
Chapter 6

Arise O Compatriots

Nigeria’s call obey

To serve our father land

With love and strength and faith

The sound of students singing the National Anthem filled the school grounds. I quickly rushed down from my car and ran to join them at the assembly.

I’m late…. again. I just hope I don’t get punished, or worse, flogged.

In most Nigerian schools (if not all), assemblies are held in the school compound/ quadrangle every morning before classes start.

It consists of various but brief events such as; prayers, bible readings, National Anthem, school anthem, any important announcement then students march back to their respective classrooms in an orderly manner.

All students assemble on the quadrangle and form lines according to their classes in an ascending order (from kindergarten to the 12th grade). Each class has two separate lines for boys and girls each where they will line up according to their heights. The shortest in front to the tallest at the back.

I joined my class line. I’m about 5’4 so I was placed at the middle.

After all the announcements were made, we filed back to our classes in a methodical manner from the school grounds to the staircase till you get to your class.

Usually, after assembly, students chit chat with their friends as they climb up the stairs, talking and laughing, trying to get the latest gist before entering class. The staircase was always filled with conversations and gossips being spilled in a hurry among friend groups.

I, on the other hand, have no one to talk to so I took slow steps up the stairs with my hands in my blazer pockets, my backpack on my shoulder and my head in the clouds. My mind drifted back to the mission I was given yesterday.

Can I really face Alvin? Can I really face the man who murdered my father? Why me? Why couldn’t they take someone with more experience? What if I fail? Or worse. What if I get killed? My mother would be so devastated.

Alvin’s picture was stuck in my head. He’s a cold-hearted killer. He takes down the biggest and toughest people in espionage. Surely, he won’t think twice before taking down a kid like me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I lost my footing and tripped on the staircase. Laughter erupted from behind me.

“Geek” Ben mocked me as he passed

A wave of embarrassment washed over me. I can’t seem to do anything else. I’m so clumsy. I can barely survive high school; how can I survive such a mission like this?

“Are you alright?” a soft voice spoke followed by a warm touch on my back


I looked up and immediately got lost in his brown eyes


I was tongue tied.

“You sure English is your first language?” he teased

I chuckled

I struggled to pick up my backpack due to more students passing and they wouldn’t wait for me. Justin took it up for me

“Here, let me” he offered

“Its fine. I got it”

“I insist”

He helped me up as well. We continued our walk to the classroom’

“You weren’t in school yesterday” he stated

He noticed?

“Yeah. I wasn’t feeling too well” I lied


When we got to the class, he walked me to my seat and dropped my bag for me

“Thank you” I said to him

“No problem”

He smiled charmingly. I couldn’t help but blush. Maya and her goons watched us intently from their seats.

“Can you do me a favour?” he spoke


“I was wondering if you could give me your number so you can send me notes that I’ve missed”

I blinked. He wants my number?

Calm down Ada. He only wants it for school purposes. Don’t flatter yourself.


I took a piece of paper and a pen from my bag. I wrote down my number and handed it over to him.


My curiosity got the best of me. I couldn’t help but ask

“Why me?” I blurted

“Excuse me?”

“Uh…you could have asked someone else”

“Hell no” he chuckled “These guys are weird. Don’t even get me started with the girls. There’s no one I can really relate to except you”

I laughed. He’s cute, that’s why the girls are giving him a hard time.

“We have a free period after this” Justin said “Wanna hang at the library? I have a lot of notes to copy and I need company” he sang the words to sound persuading

How can I say no to those dazzling brown eyes and that heart-warming smile?


He smiled in content, showcasing a pair of dimples.

Oh Lord. Curly brown hair. Brown eyes. Pink lips. Dimples! Save me!

A teacher walked in

“Later then” he told me before leaving for his seat across the room.

I sat down and brought out my Biology notes.

