

It all started when 13 year old, Bailey Roman accidentally walked into one of her father's "business" meetings. Ever since then her life hasn't been the same. Upon being shocked, finding out her father was an assassin, she had to make a choice.... Be killed or become the killer. Bailey was forced to keep a low profile, even though she was the whole school's number one bullying victim. It has always been easy for her to keep her secret second life under wraps, but that was before her father got remarried and her new step-brother moved in. Between complicated relationships, work, family, and school will Bailey make out all in one piece? May be disturbing to some audiences! Viewer discretion is advised!!!!

ArianaTheoz · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter T.W.O

As soon as the lights were out, I made my way to the control room. The control room was located just to the right of the stage, which was right next to the VIP rooms, which happened to be right where my target was. On my burner, I had the specs of the layout of the building, which I had studied prior to coming here. I also had the list of employees which I clearly should have looked abut didn't. The burner phone also had a loud modified speaker, which would simulate the sound of gunshots. I also had the employee handbook that had all of the rules, regulations, and procedures such as the ones for a power shortage.

They were supposed to have two bouncers in the control room at all times, when they had an issue they were supposed to radio their boss, who happened to be Braxton, on their walkie-talkies. To get into the control center, you had to do a thumbprint and scan your ID. The agency had given me a flash drive to bypass all the clubs alarms but it was useless to me at the moment because of the power shortage. [Apparently, they like to spend their money on useless crap.] You would think that the club would have a backup battery or something, but I mean it makes it easier for me, so whatever. Sighing, I turned on my personal phone and set a timer for five minutes. Then I quickly ran to the control room, but quickly slowed to a walk when the door to the control room swung open, revealing one of the bouncers came out from the door.

"I'll be right back Grady. Everything's down!" He said while taking off down the dark hallway. I couldn't help but chuckle at the panic in their voices. [If only I could see their faces, once the guns go off!] The bouncer nearly ran into me as he rushed past, rolling my eyes I grabbed the door before it closed and slipped in.

"Hey! You can't be in here miss!" The bouncer yelled as he saw me.

"Oh *hiccup* I need to use *hiccup* the little girls room!" I squealed while stumbling towards him. Sighing, he started walking towards me.

"Ughh give me a sec Boss. Gotta drunk that needs to use the head." I inwardly chuckled at his choice of words before reaching behind my back to get my gun. When he got close enough, I drew my gun, and pistol-whipped him across the temple, rendering him unconscious. I dragged him into a corner of the room, then went over to the security camera and took out their Video feed data. Then I pulled out my burner phone and glanced at the file of the man I was about to kill.

Target: Buck Veryes

Age: 53

Sex: Male

Price: Eight Grand total 50% for The Agency

Level of danger: 3 out of 10

Wrongdoing: Not listed

I rolled my eyes at the not listed. [The least you can do is let me know why you want a bullet through his skull.] I always spent the time to look at why they had a price on their head, not because I cared if they were innocent, I just wanted to know whether to kill them quickly, or if I could have some fun with them, before the final bullet pierced their head. I didn't have to dig deep to find out who Veryes was because my dad came up behind me and recognized him immediately, turns out that he was wanted by the police, for the rape and murder of ten children under the age of fourteen. The agency had been keeping an eye on him as he moved from place to place, and apparently, they decided they were ready for me to off him.

Once I was done checking my phone, I set out to find VIP room #3 and kill Buck. Slipping out of the control room, I ran down the hall squinting to find the correct room. Once I found it, I entered quickly but quietly, they fortunately had found some candles and had lit them around the room. The candles were bright enough that I could clearly make out everyone in the room (which happened to be just Buck).

"Hey there Mister! You ready for the show of your life?" I said as I walked further into the room. Buck started to nod his head up and down, like a child at a candy shop, as I approached. The room was empty except for a pole, a couple chairs, and a few props. Smirking I pulled a rope from my wallet and went up behind him.

"Ready?" I bent down and breathed in his ear, once again he was nodding his head excitedly at me.

