
Collection of an immortal hunter

The story of an hunter death.

Sleepy_Eye · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

A strange sense of fellowship

As I was wandering aimlessly in the continent, I append to come across some interesting fellow discussing something that might resolve my problems. If my memory doesn't betray me, it starts like that:

As I was walking by a group of peasants in a remote village hidden in the core of some barren mountains. As those peasant where sweating blood and sweet to harvest the meager production of those infertile land. They seemed to have ceased their work as one of their kin seem to have collapsed.

As I came closer, one of those peasants seems to have perceived me, soon as he noticed me he froze in fear. It is to say, that I should be deemed responsible for this emaciated fellow being frightened to the point of loosing his ability to speak. As I was presently, I wasn't the most presentable person. During my time strolling around the country, I hadn't washed often and the blood and flesh of the previous monsters that I encountered in my seek for death were still drying on my shredded clothes. In addition the scarlet glow coming from the depth of my eyes wasn't the most reassuring thing.

After a few moments he finale managed to gather his strength. He tapped on the shoulder of his kinsman they turned and after a moment they finally started to talk.

"S-s-sir what are you seeking, in those lost valley"

"I was only walking by when saw this unfortunate fellow collapsed under the sun. I came here wondering if I could lend you my aid."

"Sir is to kind this servant shall be blessed if you could aid us to bring this fellow to the Doctor."

"En, I should transport him, lead the way."

As I seized the body of the collapsed man onto my shoulder, the other peasant separates and the who was talking started to walk on the road. As we continue the peasant mumbled under his breath.

"This time the Doctor might merely extract a piece of skin since this man is only exhausted by the work and the famine."

"May I inquire you about this Doctor?"

"Hoo. Excuse me sir I didn't introduce you the Doctor. The Doctor is the protector of this village. He was over here since before a man can remember, the grandfather of the grandfather of this servant was treated by him. Albeit his method is quite unorthodox, some may deem them as heresy, he his able to able to cure everything. Even if a man died not long ago he might leave long as he his incline to pay the price."

"What price are you talking about?"

"This Doctor isn't interested by money. He will only require a part of your body. Or the corpse of a person who died not long ago. Although the Doctor has lived longer than any of us, he is plagued by a terrible disease. His flesh is melting, leaving him in perpetual torment and forcing him to frequently replace part of his body."

"Is it possible to meet the Doctor?'

"Naturally this servant will present the Doctor to you."

"En, we should pursue the road seems to be long."

'This Doctor is strange, but he is the best shot I add since years to overcome my problem. And since he need corpse I will gladly allowed him mine.'

After an hour of walking we ultimately arrived, in a small settlement of nothing more than a dozen buildings.

"Sir the Doctor inhabit the spacious house on the center of the village."

As we arrived near the Doctor's house, we could smell a powerful odor of disinfectant.

However, that was barely covering a pungent smell of decomposition that was coming from the broad windows.

Once we arrived at the door the peasant knocked the door knocker. It was a marvelous door knocker with a black a white scaled serpent that was eating his ow tail.

Once the peasant knocked, we began to hear someone moving into the house. That person movement appeared slaw and if my hearing didn't deceive me he seemed to be using a cane to support himself.

A few minutes later the Door finally begun to open. The first thing was the pungent smell that considerably strengthen at the instant were the door opened. It was a smell of a smell of rot and death, that assail your throat and numb your nose.

The person who opened the door was a small person bent over a cane. The cane was made of ebony with two snakes, one black and one white, wrapped around the piece of ebony. At the top of the cane was a small figure with a tormented face, blood was dripping from his back where the two serpents had ripped off his flawless white feathered wings. Wings that were still lying in their mouth.

The person was in a far worse condition than the cane. He was concealed with bandages and most of them where soaked with a dark pungent goo. His every move seemed to inflict upon in countless suffering and his eyes contained.

"What are you here for?"

"Doctor we've come here to inquire your aid. This man collapsed under the sun while working into the field. And with the help of this traveler here we brought him back to you for a checkup."

"Fine, come in."

As we entered the house, he conducts us in a long corridor. On the right side of the corridor, there was a door leading to a study full of scrolls, hang all around the wall and covering every furniture.

Once we arrived at the door on the we entered a small lounge. Once we arranged the unconscious man in one of the sofas, the doctor went to the room at the back of the lounge. When he entered, I managed to take a glimpse at it's interior.

It was a clean room with white tile on all surfaces, in the center were two shiny metal beds, and there seemed to be a lot of tools tucked away in the back.

He came back with a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer. After performing some check and using some kind of magic to test the eyes of the collapsed man he came near us an said.

"He just overworked himself, let him rest for a few days and feed him well. And he must drink a lot of water, an I insist on the water part. Christian brings him back to his house."

"Thanks Doctor I will pass on your instruction to his wife. Sir I will take my leave."

He then struggle to take the collapsed man on his back and brought him outside the house.

"So. Sir how may I refer to you?"

"Since you made yourself known as Doctor, you can refer to me Hunter."

"Well Hunter how may I serve you?"

"I have been traveling all around the world to discover a cure to my, peculiar condition. And on the way here the fellow, ... , Christian. He told me you can cure everything and even bring back the dead from the underworld."

"It is partially accurate I can revive people who died recently under certain circumstance, but nothing more. But enlighten me what is this unique condition."

"See it yourself."

As I announced those word, I pulled back the hood from my cape. Under the cape albeit the crimson glow coming from my eyes, there was to small carmine horn that were coming from my front head.

"Ho you ate an ambroison and survived, you are quite a miserable fellow."

"What is an ambroison?"

"An ambroison is a small poly-morph that can be recognized by his two small carmine horns. It is rumored to grant immortality to the worthy but it reject those who want to live and grant eternity to those who want to die. What form did it have when you devoured it?"

"A poisonous frog."

"That's quite unfortunate indeed. So the ambroison explain the horns but from your Eyes, I can tell you have been cursed by a demon. You sure know how to accumulate problems. Who was it? And what does it do?"

"Lith Balvan, and I gain tremendous strength but I go berserk when my body is damage."

"Ha! Do we talk about the same old bastard?"

"Unfortunately yes"

"What do you want me to do? If it was from someone else, I might have been able to help with the curse but from him, I'm afraid that I would be powerless."

"To put it simple, I just want to end this nightmare. I lost everything because of this demon. His death won't bring me salvation, so my only way out is to kill myself but I am unable to do so."

"This might be problematic, you might no be knowledgeable about it but I myself have an immortality problem. Even if my immortality was the result of my work in the domain of medicine, the gods from eon ago didn't take it well. And thus cursed me to be tormented by an unending necrosis."

"This is ended annoying."

"Take this token. It will allow me to contact you when I achieve something that might aid you."

The token was a delightful piece of carved ebony on which we could see a wingless angel tied by two serpents.

"En. We will part here, I hope you will find something interesting soon."

"So do I."

As I was on the stoop of the house, I shifted and issued a last request.

"En passant do you encounter any monster problem around these land?"

"They're as been words about gluttons lurking around the villages in the north."

"Thanks, I bid you farewell Doctor."

On these words I left to the north.

Normal text is for description.

"is for dialog"

'is for thought'

This is just a part of the story that can be reconpoused with the other short story that might comme in the future.

Sleepy_Eyecreators' thoughts