
Cold Feet

Viola I'm in love with love and I love couples who are in love. They are my bread and butter after all but that's not why I love them. I love it so much that I became a wedding planner. Watching couples young and old committing their lives to each other is something that's just so special. I never get tired of seeing couples stare lovingly into each other's eyes as they plan, prepare and execute their wedding ceremony pledging their undying love to one another for the rest of their lives. I haven't got there yet myself but watching other couples keeps my dream of finding Mr. Right alive. But life doesn't always see things the way we do. It sure didn't see it my way when he crossed my path. Rick I don't believe in love. If it really exists why are there so many broken relationships and people in the world? Not that I care… about the broken relationships I mean. After all, they are my bread and butter. People lay the foundation for the demise of their marriage before they're married with prenups designed to protect their assets. Marriage gives couples the right to punish each other when they don't want to be together anymore for whatever reason. So, when anyone tells you that it starts with a wedding, they're wrong. It starts with a lawyer. And if it ends… well, it ends with a lawyer too. Funny that. Often the people that I work for before their wedding, come knocking on my door a few years down the line. Repeat business. So, love is great and it is for me but just not for me if you get what I mean. When I met the wedding planner she was incensed at the thought that we might collaborate. Other planners have no issue with it. Why she should have, I have no idea. Normally I would just walk away but the universe seems to have other plans…

Gratitude · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Chapter 38


After the phone call, I sit down. I’m stunned. I can’t believe it.

Amber looks at me. “Are you okay?”

“I can’t believe it,” I say. I’m in a daze.

“What is it? Are you okay?”

“That was Lara.”

“Your boss. The one who fired you?”

I nod.

“And?” Amber asks curiously. She’s getting stressed and thinks it’s something bad.

“She just asked me to come and work for her again,” I say at last.

“What?” Amber asks, incredulous. She’s never heard of someone being fired and then rehired by their boss so fast if ever. “What’s the catch?”

“None,” I say. “None at all,” I told Lara I’d think about it but what is there to think about? There are no other opportunities like this. I call her back.

“Okay, I’ll be more than happy to come back. I just have one request,” I say.

“What’s that?” Lara asks sounding worried.

“I’ll start after Rick’s wedding, okay?”

“I was hoping…” Lara begins and then trails off. “Sure. Okay. Done. I’ll see you on Monday.”