"Okay close your eyes." I said while rolling my own. As soon as he did, I brought my hands around his neck and pulled the rope taunt, leaving no slack in it. Then I laid it down gently on his chest then loosely wrapped it in a circle around his neck then pulled, hard. The chair started to tip, but I shot my foot up, and pushed it against the back of the chair, preventing it from falling back and from him hitting me. He gasped and started pulling at the rope, when he could not move the rope, he began trying to claw around behind him, to hopefully grab me and fend me off. Good thing I stepped back! After about thirty seconds I let go, as I did he fell down clutching his throat and gasping for air. Then I pulled out my gun and walked around, then pointed it at his head, and cocked it.

"H-h-help!" He tried to yell but it came out as a mere whisper.

"No one is going to help you Buck, just like no one helped those little boys and girls." I said with a sadistic grin, as I circled around him. I pulled out the suppressor I had in my purse and attached it to the end of my gun, then,


The gunshot wound to his leg brought back his voice as if it had never left.

"No no st-stop please I-I'll do anything! Stooop." He whined.

"Now Buck what could I possibly want that you could give me?"

"Umm I-I-I have, I have. Oh yeah I have, I-I-I-I hav-" [That's what I thought.] Shaking my head, I pointed my gun at his shoulder, and shot.


The gunshot rang throughout the room, as did a blood-curdling scream. Well I guess we are about to find out just how thin these walls are! Just as I thought that the door to the room swung open and a concerned looking stripper came in, she told one look at Veryes, and ran out of the room screaming,


"Oops, looks like id better hurry." Buck started shaking his head frantically.

"No no please! I will do anything! I'll stop, I won't even touch the boy I have at my house! I will let him go, I-I promise," Buck pleaded.

"Okay tell me where he is, I will still kill you, but I just won't draw it out." I countered.

"What! No! I will bring you to my house and if he isn't there, you can kill me. And when you see that he is there, you have to let me go. You gotta not kill me after I give him to you though." I rolled my eyes. [Yeah right!]

"See you in Hell," I muttered as I sent the final bullet flying into his skull. Bending down I put two fingers on the side of his neck to make sure he had no pulse, sure enough he didn't. Pulling out my personal phone, I snapped a picture of his dead body and sent the image to the number, that I had memorized for The Agency, as soon as it sent the image automatically deleted. It was another benefit of working for The Agency, the feature only worked for a few people though, but it was still cool. Next I pulled out my burner phone and played the gunshots sounds aloud, it actually sounded very real. Before I put the burner down, I wiped it off and set it to self-destruct in exactly one two minutes. I was really going to suck for them, if someone happened picked up the phone as it was about to melt, but that was their problem not mine. I would have taken the GPS tracker out of it but The Agency had already done that for me in case someone managed to get it before it could self- destruct. Once I was done wiping it down, I set the phone down then began changing my appearance. I had on a flowy black dress and had no make -up on other than a little bit of masagara.

For my new get up, I took off my dress revealing a red leather bra with a red leather mini-skirt. I pulled out my purse and grabbed some bright red lipstick that I had and put it on quickly and smeared some black eye shadow on using my finger. I straight up looked like a slut, I mean I pretty much am but whatever. Reaching back into my purse (which was pretty much a wallet) I pulled out a couple of giant rings and slid them onto my fingers. Then I ripped the wig off my head and left my natural black hair down leaving it exposed, although it was a lot longer because of all the extensions I had in my hair. Next I pulled out a thin red tote bag that I had tucked in my shoe and shoved my dress and wig into it as well as my purse, then I removed the heel part of my shoe, threw my gun back into the holster and walked out the door.

[Now this is the fun part!] Then I took off running, and screaming,

"Gun" as I ducked down covering my head as if I was being shot at. Inside the main part of the club, people were running out of every exit while some people had jumped behind the bar and were stacking bottles of liquor in their arms and purses then ran out of the exits as well. You could just now hear the police sirens as they approached the club. Still screaming and ducking, I quickly ran out of the club. There were a few people, mostly bouncers, ushering people out of the building, while some were just waiting around and screaming for their loved ones to hurry up and come out. Some people were hopping in their vehicles and driving away while others where just hiding behind any random cars and watching. [What a bunch of idiots!] A few police cars had just arrived and were hopping out of their cars and heading inside, towards the gunshots, with their guns drawn. I just got in my car and drove off, and just like that I was never there.