
Did you sleep with the wrong person

Tang Aining get up from bed in a daze the luxurious sheet were not the usual ones that she has washed until they aged the light above her head was not the one in her tiny room.Her body ached badly as if I has being torn by something.when she lifted her wrist , the purple -green mark was obvious to the eyes

_That was a dream right_

she covered her mouth to stop herself from

making any noise and lifted the blanket.when she saw herself almost completely naked ,she let out a scream

Tang Aining's astute eyes rolled along the bottom of her eyelid twice.she decisively removed the blanket and get out of bed.After gathering her messy clothes ,she carelessly put them on and prepared to leave without looking bad

suddenly someone grabbed her hand

Ah ....Ah.....Ah let's go of me it's hurt .Tang Aining struggled with her head

The man large hands was pulling her hands and he yanked her back to the bed

what did you want...said by mr.Mo