
Code Geass: Lelouch Self-Insert

C_317 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Battle in Saitama Part 2

I found enough time to write this chapter so I hope that you all enjoy. Some good news as well the pain is mostly gone but I keep getting random shots of pain in my knees and sometimes my left hand but hopefully it's not that bad.

If the chapter isn't as good as previous chapters I apologize since I haven't wrote anything in a while.

Now onto the chapter

/Lelouch's Knightmare/

Sitting in the Sunderland Lelouch watched as the Yamato Alliance started the counter attack. Spinning a king piece in his hands he began to start his plan by changing his frequency to the soldiers he had geassed previously.

After a few minutes the geassed soldiers got their orders and Lelouch had prepared his next plan.

/Lelouch P.O.V/

Watching the Yamato Alliance wipe out a portion of Cornelia's forces I predicted that they got arrogant and prepared to ignore my orders. Smirking I decided that my next plan was ready to be used as I wore my mask.

Switching to the soldier frequency I activated the voice modifier and issued a call to my dear sister.

/G1 Fortress Third P.O.V/

"Princess Cornelia a frequency has been received asking for video transmission!" A codet officer yelled out.

Intrigued Cornelia ordered for the transmission to come through. After a bit with the video being static it suddenly showed Zero's Mask.

"Good day Princess Cornelia." He said as the members in the main room gasped. Smirking Cornelia crossed her legs before responding.

"So you are the masked man who killed my dear brother Clovis." She said in a arrogant yet angered tone.

"He was a commanding officer in a war field so it was natural for I to eliminate him from the board." He said in a neutral tone before another transmission came to her main room.

"I sent you a invitation to meet your highness if you so choose to speak with me on your own... of course my soldiers will be their to assist me if you choose the violent approach." He said catching many in the room by suprise.

"And how may I know you aren't just doing this to single me away from my soldiers as well as why I would want to meet you when I could merely decimate your forces." She stated as she looked at one of her Knights.

"Because I am the only one who knows the whereabouts of the Vi Britannia siblings." He said catching her off guard as well as the whole room.

"And why would I believe you know anything about my siblings that perished in this settlement?" She asked not believing him.

"I believe Lelouch once spoke about how his sister Cornelia threatened him when you caught him dancing with your sister Euphemia." He said while, not being seen, grinning.

Not saying anything Cornelia asked for the location of the meeting point.

"It looks to be on the left side border of the Saitama Ghetto." A officer called out.

Leaving Cornelia order for her Knights to be at the ready if she requires their assistance. Affirming her resolve Cornelia entered her Knightmare and raced towards the location Zero gave for their meeting.

/Lelouch P.O.V/

As I waited for my sister to arrive I got the geassed soldiers, whom I had geassed earlier, to create a semi-circle hidden behind me in the forest as I waited.

Getting ready I noticed Cornelia's Knightmare quickly approaching. Smirking I was ready for my first encounter with her as she came to a stop five meters from me.

"I've arrived Zero." She said using her Knightmares' radio com.

"Let us leave our Knightmares to speak face to face." I said waiting before she gave me a response agreeing to my terms.

Exiting my Knightmare I soon knew the importance of it in a battle field. Walking close to her we stopped 5 feet away from one another.

"Give me the information of my two siblings." She ordered while putting her hand on her rapior-musket.

"I will but two requests are to be made in order for it to happen." I said as she tightened her grip on her weapon.

"And what are your requests?" She asked getting ready for what I had to say.

"The first is to stop the assault on the Saitama Ghetto after I depart." I said getting a grunted agreement.

"The second is for you to fund reconstruction efforts for those living in the different Ghetto's around Japan." I said getting a scowl while she thought of the request.

Seeing this I threw in a small piece of bate "During the battle in the Shinjuku Ghetto I came across Lelouch who was about to be killed if it were not for my intervention." I said gaining her attention.

"Before I took to the battlefield Lelouch was about to be killed by soldiers who didn't want any witnesses for Clovis's damn able experimentation." I said as she tightly held her weapon before loosening it. Seeing this I reached into my side.

Watching my movement Cornelia got ready to draw her weapon before I spoke "I am merely getting something for you." I said before taking out a phone and gave it to her.

Looking at it with confusion I told her to call the first number on the contact list. Doing so she placed it next to her ear afterwards and waited for it to pick up.

/Cornelia P.O.V/

As I waited for the phone to answer I continued to stare at Zero trying to pick apart anything I could to identify about him after he leaves. As I did this I heard the phone pick up and heard a voice I hadn't heard from in so long.

"Hello dear sister Cornelia." I heard the person say before he confirmed his identity.

"I remember at the ballroom my mother had to stop you from harming me because I was spinning Euphemia around the ballroom." My previously thought to be dead brother said as I stood still trying not to show a shocked face.

/Author Notes/

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.