
Code Geass: New Life

Ilovecorn3000 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs


Rolling slopes and lush trees provide shelter for the forces on the battlefield. Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen were in the lead, each with a force of three thousand warriors. As the simulation began and the combat began, it was a collision of great minds and exceptional powers.

Erwin, known for his tactical acumen, wasted no time in gathering his forces. He separated his men into specialized divisions with solid leadership, assuring a well-coordinated onslaught. Loyal to their leader, the men formed orderly ranks, ready to carry out Erwin's commands. His military experience and ability were clear as he tactically positioned his soldiers, taking advantage of the terrain.

Shiroe, the divine strategist, was calmly watching the incident develop. While Erwin concentrated on the physical components of combat, Shiore investigated psychological warfare. He assessed the enemy's flaws and strengths, taking into account their leaders' preferences and predispositions. With this information, he devised a detailed strategy to exploit their weaknesses and put their determination to the test.

Shikamaru, famed for his cunning and stealth, examined the battlefield with a calculating stare from the other side. He recognized that confronting Erwin and Shiore directly would not be his strongest suit. Instead, he chose to use his guerilla warfare experience to set up ambushes and traps in crucial spots. Shikamaru's warriors blended in with the surroundings, using their quickness and cunning to attack the enemy from unexpected angles.

Aizen, the embodiment of knowledge and cunning, stood back and watched the combat unfold. His intellect was always working, assessing his allies' and foes' strengths and weaknesses. A brilliant manipulator, Aizen attempted to exploit the battlefield's disarray by sowing seeds of doubt and uncertainty in his opponents' thoughts. He recognized that the psychological side of the battle was just as important as the physical, and he sought to exploit it.

Erwin's troops charged forward with discipline and precision as the battle commenced. They formed a formidable shield wall, their shields interlocked to create an impenetrable barrier. Erwin himself led the charge, his commanding presence inspiring his soldiers to fight with unwavering determination. Their coordinated movements and strategic formations pushed back the enemy lines, gaining ground with every step.

Shiroe, ever the consummate strategist, predicted Erwin's strategy. He used deception techniques to execute a surprise attack on Erwin's flanks. Shiroe's men struck with speed and accuracy, utilizing the vulnerable regions, while Erwin's forces concentrated on their approach. The opponent was caught off guard and unable to properly reply to the quick and precise actions. Shiroe's strategic skill continually kept the opponent guessing, adjusting, and opposing their maneuvers.

Shikamaru's warriors, however, moved around the battlefield like shadows in the night. They used their stealth and quickness to strike at weak places in the opposing lines. Shikamaru's unusual tactics caused confusion and chaos by disrupting the enemy's formations. His men fled into the woods, unleashing surprise attacks that threw the adversary off guard. Shikamaru's men damaged the enemy's morale with each effective attack, planting seeds of uncertainty and anxiety.

Aizen, ever the puppeteer, directed his performances from behind the scenes. He gently molded his opponents' thoughts, spreading seeds of doubt and dissension. Aizen attempted to generate internal disputes inside the enemy ranks by exposing their particular shortcomings and preying on their anxieties. As the pandemonium intensified, Aizen's adversaries became seized by uncertainties, second-guessing their judgments and losing faith in their superiors.

The simulation, however, had its limits. Because each commander had a unique set of strengths and limitations, the outcome of this virtual conflict could not be anticipated with precision. It was a titanic battle in which victory depended on split-second judgments and calculated risks. The simulation demonstrated the depths of Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen's skills and served as a tribute to their intelligence and inventiveness.

The virtual environment was in ruins when the fight reached its culmination. The army had suffered terrible losses, but the outcome was still unknown. The simulation froze, leaving the resolution in limbo. This combat had reached a standstill, a tribute to the exceptional abilities of the commanders engaged.

In the end, it was the harmony and balance of all four commanders' talents that caused this standstill, not the supremacy of one approach over another. Virtual combat demonstrated the complexities of warfare, where no single method or approach can ensure success. It served as a reminder that the art of battle was a multifaceted puzzle in which mental acuity was just as crucial as physical strength.


The simulation shifted from the battlefield to an open arena, where Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen stood facing each other. This time, it was not about commanding troops or strategizing on a large scale but a display of their martial prowess. As the virtual spar began, the air crackled with anticipation.

Erwin, the great commander, stepped forward with a confident stride. While his expertise lay in leading armies, he was by no means a stranger to combat. His tall and imposing figure exuded strength and determination. With a disciplined approach, Erwin adopted a balanced stance, ready to engage his opponents.

Shiroe, the godly strategist, moved with grace and precision. Although not known for his physical prowess, Shiroe possessed an astute understanding of the human body and its vulnerabilities. He relied on his agility and finesse, combining strategic movements with calculated strikes. With each step, Shiroe showcased his ability to anticipate his opponent's moves and exploit their weaknesses.

Shikamaru, the embodiment of stealth and cunning, approached the spar with a relaxed demeanor. His lithe frame concealed a deceptively lethal skillset. Shikamaru's unassuming appearance allowed him to lull his opponents into a false sense of security. He moved with calculated fluidity, relying on speed, agility, and a keen sense of observation to exploit the slightest opening in his opponent's defenses.

