
Code Geass: New Life

Ilovecorn3000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The Island

Lucas stood on the newly captured island in the Indian Ocean, taking in the surroundings. The breeze carried a sense of tranquility as he admired the potential of this strategic location. Shiroe, known for his strategic expertise, approached Lucas with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Lucas, I must admit, I'm a bit worried about the possibility of militant forces trying to retake this island. We need a solid defense plan," Shiroe stated, his voice laced with caution.

Lucas turned to face Shiroe, his confident demeanor unwavering. "Shiroe, my friend, I understand your concerns. However, you needn't worry. This island was previously held by a private military organization, and I happen to have some special connections with the Indian authorities."

Shiroe's eyes widened in surprise. "You have connections with the Indian authorities? That's quite impressive, Lucas. So, you're saying we can count on their support in securing this island?"

Lucas nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, Shiroe. With my connections, we can establish a cooperative relationship with the Indian authorities. They have a vested interest in maintaining stability in this region. We'll have access to resources, intelligence, and even assistance if needed."

Shiroe's expression relaxed, a sense of relief washing over him. "That's reassuring to hear, Lucas. With the support of the Indian authorities, we can focus on rebuilding and fortifying this island to withstand any potential threats."

Lucas clasped Shiroe's shoulder, a firm grip filled with confidence. "Exactly, my friend. We have the opportunity to transform this island into our stronghold, a base of operations that will become an impregnable fortress. We will rebuild it, fortify its defenses, and create a haven for our cause."

Shiroe nodded, a spark of determination gleaming in his eyes. "I'm ready to take on the challenge, Lucas. With your leadership and the backing of the Indian authorities, we can turn this island into an impenetrable sanctuary."

Lucas chuckled, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "That's the spirit, Shiroe! Together, we'll shape this island into a formidable bastion. We'll construct watchtowers, reinforce the perimeter, and train our troops to be a well-coordinated force. This will be our stronghold, a symbol of our strength and resilience."

As Lucas and Shiroe discussed their plans, the island buzzed with activity. The sound of hammers, the clamor of construction, and the voices of their comrades filled the air. With each passing day, the island transformed, its ruins replaced by structures designed for defense and functionality.

Over time, the island began to take shape, a testament to their unwavering determination. Lucas and Shiroe walked through the bustling construction sites, observing the progress and engaging in conversations with their fellow comrades.

"Shiroe, I have to say, your strategic insight has been invaluable in this endeavor," Lucas praised, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Shiroe smiled humbly. "Thank you, Lucas. But it's your leadership and vision that has inspired us all. We're building something extraordinary here."

Lucas nodded, his gaze sweeping over the construction site. "Indeed, Shiroe. This island will serve as a beacon of hope, a testament to our unity and resilience. Together, we'll create a stronghold that will not only protect us but also inspire others to stand against tyranny."

With their shared vision and the support of the Indian authorities, Lucas and Shiroe led their comrades in the arduous task of rebuilding the island. It was a labor of determination, a testament to their

unwavering commitment to their cause. And as the island rose from the ashes, its newfound strength echoed the indomitable spirit of Lucas and his allies.

"The new name of this island is "New Horizon," my own personal paradise."

"All that remains now is my personal Army of Knightmares and my own Knightmare." Jacob has relocated our headquarters here, and I'd like to thank Rakshata for her assistance in building this space, as well as her future assistance in creating my Knightmares."


New Horizon, an extraordinary island of immense proportions, possessed futuristic militant capabilities that surpassed any other stronghold known to mankind. Stretching across an expanse as vast as the city of Tokyo, this colossal island was a technological marvel.

At the heart of New Horizon's operations was the highly advanced AI known as J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System). J.A.R.V.I.S. acted as the central intelligence, overseeing every aspect of the island's functions and operations. Its advanced algorithms allowed for seamless coordination and precise execution of commands, ensuring optimal efficiency.

One of the most awe-inspiring features of New Horizon was its ability to move and float above the surface of the water. Through advanced propulsion systems and innovative technologies, the island could defy gravity and travel across the oceans with unparalleled ease. This extraordinary capability bestowed New Horizon with a significant advantage in terms of mobility and strategic positioning.

Equally impressive were the colossal-scale weapons integrated into the island's structure. These weapons were a testament to the immense technological advancements achieved by the island's engineers and scientists. Capable of delivering devastating blows, they possessed the power to obliterate entire nations. The destructive potential of these weapons struck fear into the hearts of any who dared to challenge New Horizon's might.

To ensure efficient management and effective defense, New Horizon was divided into five distinct regions, each overseen by a dedicated commander. These commanders, carefully selected by Lucas for their expertise and strategic prowess, were responsible for the security and operations of their respective sectors. They worked in tandem with J.A.R.V.I.S. to ensure a cohesive defense strategy and maintain constant vigilance against potential threats.

At the heart of the island, Lucas commanded the central region. As the visionary leader of New Horizon, he oversaw the island's overall operations and strategic planning. Lucas worked hand in hand with J.A.R.V.I.S. within the central command center, where they monitored the island's vital functions, analyzed data, and made critical decisions to protect and advance their cause.

New Horizon's futuristic militant capabilities, combined with its immense size and ability to float and move, made it an awe-inspiring force on the global stage. It represented the pinnacle of technological innovation and military power, capable of reshaping the balance of power in the world. As Lucas and his four commanders led their forces, they harnessed the island's capabilities to establish an unassailable stronghold, ready to defend their ideals and reshape the course of history.




The winner is Cornelia. Sorry CC fans but looks like she still belongs to Lelouch.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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