“Hmm, Ada you’re popping, you know?” Adesua, the girl sitting behind me, said

I was beyond confused


“Oh nothing. Just that the new boy likes you”

I rolled my eyes. Girls are always looking for something to talk about.

“Even yesterday he kept asking of you” she continued, despite my ignorance “He’s really cute. Maya likes him”

“What do you want me to do with this information?” I snapped

“Nothing. I’m just speaking my mind”

“Mtchewww” I hissed


I hummed as I helped Justin to copy a note. I had nothing to do during the free period which made me decide to help him out.

We were in the library sitting opposite each other.

“I go to seek a Great perhaps” Justin looked at me

I raised my eyebrows in confusion


“I go to seek a Great perhaps” he repeated

Where have I heard that line before? I tapped my chin in thought then I suddenly remembered. I snapped my fingers in recognition.

“Looking for Alaska?”

He grinned


I squealed in excitement

“I love that book”

“Shh!” the librarian hushed from the other side of the room. I could see her eyes throwing daggers at me behind her glasses.

“I love that book” I whispered

“Me too. How on earth do I get out of this labyrinth?” he quoted “What do you think he meant by all of that?”

I shrugged

“He was hurt by Alaska’s death. It’s sad that she had to die though. I shipped them”

I took a peek at his corner

“Is that what you’re reading?’” I asked him

“yeah” he raised the book up so I could see the cover “This is my third time reading it”

“Ha! I’ve read it five times”


“Deadass” I confirmed


I continued copying his notes. As I worked, I noticed that he kept staring at me.


He smiled

“You’re not like the other girls in class, you know?”

“I’m not?”


“Oh really? How would you know? You just met me two days ago”

“I know. We vibed from the first day we talked. You’re smart and not as shallow as the rest of them”

You’re smart and not as shallow as the rest of them

You’re smart and not as shallow as the rest of them

I had to face down in order to hide my blush. No one has ever said such sweet things to me before. Hell, no one even bothers to talk to me. Yet, this gorgeous guy that I just met thinks I’m smart and suddenly wants to be close to me. I find it very hard to believe.

“I-i-i-I I don’t know what to say” I said

“Just say you won’t change. You have a positive spirit. It’s rare”


I copied the notes even faster than before in an attempt to distract myself. Why am I so affected? They’re just words.

Yeah, but they mean something

“He just met you, you know. He’s close to you because he doesn’t know anyone else. When he starts hanging out with the cool kids, you’ll be history” my sub conscious reminded me

I sighed internally. She’s right.

The library door opened, revealing Maya and her two sidekicks. I was beyond shocked when I saw her. Maya never comes to the library. Never! She HATES reading. Even when we have ‘library’ in our timetable in junior secondary school, she would go and hide in the restroom or cafeteria till the period was over.

My mind instantly clicked. It’s because of Justin. My assumptions were right because I saw her look in our direction then she whispered to her friends. Nnena and Laura went to the other side of the library while Maya walked over to us.

“Hey guys” she said but her eyes rested on Justin. A fake smile was plastered on her face.

“Hi” I murmured.

“Hey” Justin answered

She looked at the notes I was copying

“You never told me you needed someone to help you copy notes” she said to him “let me help you”

“Ada’s got it covered. Thanks”

She frowned.

Maya hates rejection. She isn’t used to it especially from boys. I mean, which boy could resist such a beautiful rich girl in a mini skirt coupled with her popularity status in school. Boys literally worshipped the ground she walks on.

“You sure?” she asked


“Well, I came here to read. Let me know if you need anything”

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Shh!!!!” the librarian hushed. “One more noise from you and I’ll send you out”

“Sorry ma” I apologized to her

Maya? Read? Please, those two words can never be used in the same sentence. Everyone knows she’s been an airhead right from JSS1.

“What is it?” she questioned me “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing” I chuckled lightly “Nothing””

She rolled her eyes

“see you later Justin”


She eyed me before walking away.

