
Code Geass: New Life

Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs


As Lucas, Lelouch, Rivalz, Milly, Shirley, and Nina gathered in the student council room, their attention waned during a particularly dull discussion. The droning voice of the teacher seemed to blend with the monotony of the room, causing both Lucas and Lelouch to drift off into a shared slumber.

Unbeknownst to them, Milly, ever the mischievous one, seized the opportunity to add a touch of amusement to the situation. She quietly rummaged through her desk, searching for a makeshift wake-up tool. Finally, her eyes landed on a rolled-up paper. With a sly grin, she carefully approached the dozing duo.

With expert precision, Milly tapped the rolled paper on both Lucas and Lelouch's heads, producing a sound loud enough to jolt them awake. Lucas blinked in confusion, rubbing his forehead, while Lelouch's eyes shot open, momentarily disoriented.

"What just happened?" Lucas asked, his voice groggy as he glanced around the room.

Lelouch, still shaking off the remnants of sleep, gazed at Milly with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. "Milly, was that really necessary?"

Milly burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement. "Come on, boys! It was just a little wake-up call. You both were starting to look like a couple of snoring statues."

Rivalz joined in, chuckling at the sight of his drowsy friends. "Yeah, guys, I thought you were auditioning for the Sleeping Beauty remake. Maybe we can get you some tiaras and a prince's kiss."

Lucas shook his head, trying to regain his composure. "Alright, alright, point taken. No more dozing off in important meetings. Lesson learned."

As the laughter subsided, the conversation shifted to a different topic. Milly turned to Shirley with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Shirley, I must say, you have a remarkably well-balanced body structure. Your posture is impeccable," Milly remarked, giving Shirley a playful wink.

Shirley blushed at the unexpected compliment, slightly taken aback. "Um, thank you, Milly. I guess I never really thought about it."

Lelouch, always quick to chime in, couldn't resist teasing Milly. "Milly, you have quite the eye for body structure. Should we be concerned?"

Milly shot him a playful glare. "Oh, Lelouch, don't be ridiculous. I appreciate good posture when I see it. It's a sign of elegance and grace."

Shirley's embarrassment grew, and she jokingly scolded Milly. "Milly, you're such a pervert! Complimenting my body structure like that."

The room erupted into laughter once again, with Lucas and Rivalz joining in the banter. The lighthearted atmosphere washed away the previous dullness, infusing the student council room with renewed energy.

Nina, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally interjected. "Well, I must say, Milly, your sense of humor is truly unique."

Milly beamed, delighted to receive praise for her mischievous antics. "Thank you, Nina! Life is too short to be serious all the time. We need a little laughter to brighten up our days."

As the afternoon carried on, the student council room became a hub of laughter, witty remarks, and playful camaraderie. They soon discovered that even amidst the responsibilities and challenges they faced, humor could serve as a powerful tool to bring people together and make even the most mundane moments enjoyable.

And so, with their spirits lifted

and their bond strengthened, the student council carried on, ready to face whatever hilarity or adventure awaited them in their daily lives at Ashford Academy.


As they came out of the room their attention turned to a Tv nearby showing the news about the incident in Shinjuku.

"Strange! Why are they hiding that information? Are they keeping the news about the death of Clovis a secret to stop the confusion from spreading?"Lelouch thought.

"Lucas..., Huh! He was right beside me. Where did he go?"


"Lelouch should have Met Kallen by now That aside I should assist him in rescuing Suzaku," Lucas said as he gets into his car.


On the platform of Execution.

As everyone was running away from the poison gas Zero felt a lot of air pressure on top of him.

"Get in are you waiting for someone to carry you like a princess?"

It was Horizon's(Lucas's) Voice. As they look up they see something becoming Visible. The Quinjet.

Zero along with Kallen and Suzaku Jump on top of it.

"Whew, that was close! If Jeremiah was not stopping them we would be in a pretty bad shape." Horizon

"Hmm! When you said, leave the extraction to me, I didn't expect you to come on a jet that can become invisible. Who are you really?" Zero.

"Well, that's for later. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride".


As Zero walked away from the failed encounter with Suzaku, Lucas, known as Horizon, trailed behind him, a determined expression on his face. Catching up to Zero, he gently placed a hand on his shoulder, causing Zero to turn and face him.

"Zero, we need to talk," Lucas said, his voice filled with seriousness. "I understand your intentions, but we cannot afford to underestimate the threat that Suzaku poses. If he becomes a danger to our cause in the future, I won't hesitate to eliminate him."

Zero's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with defiance. "Horizon, I appreciate your loyalty, but I cannot condone taking someone's life without just cause. We must find another way to deal with Suzaku if it comes to that."

Lucas sighed, his gaze unwavering. "Zero, I understand your idealism, but we're facing an enemy who won't hesitate to crush us. We must make tough decisions to protect those we care about."

Zero's expression softened, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and concern. "I know you're just looking out for the cause, Horizon, but we can't afford to become the very monsters we're fighting against. We must find a way to change their hearts, to show them a different path."

Lucas nodded, his tone measured. "I hear you, Zero, and I respect your unwavering belief in our ability to change the world. But we must be prepared for all eventualities. Suzaku is a formidable opponent, and we cannot ignore the risks he poses."

Zero's gaze shifted to the distance, his mind deep in thought. "I won't deny that Suzaku is a threat, Horizon, but we must exhaust every possibility before resorting to extreme measures. We have to keep fighting for a world where no one has to sacrifice their lives needlessly."

Lucas studied Zero's determined expression, understanding the weight of his words. "Very well, Zero. I will trust in your judgment, for now. But remember, I am here to protect you and the cause. We must find a way to handle Suzaku without compromising our values."

Zero nodded, a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes. "Thank you, Horizon. I know we may not always see eye to eye, but I value your dedication and unwavering resolve. Together, we will navigate this treacherous path and create a better world."

Lucas offered a small smile, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "Indeed, Zero. We may have different approaches, but our ultimate goal remains the same. Let's continue fighting for a future where justice prevails."

With their exchange concluded, Zero and Lucas resumed their journey, their resolve strengthened by the bond of trust and the shared determination to change the world. It was a delicate balance, navigating the line between justice and sacrifice, but they remained united in their quest for a brighter tomorrow.
