
Code Geass FF chapter 31

I will only be updating one chapter a day from now on, except for bonus chapters.

I decided about it when I saw the low daily activity in the statistics.

Anyway, the update is still the same for my P A T R E O N.

I still did a full 7 chapter update in there.

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"Now, Alister! Let me introduce to you. This beautiful lady maid in our side is CC, I don't know why she's called that, so don't ask me." She said then paused a bit before pointing at the child looking VV.

"This guy is called VV!" She said loudly then whispered to me. "Don't treat him like a child though and also don't mention his height in anyway!"

"I heard that, woman!" VV exclaimed.

While CC and Charles just chuckled at that.

"And this is prince Charles zi Britannia! Whom you should already know anyway." She then took a tea cup for herself on the table and filled it in to have a sip.

"Hmm... I heard many things about you from Marianne here Mister Aston. I hope you continue to use your intellect for Britannia." Charles said with energy, smile and a bit of authority while also giving me a nod and offering a hand shake.

It seems he already had the temperament of a king or he is just used to being authoritative.

But he is still a prince so he offered a hand shake eh?

It doesn't matter, I can tolerate their behaviors as long as I can complete my goals.

"Hmph." VV snorted and then said with arrogance "Almost everyone are praising your genius, it will really be disappointing if don't prove as much."

"Ara, ara." CC reacted and said "Don't be such a stiff person VV. But you are right, the rumours everyone was circulating about you mister Aston is really something."

'Why the hell is CC going ara ara when we are not in japan and this expression had not even been invented yet!' Alister thought while keeping a normal face.

Normal face, as in. Just smiling lightly with relaxed muscles.

"There are rumours about me miss CC? I didn't know about that." I said looking confused for real.

Alister thought 'Really? The hell would those rumours be about? As long as they aren't about my peculiar closeness with lady Marianne everything should be fine.'

"Right! There really are rumours about you Alister! I ones heard the staff in the institute talking about it." Lady Marianne said like she was just remembering something.

"Aiyaa... I hope it's not bad rumours. That would really be unpleasant." Alister said a small sigh but inside he only thought that it doesn't really matter cause he doesn't care at all.

"Hmmm... Not really. It was just some bloated gossip about people guessing where you got your intelligence, almost everyone pointed to something like magic." CC said with an amused smile then paused for a bit.

She then continued to say "But really! That huge robot seems like, out of fantasy, or what are they calling that now? Oh right! Sci-fi! Knightmare frame seems so sci-fi mister Alister, yes." She said with intrigue and curiosity.

"Sci-fi would really be an apt description for knightmare frames, even I am sometimes thinking that it sounds like a dream, you know~.

But I am not the only one responsible for making knightmare frame.

In fact, I am not even the one who had made this fantastic idea at first." Alister said while stating facts with a smile.

Lady Marianne took another tea cup from the tray in the table then filled it with tea which she gave to Alister, so he can have some sip too.

"Here have some tea too." She said to Alister and then said to the other three "Anyway, you guys should ask him everything you want to ask now."

"Hmm... Your right I guess. We do have many things to do." Charles said solemnly.

"Hmph! You guys do it yourself." VV said with another snort, he then continued " Why are you guys even considering this guy. We can just use the people from the order. Tsk."

VV thought 'this guy is only a little smarter than other people! Just because Marianne recommended him? We don't even need to make him one of us! We can just control him or something!'

"Yes, Let's get to the main topic." CC said while thinking 'VV is being a prick again.

It seems staying as a child for a long time has made his mind and thinking the same as a child.

And he is being specially prickly this time because it was Marianne that recommended mister Aston to us, even though she had only joined us for a short time now.

It was because Charles is the one who invited Marianne to our group and he even made VV give Marianne a geass.

So he is being salty about it and now he is making everyone salty too.'

"What are you going to ask me anyway? I'm just a civilian scientist, even though I am quite smart." Alister said with a puzzled expression.

"Don't worry mister Aston, We aren't going to ask anything too personal. Actually, We aren't even going to ask you anything about your life.

Because we already investigated you." Charles said with confidence and arrogance.

'We already investigated his whole life and it was quite normal. It was only recently that he did something special by showing his intellect.

And we also have my geass as an insurance in case things doesn't pan out.

I can just erase his memories when the time comes or even take control of him directly.' is what he thought while filling his tea cup with more and then taking a sip immediately after.

"Let's get on with it! I'm really excited to know what you will get Alister!" Marianne said excitedly.

"Get what? Can someone please explain?" Alister said while acting confused.

"You will get an explanation later mister Aston. But first, we need to ask you to make a vow of loyalty upon joining us and you also need to go with our plans." CC said with a smile while also feeling excited inside.

"Our first plan is to make Charles the king, by the way. You really should join us Alister! I just know that you will really make our plan easier!" Lady Marianne said eagerly.

- word count 1022 -

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