Aizen, the epitome of intelligence and cunning, carried himself with an air of mystery. His every movement was deliberate and precise, showcasing a deep understanding of the martial arts. Aizen blended various styles seamlessly, combining power, grace, and subtlety in his techniques. He relied on his unparalleled intellect to predict his opponent's next moves, adapting his strategy accordingly.

As the spar began, the four commanders engaged in a dance of martial prowess. Each movement was a testament to their unique skills and training. Erwin's strikes were strong and methodical, relying on his physical strength and disciplined training. Shiroe's movements were elegant and precise, avoiding confrontation and instead utilizing evasive techniques and counterattacks.

Shikamaru, true to his nature, employed a more unorthodox approach. His agility and unpredictability made it difficult for his opponents to land a hit. Shikamaru utilized his surroundings to his advantage, blending his attacks with strategic retreats and sudden bursts of speed. His moves were calculated and aimed at exploiting the weaknesses in his opponent's defenses.

Aizen, the master manipulator, showcased a unique style that combined speed, technique, and cunning. He exploited openings with precise strikes, utilizing feints and misdirection to confuse his opponents. Aizen's strategy involved analyzing his opponents' movements and exploiting their weaknesses through subtle manipulation of their perception and decision-making.

The virtual spar continued, with each commander adapting and adjusting their techniques based on their observations of their opponents. The clashes between them were intense and fast-paced, showcasing the culmination of their years of training and experience.

As time passed, it became evident that the four commanders were evenly matched. None could gain a significant advantage over the others. Their skills were honed to near perfection, and their ability to adapt and strategize on the fly kept the spar in a constant state of flux. It was a mesmerizing display of martial arts prowess and mental acuity.

Ultimately, the spar ended without a clear victor. The simulation acknowledged the extraordinary abilities of Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen, showcasing their mastery of martial arts and the depth of their combat knowledge. It was a testament to the fact that in the realm of physical combat, the outcome could never be guaranteed, as even the most formidable opponents could find themselves in a deadlock.


"that marks the end of your training," Jacob says.

As Lucas entered the room, the four commanders, Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen, turned their attention toward him. They had just finished their intense battles and awaited their next assignment. Lucas, with a calm and composed demeanor, began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your performance in the simulation battles was nothing short of extraordinary," Lucas began, his voice resonating with appreciation. "Each one of you has showcased exceptional skills and talents, both on the battlefield and in the martial arts spar. It is now time to assign you your roles."

Lucas paused, allowing the tension in the room to build, before continuing. "Erwin, your leadership and tactical brilliance have proven to be invaluable. You will be appointed as the Supreme Commander, responsible for overseeing our military operations and strategic planning. Your experience and ability to inspire will guide our forces to victory."

Erwin nodded, accepting his role with a sense of duty. He understood the weight of the responsibility that came with leading the entire military organization.

"Shiroe, you're a strategic genius, and an analytical mind is unparalleled. Your role will be that of the Chief Strategist, responsible for crafting our battle plans and developing innovative approaches to overcome our adversaries. Your ability to see through the fog of war will be instrumental in achieving our objectives."

Shiroe's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. He had always thrived on the intellectual challenges of warfare, and the role of Chief Strategist allowed him to showcase his talents on a grand scale.

"Shikamaru, your unconventional tactics and keen observation skills have set you apart. You will be assigned as the Chief Infiltration Specialist, responsible for gathering intelligence, conducting covert operations, and executing precision strikes behind enemy lines. Your ability to exploit weaknesses and disrupt the enemy's plans will prove invaluable."

A smile played on Shikamaru's lips as he accepted his new role. Covert operations and the art of deception had always fascinated him, and he was eager to make use of his talents in the most strategic manner possible.

"Aizen, your intellect and manipulative abilities have left a lasting impression. You will be designated as the Chief Intelligence Officer, responsible for gathering information, analyzing enemy movements, and employing psychological tactics to weaken their morale and disrupt their decision-making. Your role will be crucial in uncovering the enemy's secrets and turning their strengths against them."

Aizen nodded, acknowledging the importance of his role. Manipulation and the art of deception were his forte, and he relished the opportunity to wield those skills in service of the greater cause.

Lucas concluded, "Together, as the four pillars of our military organization, you will lead our forces to victory. Your talents and capabilities will shape the course of our future battles. Remember, the success of our mission depends on the synergy between your roles and your ability to work as a cohesive unit."

The four commanders exchanged glances, a sense of determination and camaraderie forming among them. They understood the weight of their responsibilities and the significance of the roles they had been assigned. The simulation battles had served as a proving ground for their skills, and now, as they stepped into their designated positions, they were ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Erwin, Shiroe, Shikamaru, and Aizen prepared to embark on their respective roles, united by their shared commitment to excellence and the pursuit of victory.


Author's Note: I apologize if the updates are sluggish. This is taking longer than intended, and I hope you enjoy the book.

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Should Mc have Geass?



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