
Oneshot: Code of Love

Code of Love



I read these numbers carefully

'what is this?' my forehead crumbled trying to figure what these numbers are

I've been receiving this kind of stuff since last week, I wonder what is it?

the next day I received strange numerous numbers again





'ugh this is frustrating, it's still useless, I don't even know what this means'

the numbers of sent letters increased, and everytime I opened it, it's just random odd numbers

"3066606608 604440777707777 6033 666055020999 ?"


9990666088, 2208808 44406 20333077702044403 80666 803305550555 44408 80666 9990666088"

"44406 77708866066044406604 66608808 6660333 804440633"

"44406 30999044406604"

"444 3044403 66066608 330888033066 4066608 8044033

2204402066222033 80666 222066606603330330777707777 60999 333033033055504440660407777 33306660777 9990666088"

"44405550555 902044408 33306660777 9990666088 666066 8044033 6660844330777 7777044403033"



It's vain to send these kinds of odd letters to me, I don't understand what it means, everyday the mail man would knock and give me these strange letters, could it be my admirer?

Today is the operation of my childhood friend Zecha, she has a heart disease, I hope her operation will be a total success


but unfortunately, she's gone now, the doctors failed to save her life, again the mail man knocked on my door and handed the letter to me

the only ronanized words are

' this will be my last letter ' and the rest are just odd numbers

"55020444 9990666088 44403066608 ! 444 5506603309 9990666088 9066608805550306608 8806603033077707777080206603 804404447777 55503308080330777, 99906660880777033 2 8066608020555 444030444066608 77770444066222033 407770203033 77770222044066606660555


9990666088 55020444, 7055503307777033 3066606608 333066607770403308 6033, 444 9044405550555 20555092099907777 555066608880330

9990666088 333066607770330888033777.


I don't know what's the meaning of this letters so I pay no attention to it, however I kept it inside the box as a remembrance.


'Haha grandpa you're truly are an idiot'

my grandson laughed at me as I finished telling him how I received this odd letters from my younger days

'its called Vanity Code, grandpa search it on Google hahahaha'

he added then continued laughing as if he understands these letters


'its certainly is a Code and it's called Vanity Code, the sender must've been a genius'

I decoded all the letters that have been sent to me

I've finished decoding it, it says

" I love you "

" I like you, I love you "

" don't miss me okay? "

" I love you, but I'm afraid to tell it to you "

" I'm running out of time "

" I'm dying "

" I did not even got the chance to

confess my feelings for you "

" I'll wait for you on the other side "

" goodbye "

the last letter says...

" Kai you idiot! I knew you wouldn't understand my letters, you're a total idiot since grade school

I love you Kai, please don't forget me, I will always love you forever

Zecha "

As I read this decoded letters I can't help but to feel melancholy, these letters are from Zecha my childhood friend who passed away years ago, it's too late, I really am a dumbass idiot, if I only realized sooner what these letters mean maybe I'll be able to make her happy till she breathed her last.
