
Cold Hearted Wife: Divorce me now!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ivy Crompton was a woman with a plan to exact revenge from those who caused her mother's untimely death. Hated by her family due to her actions to cover up her mission, she was the ghost of her family as the whole world was oblivious to her existence. Which served as a blessing disguised as a curse for her as she followed through her plan for years. But the only thing she did not plan for happened to her, Married off by her family for their own benefit, Ivy finds herself in a new predicament with a husband who has no feelings for her plus her little son whom she loves to death. After being forced by circumstances to leave the country three years ago with her son, Ivy is back now with more power and influence anyone can imagine as she starts to collect the debts that her so-called family owed her. **** "Huh...my father is forcing me with the power of his small company to behave? Let's just take over the entire company as it belonged to me nevertheless." "My trash of an ex-husband wants to fight me for my son's custody?.... Let him try I will see who has the power to force me anyway..'' Her husband who was listening to her from behind, "What are you saying, my wife? How can I fight for custody when the two of us are not even divorced..'' Ivy who erupted in anger after hearing him, "What wife? Whose wife! I sent you the signed divorce papers three years ago!'' A certain someone smirked, "Well, you see MY WIFE, in order to divorce I have to sign them which I did not so, you are still my wife!'' Follow Ivy as she navigates through her life with a very clingy husband and a very annoying family who just do not wish to leave her alone.

BelleFille · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs

The Party (2)

"So you mean to say that a girl you dated who by the way had no idea that you belonged to the famous Shaw family left you because you asked her about Ivy?"

A skeptical Oliver asked,

"Yes, that's what I mean!"

Jack said as he continued to cry.

Before Damon could reply, he heard his name being called.

Turning around, he saw his father standing with a few other heads of various companies calling him over to join them.

Sighing to himself he, along with Oliver, Jack and Roy walked over to join them and a larger group was formed.

After nodding his head as a greeting to everyone he knew, Damon turned his attention to the new face, which he failed to recognize.

Taking another glass of champagne from the waiter passing by, he took a sip before asking.

"And who could this gentleman be?"

Damon's father, Lucas Wood, showed Damon the biggest smile ever as he introduced him,

"This is mister Almund Bonnet, one of the partners of the Belmont's."

"The Belmont's?"

A curious Roy asked,

"Oh well, haha...."

Lucas Wood gave an awkward laugh as he tried to control the situation in fear that Almund Bonnet would misunderstand and be offended,

"Yes, the Belmont's. I am surprised that you have not heard that name, but then again, you are involved in the entertainment industry, so you may not know much about the most influential family in the entire history of mankind,

The Belmont are a very old family, they are said to exist since the time of King Arthur, and the Belmont was even a knight at his table.

They have deep connections with the Presidents of every major country, royal houses and dictators.

It is said that it is easier to offend the President of a country than to offend a Belmont.

They possess the power to kill you before you knew what you did wrong.

They are involved in every industry. Many people only treat them as a myth, but only the uppermost people of their field know that they exist and how dangerous they are.

Even the world largest private army is controlled by them.


Just one word escaped Roy's words as he stared at Almund Bonnet with his mouth hanging.

Just then another middle-aged man, Liam Clark, joined them with his daughter and wife making the group even larger.

Dressed in a green emerald gown that looked like it was made for the red carpet and not the party, Shelia Clark wrapped her arms around Damon's as she clung to him.

With love-filled eyes, she sweetly called out to him,


Meanwhile, Damon cringed as he heard his name across her lips, but before he could object to it, his mother also joined the group as she threatened Damon not to say or do anything to her future daughter in law with her eyes.

"Well, Mr Almund, it is such a pleasure to meet you. I have heard many things about you and It would be a pleasure to work with you.''

Shelia's father Liam said,

As everyone got busy fawning over Almund and showering him with praises, Damon's mother jabbed him in the arm as she warned him,

"You better not say anything to Shelia. She is your fiancee and to-be-wife, and I like her very much. She is such a kind girl that she was even ready to ignore the fact that you had a wife and son before... even when it was not yours."

Debra Wood said, mumbling the last part.

After which she took a deep breath as she tried to suppress the anger she felt at the mention of Ivy and James names, schooling her features she gave a beautiful smile to those who were looking at her as she once again warned Damon before leaving.

"Be nice to her."

As soon as she left, Roy looked at Damon as he questioned him.

"Have you not told your mother the truth that James is your son and Ivy never cheated on you?"

Damon just shook his head as he told his friends,

"I could never tell her. She would never believe me, for her Ivy is the culprit, and no matter what I say, it will not change.

To be honest, she never agreed to my marriage with Ivy. It was my father who wanted to make use of the Crompton name, pushed for it.

But in her heart, she never regarded and accepted Ivy as her daughter in law."

After finishing his sentence, Damon felt a pang of hurt in his heart as he remembered that how on that cursed day, he saw his mother smiling with glee when they all suspected James parentage.


I wonder where I heard the name Belmont before

Do you guys know?



On a much serious note guys, you all can really help me a great deal by just writing the review.

You guys write the review and I promise to have Ivy and Damon face to face soon.

Much Love,


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