“You’re hot cake o” I said to Justin “Maya never comes to the library. She came here because of you”

“Ha!” He laughed as he flipped over to the next page of his book “She’s on her own”


After school that day, Justin and I walked downstairs, deep in conversation. The corridors were filled with the chatters of students, happy that school is finally over for the day.

“I’m telling you fam, One Wonder will put you in your feelings”

“Billie Ellish practically makes songs for the depressed. How can you make such a comparison?”

I took a long sip of my Berry Blast drink that I was holding. Justin shook his head.

We finally reached the school quadrangle. We stood there and continued talking. I secretly prayed that my driver would come late so that I could stay with him longer. Justin and I had a lot of things in common from books to hobbies to music and lifestyle. We just vibe naturally. There’s always something to talk about.

“What do you think about Taylor Swift?” I asked him

“Do I look like I wear G string panties?’

I laughed, almost choking on my drink

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Why would I listen to Taylor? I’m straight as hell. She sings music for girls who are going to end up alone with 99 cats”

“She’s my favourite”

Justin made a puking face

“I’ll pass”

My earphone vibrated

“I’m here” my driver spoke

I checked the parking lot and saw my mom’s black range rover. I badly wanted to stomp my foot in annoyance. What a buzzkill.

“My driver’s here” I groaned

I guess Justin felt the same way I did because he pouted his lips.

“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Hopefully. That’s if The Conversion doesn’t have other plans for me.


“I’ll text you”

“Sure. Remind me to send you the notes so I don’t forget”

He moved closer to me. I became confused. Um…what’s he doing?

“What if that was just an excuse to get your number?” he said

He wouldn’t.

“Was it?’

He grinned mischievously.

“What if it was?”

“But you’re far behind…”

“What makes you think I didn’t copy all my notes yesterday?’

I gasped. I cannot believe this guy”

“What?!!” I shrieked

“Well, it’s not every day I see a pretty girl who likes Stephen King so… you can’t really blame me”

Pretty? Justin thinks I’m pretty? My inner goddess squealed in delight

The range rover honked loudly to get my attention.

“Gotta go” I mumbled


I waved to him then left. I bit my lip and smiled as I thought about what just happened. Is he attracted to me like I am to him? That’s crazy.

As I made my way to my car, I noticed a vehicle that was new to the school grounds. It’s a white Toyota Camry and the glasses were tinted. No one in this school uses a car like this.

Spy rule #4: Always take constant note of your surroundings, including the tiniest details. By doing this, you can tell when something is out of place”

As a spy, I was trained to intensely observe my surroundings in order to enable me to pick out the things that didn’t belong in a particular environment. The littlest details might matter in the future, just like this one. We were taught this because we are constantly surrounded by threats.

I quickly memorized the license plate numbers.

I entered the backseat of my car as quickly as I could.

“Good afternoon Mr Ade” I greeted my driver

Mr Ade is an elderly man, probably in his fifties who has been driving me for as long as I can remember. He vowed to stay with us till he retires due to the closeness between him and my father. He’s also trustworthy, hence, the reason why we can’t just take anyone else.

“Good afternoon dear. How was school?”

“Fine sir. I think a suspicious car is here”

“Which one?”

“The white Camry”

He checked it out in his rear view mirror.

“Should we take a fake route to test it out?”

“Yes please”

“Alright. Thanks for observing”

He pulled out of the school gates and onto the main road. I stylishly checked the back window, making sure my head wouldn’t be seen by the driver. As expected, the car followed us but at a respectful distance

“It’s following us” I informed Mr Ade


We made a right; it made a right as well.

We made a left, it made a left as well.

Even when we entered a road that led to a market place, it followed us there

“Go to a dead end” I told him “We can block him and confront”

“Isn’t that too risky? What if they’re armed?”

“Alright. We won’t confront them but at least we will know”


As instructed, Mr Ade pulled us into a lonely alley to see if it would follow but the car veered to the left and into the highway.