
Code Geass FF chapter 85

AA finally arrived into the island destination that they had set before they started their escape.

It was an island that AA bought before and he still owns it.

In fact, it is even one of his secret island bases.

He got off the jet ski quickly as he saw Marianne's group from the distance, he was quite excited so he did not even bother tying up the jet ski to something or on the speed boat that he saw much earlier which was still in it's position the same place it was left behind by the female group.

Thankfully, the waves are not that strong right now.

"Hey!" He shouted as he got close.

"Alister!" Eunalia exclaimed when she finally saw him.

"You are finally here!" Flora shouted when she too saw AA.

All of them did not get to see AA from the distance even though the jet ski is quite loud because they were busy thinking of a solution.

Marianne bled too much and it might lead to other bad things if they don't give her some medicine or something that can reinvigorate her body.

Cornelia is sleeping while leaning on a tree beside Marianne because she was feeling too sleepy, she is just a kid after all.

AA finally got in front of the female group and saw the worry and concern in the expressions of the two ladies so he inspected them all.

Then he finally managed to see Marianne's situation, so he hurriedly did a better inspection and check up on her to determine what happened.

"How did she get shot and also why did she not take care of herself?!" AA said in a slightly loud voice from worry as he started thinking about many things.

"We encounter two enemies when we are about to leave the island, but the key of the speed boat was in the outpost so someone had to take it.

But there are already enemies shooting at us so Marianne volunteered on doing so." Flora explained and continued telling the whole story of what happened to them before they got into this safe island.

"Damn! I should have killed more of those bastards!" AA said angrily as he gnash his teeth before exhaling and inhaling deeply to calm down. "Sigh... What about rescue?"

"We called and they said they needed a few hours even those from the capital needed a few hours because they are obviously far away." Eunalia said grudgingly before also explaining about the whole thing that happened for the rescue.

"Fuck!" AA can just curse in resignation as he concentrated to start thinking.

'Damn it! Marianne had lost too much blood and she might die if we can't give her something to invigorate her vitality.

Even just a coagulant will do, just so that the lost of blood would not affect her too much.

Fuck! Do I really have to do it?! This damn island doesn't have plants that can be used as coagulants. I made sure to pick the really barren islands when I started my hidden island base project.

Is Marianne important enough to me, for me to be comfortable enough to share my some of my secrets?

What about this other two ladies and Cornelia?

Wait! Damn!

Why do I have to treat this secret island base like something bad to be discovered or anything like that?

I can just say that this was a hidden get away just in case I have no where to go.

I do not really need to explain to much to them.

Alright! Using the mansion I built here is fine as I can just explain it like that but what about the things I need to make sure that Marianne doesn't die right now?

Damn it! I don't have time! Let's think about it more later!' AA thought as he hastily think up of a solution for the problem and save Marianne's life.

"Come! Let's go! I bought this island before and I have a mansion here. Follow me." AA said seriously as he took Marianne in a princess carry then he started walking into the small patch of trees.

The small patch of tree hid the mansion so perfectly that you would need to go and traverse it to see the mansion in the middle.

There are also no obvious human walk way in this small patch of tree that made indication of any human activity before so it was really a well hidden mansion.

Eunalia and Flora just looked at each other before following behind with Eunalia carrying Cornelia laboriously which prompted Flora to take over in the end.

Cornelia is quite big already after all and Eunalia is very weak, physically.

They walked silently into this small patch of trees before seeing the slightly small mansion.

It was slightly small so that it can be hidden much better.

"You really have a mansion here?!" Eunalia exclaimed a bit dramatically as she find it hard to believe at first.

"Damn! This mansion is too well hidden! We did not even manage to get a glimpse of it, even when we are just a few dozen meters away!" Flora said loudly in surprise and shock because she thought the mansion would have been on the other side of the island or something.

The two ladies are really shocked with gaping mouths as they really did not expect for the mansion to be this close to them.

Then the two of then hurriedly came in front of the door as the mansion doesn't have a fence or a gate, it was just tightly shut from the doors to all the windows.

"Where is the key Alister?" Eunalia asked quickly in a hurry.

"Under the potted plant beside the door." AA answered as he too got in front of the door while carrying Marianne.

Eunalia hurriedly took the key and opened the door with it.

They hurriedly got inside.

While they are hurrying to go inside the mansion, AA is whirling his mind as he brainstormed in thinking. 'What to do with this other three? Kill them?

I can't!

That's too much!

I don't ever want to kill someone close to me directly and intentionally if I can help it.

Besides, this island base is just one of the secret bases that I have.

About the advance technology that I am about to use...

I can just blame it to my own genius can't I?!

That's right! Damn! Why am I even thinking so hard for?!

Is this what they called 'thinking too much'?

Tsk tsk...

It is really hard to be someone who have many secrets.'

- word count 1116 -