and hugged her once, she still does not say anything យ Wow! She is giving the green light!

At that time, I was really excited and tried to hug her in front, wanting my hand to touch her round breasts.

When my hand touched her dense mountain shoots, she bit my hand out but did not say anything. I tried to hug them again…

This time she did not take my hand away. I reached out and grabbed both of her breasts, she woke up slightly, took my hand out of my hand, I reached out to grab again…

This time she turned her face to me without delay, I quickly sucked her mouth and kissed her. Her cheeks and hands reached out and squeezed her breasts without fail.

The weight of my hand made her twitch a little and wake up. But after a while, she calmed down and I started to use the lessons I used to watch porn to practice with her.

My mouth thrust my tongue into her mouth sweetly, and one of my hands squeezed her breasts, the other reached into the skirt, touching Leo outside. Oooh…

At that time, I knew that she was soaking wet, and combined with Leo, who has a soft, smooth flesh, helped me to be very excited.

I rubbed my hands up and down the area for a while, and then a little later, using my middle finger to search for the bullet I saw and managed to squeeze and bite until she twisted back and forth accompanied by a moan.

Hearing her moaning helped to arouse me even more, so I tried to rub her nipples frantically until her water came out and soaked my hands.

Now my giant stick grows bigger and harder, I want to get sick because I really want to take her, so I use my middle finger to enter her cave. Oooh Her secret door is so tight! I dug my hands up and down until the cave was flooded with water.

When looking at her face, she saw that she closed her eyes and opened her mouth to moan softly. Now I feel very much want to take her to the top, just take her into her room and take off her clothes, while I am also naked.

Her flesh is white like snow in the middle of the open field, her breasts are crowded, and her ends are pinkish red, which makes her want to suck more than she can imagine. The hair on her mound grows like weeds that have just sprouted.

After that, a closed pink club with a little moisture on the grass because of the excitement I gave her earlier. Without delay, I began to kiss her on the forehead. Kiss, suck, lick and suck, and aim your cannon to enter the secret gate.

But no matter how hard I try, I do not go in because my penis is unusually large, and she is also a virgin.

I tried so hard, but she shouted that it hurt, so I took out the rosewood stick and tried a new way by slowly inserting the ring finger again, starting from one finger to two fingers, and the thumb helped to bite.

Rubbing her diamonds on her lips, kissing, sucking on her mouth, and rolling down frequently until she reached the entrance of the Heavenly Cave.

After that, I also used my tongue to lick and suck instead of my fingers, making her writhe in convulsions all over the bed, accompanied by the sound of moaning incessantly.

However, my mouth continued to bite me on her nipples, and reached out and squeezed her breasts with both hands until I could not bear to aim the cannon into her hole again.

This time, I pushed in slowly and moved my waist slightly until it was buried to the bottom.

Then I began to shuffle louder, accompanied by the sound of her moaning, gasping to say that scary, almost out of breath, until then, the mouth of her cave, clutching the body of my goddess and twitching made me know.

She was close to the goal and tried to shuffle harder and harder, hitting in and out more and more until she heard the sound of hip chess hitting each other, which helped to increase our irritability even more.

Suddenly, she screamed and slammed my back almost to the beat, making me try to chess her with all my might

!!! Very very very more more !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! 

I was so scared that blood rushed to my face and Amret sprayed water all over her belly and chest as I pulled it off to achieve my external goals. After that, we went to clean in the bathroom and came back to hug each other.

Hugging, hugging, hugging, my ass stiffened again, then began to play again in a sitting position, letting her be a rocker on her own.

This time she reached the destination twice, and we hugged until dawn, and that night I did not return home.

When it was light, I said I would play another dance, but she argued that it was impossible because the mouth of her cave was sore and swollen, so she did not go. But later on, we also find opportunities to steal things from each other many, many times.

This is my first love experience with my favorite girlfriend. Some people may feel bad for me for using this method on my girlfriend, but, I always love and take responsibility for her, and I still contact her.

On the other hand, I found out later that the medicine that my friend gave me was not an aphrodisiac that made me want to be with anyone, it was just a normal sexual stimulant.