
Code Geass: New Life

Ilovecorn3000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Let's Get Started

As Lelouch, Lucas, and Rivalz made their way to the nearby club, anticipation filled the air. Lucas, however, had decided to deviate from the expected course of events. While his friends engaged in another intense chess match, he quietly excused himself, determined to play a different role in the unfolding story.

Lucas stayed behind at the club, his mind focused on the upcoming events. He knew that the time had come for Lelouch to confront his half-brother, Clovis, and reveal his true intentions. Taking a deep breath, Lucas prepared himself for the pivotal moment that would shape their journey.

When Lucas learned about Clovis's convoy going through the region, he realized he had to act quickly. With a determination spurred by a desire for justice, he joined the convoy covertly, quickly blending into the shadows using his Geass by Altering time perception of the security, he then concealed in the food storage to escape any unneeded attention.


After some time.

"To all troops. Cease fire immediately. I, the 3rd Prince, Clovis La Britannia, issue this order as the Governor-General of area 11---------------"

"Hmm! So he has come. Well, it's about damn time I make an appearance too."


"The world cannot be changed by pretty words alone," Lelouch says as he pulls the trigger.

"The world cannot be changed by pretty words alone, Huh? Well, you are right about that Lelouch."

"Who's there show yourself," Lelouch yells in confusion.

Lucas stepped out from the shadows, revealing himself to Lelouch. The surprise on Lelouch's face quickly transformed into a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"Lelouch, it's me, Lucas," he said calmly, raising his hands to show that he meant no harm. "I've been observing the situation and believe we share a common goal."

Lelouch's gaze narrowed as he studied Lucas intently, his mind racing to comprehend this unexpected turn of events. "Lucas? What are you doing here? How did you know about this plan?"

Lucas maintained his composure, meeting Lelouch's piercing gaze with unwavering determination. "I have my ways, Lelouch. Let's just say I've been keeping a close eye on the happenings around us. I believe our interests align, and I can be of assistance to you."

Lelouch's expression remained guarded, his mind still grappling with the sudden appearance of Lucas. "Assistance? How can I trust you? We barely know each other."

Lucas took a step forward, his voice filled with sincerity. "I understand your hesitation, Lelouch. But consider this: we both desire a world free from oppression, a world where justice prevails. I've seen your determination and strategic brilliance. Together, we can achieve far more than we can alone."

Lelouch's eyes flickered with a mix of doubt and curiosity. He assessed Lucas, searching for any signs of deception or ulterior motives. The weight of his decision was palpable in the air.

"You're right," Lelouch finally said, his tone resolute. "If our goals align, then, for now, I'll accept your partnership. But know this, Lucas, if I sense even a hint of betrayal, our alliance will crumble."

Lucas nodded, his expression serious. "Understood, Lelouch. You have my word that I will stand by your side until we achieve our shared vision."

With an unspoken understanding, they began to walk away from the scene, leaving behind the aftermath of their audacious move. Their alliance, forged amid chaos, would become the foundation for a grander plan, one that would challenge the oppressive forces and reshape the world they lived in.

As they moved through the shadows, Lucas and Lelouch discussed their next steps, their voices hushed and filled with determination. They delved into strategies, analyzing the potential allies they could recruit and the obstacles they would inevitably face.

Lucas outlined his unique abilities, including his powers of time distortion and immunity to geass, emphasizing how they could be advantageous in their fight against Britannia. Lelouch, though still cautious, recognized the value of Lucas' abilities and expertise.

"I won't deny that your powers could be incredibly useful, Lucas," Lelouch admitted. "But remember, we must tread carefully and ensure that our true intentions remain hidden. Britannia is a formidable adversary, and they won't hesitate to crush any resistance."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Indeed, subtlety will be our greatest weapon. We'll need to work in the shadows, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Our ultimate goal is to bring down the oppressive regime and create a world where true justice prevails."

