
Code Geass FF chapter 90

"It seems, AA don't only have brains, he has some brawns too.

Is the collection of intelligence about AA still not finish yet?

AA said in one of our meetings that he was originally from my empire and was quite famous as a musician before.

You should tell those responsible to start with that." Charles said leisurely as he continued reading the report.

"Yes, your majesty!" Bismarck said very concisely.

'Hmm... So, AA is the guys that Marianne wants to be with?

Wait, it seems that there are also others?


This seems good, if I have something that AA wants then I will be able to influence and control him even just by a bit.

Specially since it is three people, although I don't know if all of them is going for AA but let's just assume so.

This development will make AA be more attached to my empire and I might be able to really make him help me whole heartedly for my cause if I do things slowly and subtle enough.

Right, it seems the next generation knightmare frames had also made great contribution by showing a very good performance.

Although it was said that only the elite can pilot it, quite literally.

The difficulty can be reduced in mass production but the power will also go down with it, that is still very much better than the current mass produced Ganymede.

It seems AA is really smart, should I get him to participate in the research of the thought elevator?

Let's make him more attached to the empire first before I consider doing it again.

It is not too late even if I do so much later because it would really be better to ensure trust and loyalty first.

The thought elevator is very important for our dreams after all.' Charles thought as he continued reading reports leisurely.

"Have you manage to point out who made the bounty? Is the commotion from before still not finish investigating?" He suddenly asked to Bismarck.

"Our intelligence personnel had not manage to get any concrete lead.

The only thing we know is that both the issue that your majesty asked about is planned out by another country.

Specially in the case of AA, your majesty. It seems that the bounty on him is made by a collaboration of many countries.

They wanted a knightmare frame for themselves." Bismarck for the first time said many things at once, after all, he was the action type of person.

"Hmm..." Charles hummed in agreement as continued thinking. "Knightmare frame is a very important weapon for my empire. Increase the budget for research and development.

Build a bigger school for pilots. Don't just take rely on the nobility to pilot it.

This big school will be for all elite commoners that we can extract from the populace don't bother accepting any nobility in it, for they might poach this elites for themselves.

Just add the piloting curriculum in the prestigious colleges of my empire, that should be enough to appease the nobility.

If they insist meddling with he school then tell them that this is for the commoners and it is too disgraceful for the nobility to socialize with in public.

Only those who graduated here can be considered part of the elites and is qualified to be in the circle.

Those people that still did not let up can be an example by using force.

Discuss it with the other officials in the next meeting, but start planning it later with some experts." Charles said slowly with the dignity of an emperor, while Bismarck took out a pen and a notebook much earlier, he still had a hard time keeping up as he is not a professional secretary.

"Yes! Your majesty!" Bismarck said loudly in affirmation as he kneeled to show respect and obedience.

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In America, in an office that is minimally decorated except for the medals and some pictures on the wall and some shelves.

A man in his 40s sat on an office chair, facing a laptop on top of the desk in front of him with some papers in his hand while holding a phone in the other, shouting.

"Idiots! Idiots! Idiots! Why didn't you hire the best people for the job?! Are the other countries not willing to invest more money?!

Then we can just put out more! What? We will suffer a loss?! It doesn't matter, as long as we get the target, everything is fine!

We will be able recoup everything if we had succeeded but no! It's because of stupid people like you!

If we had offered more money then we can even take more than the others! Fuck! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Just thinking about the chance that Our country had missed because of you!

You better do your best for the next plan! If you still fail then you are out!

Wait, let me correct it, you will be gone! That's right! Gone! You already know what that means.

Now, start the next plan as soon as possible and also, make the standards higher!

You will get all the fundings you will need and that's why you will suffer more if you failed!" The man continuously talked and talked while shouting from now and then before dropping the call without waiting for he other side to respond.

'In any case, he does not have any choice. He can't get out when he is already inside so deep. He can only do better if he wants to survive. After all, this concerns the benefit fo many people. Even if I let him go, those people would not let him live.


It is really hard to be in this position. Why did I even bother running for the election again?

That's right! It's for power and money!

But it's really hard to take all this money and power into my hands.

It feels so hot that it burns and after using it, it feels so cold that might freeze my heart and conscience into ice.

Maybe, I should retire and exit politics after my term.

I already have money for a few lifetimes and I already have my fill on using 'power' many times.

I will just relax and live a peaceful life on the country side.

I already did everything I can! I even manage to at least elevate my country's people's life.

Even though I took care of my self first, I still did many good things for the country.

I even offended some rich people for that.' is what he thought while massaging his own temples from all the stress that he felt everyday.

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