Their conversation continued well into the night, their plans taking shape and solidifying their alliance. They knew the road ahead would be treacherous, but with their combined intellect and unwavering determination, they were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Lucas had earned Lelouch's trust, and he was determined to prove himself as a loyal ally. The fate of their revolution rested on their shoulders, and together, they would defy destiny and rewrite the course of history.


side :

As Lucas briefed Erwin on the mission to capture the small island in the Indian Ocean, he couldn't help but inject a bit of humor into their conversation. After all, a lighthearted moment amidst the seriousness of their task could boost morale.

"Erwin, my trusted commander," Lucas began with a mischievous grin. "I have a task for you and your unit that requires your expert leadership."

Erwin raised an eyebrow, his serious demeanor momentarily softened by Lucas' playful tone. "I'm all ears, boss. What's the mission this time?"

Lucas leaned in closer, whispering dramatically, "We need to capture an island, Erwin. It's a tropical paradise, with swaying palm trees, white sandy beaches, and crystal-clear waters. But be warned, there may or may not be a secret treasure hidden somewhere."

Erwin chuckled, playing along with Lucas' theatricality. "Ah, a treasure hunt on top of the military operation. How delightful! I assume there will be a pirate ship and a parrot too?"

Lucas feigned surprise, gasping dramatically. "Erwin, my friend, you have seen right through my plan! Yes, there will be a pirate ship, complete with a parrot wearing an eyepatch. But shh, it's a secret!"

They both burst into laughter, their camaraderie evident. However, the mission's gravity soon resurfaced, and Lucas regained his serious tone.

"In all seriousness, Erwin, this island holds strategic value for our cause. It will serve as our new base of operations, providing us with a secure location to plan and execute our next moves against Britannia."

Erwin nodded, his expression turning focused once again. "Understood, boss. I'll make sure to lead my unit with precision and efficiency. We'll secure that island and turn it into an impregnable fortress."

Lucas's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "That's the spirit, Erwin! Remember, we're not just capturing an island; we're creating a tropical getaway for our weary soldiers. I want hammocks and fruity drinks by the beach, Erwin. Don't disappoint me!"

Erwin chuckled, his determination blending with a hint of amusement. "Rest assured, boss. I'll make sure our soldiers can enjoy a well-deserved vacation amidst the chaos of war. We'll set up a tiki bar and throw the best beach party Britannia has ever seen."

Lucas clapped his hands excitedly. "That's what I like to hear, Erwin! A beach party with tactical precision. Now, go gather your troops, and let's make this island our own!"

With a salute, Erwin turned on his heel and headed off to gather his unit. Lucas watched him go, his mind already envisioning the coconut drinks and beach volleyball tournaments that awaited them once the mission was complete.

As the days passed, Erwin and his unit embarked on the mission, executing their strategies flawlessly. Lucas kept in close contact with them, providing support and guidance from his command center. Meanwhile, he couldn't resist sending the occasional comical message to boost morale.

"Remember, soldiers, don't forget your sunscreen! We can't have sunburned faces on the battlefield," Lucas broadcasted over the intercom, earning chuckles and grins from the troops.

Even amidst the intensity of the operation, laughter, and camaraderie became an integral part of their mission. Lucas understood the importance of keeping spirits high, as humor could be the fuel that kept them going during the toughest of times.

Finally, the day arrived when Erwin and his unit successfully secured the island, transforming it into their new base. As they stood on the pristine beach, Erwin turned

to Lucas with a grin.

"Boss, we did it! The island is ours, and the troops are already setting up the tiki bar you requested. It's going to be one legendary beach party!"

Lucas grinned back, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Excellent, Erwin! And remember, we need to appoint someone as the official 'Coconut Ninja' to keep those palm trees in check. It's a crucial role, you know."

Erwin chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes. "You never cease to surprise me, boss. Coconut Ninjas it is! We'll make sure those trees behave."

With a sense of accomplishment and a touch of humor, Lucas and Erwin prepared to celebrate their victory. It was a momentary respite, a chance to recharge before they resumed their relentless pursuit of justice and freedom.

Little did they know that their journey was just beginning, and many more humorous and challenging adventures awaited them on their path to revolution.


Note: I can write the narrative with a single female lead character, but I'm not sure who it should be; if you have a suggestion, please share it with me.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any thoughts on how this story should progress, please let me know.