
Code Geass FF chapter 150

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All of this kinds of preparations are needed, for that's what she decided to do after hearing that warning from AA.

After all, she is a thinker, a strategist.

She really can't do much directly but she can plan things out so that it would not result to the worse possible scenario.

Back to Dragneel.

He took off quickly after hearing what his mom said but still shouted something to his two friends before leaving.

"Wait for me! I will just check them for a bit then come back!" Dragneel shouted as he run.

He did not even bother touching his sandwiches.

Kira and Athrun had been 'interrogated' by Eunalia on what they were doing before they came here as the two kids kept eating while Eunalia took out one big bottle of soft drinks to pour them some on a plastic cup.

That's how long it took before Dragneel got back.

Dragneel did see his sisters playing with other kids with both Euphemia and Lacus playing house or some kind of tea party thing that he does not understand and does not even think about bothering to.

"Yo?! I am back!" Dragneel said loudly before flopping down to sit into the blanket, of course, with his shoes off like the others.

"Hmmm!" Kira and Athrun just hummed with a nod as a response while they sipped some soft drink.

"How is your sisters? Did you see them?" Eunalia asked with a smile as she can already guess that he did, but still asked anyway, like a proper mother, who mostly already knows everything but still asked anyway.

"I saw them, mom. They were still there playing." Dragneel said with an eye roll from exasperation as he already knows that his mom knows already too.

He does not understand why his mom kept asking questions she already knows.

He then looked around for a bit while reaching out and taking a bite out of his sandwiches.

That's when he trailed his gaze into the robotic bird on top of Kira's head.

He does not know when it got there but he got an idea after seeing it again.

"Mom! I wanna buy something like that! Kira said it was bought near the or in the exhibit near here!" Dragneel said loudly while pointing into the robotic bird.

"Hmmm? Okay, but you will have to wait for your Big sis Cornelia so that she can accompany you there, cause I won't be moving from this spot except if we are about to go back into the hotel." Eunalia said with a slight smile and a smirk as she saw Dragneel pout.

"But mom! It's very near from here, I can definitely go by myself!" Dragneel said loudly in complaint but then he saw the smile and smirk of his mother, that's when he knew that his mom already guessed what he would have wanted to do.

"No." Eunalia said in a very solid tone that cannot be refuted.

"But I have Kira and Athrun with me! We will be going together!" Dragneel blurted out without thinking.

"Huh?!" Kira and Athrun got shocked after hearing that as they looked at Dragneel in a daze.

"No. You kids still have to wait for your big sis Cornelia.

Kira and Athrun also needs to get permission from their parents so that they would not worry too much.

While you have to go tell your sisters that they do not have to look for you anymore and just come straight back here before you go together with Kira and Athrun to meet their parents too.

But before all of that, you still have to finish eating your food, alright?" Eunalia said with a stern voice and raised brows.

"Okay mom!" Dragneel said, still loud, but with slumped shoulders by now.

And that's what happened, mostly, they got quite held up after they have gone to the parents of both Kira and Athrun.

Kira's mom and dad is present as they have a picnic, the food they brought are mostly traditional japanese food while Athrun only have his mom in their picnic site because his dad was apparently needed somewhere just a few minutes before they came.

They also ate again for those two times, although they only ate lightly, like for Kira's place they ate sushi, Athrun and Dragneel had not eaten one before so it was quite a novelty for the two of them.

While in Athrun's place, they got to eat ice cream and drink soft drinks again because his dad apparently brought a cooler.

When they got back to Eunalia, they saw Cornelia there already having some kind of light talk with Eunalia.

Mostly, Cornelia asks questions while Eunalia answers, the questions itself are things that Cornelia are being taught via royal education.

But they mostly talked about politics and military strategies.

It can be considered light for the two though because it's also their hobby, mostly Eunalia, cause Cornelia is more into direct combat and anything military instead of politics.

"Mom!" Dragneel shouted as the three of them got closer.

Which Cornelia and Eunalia heard clearly so they looked at his direction with a smile.

"So, you wanna go already?" Eunalia asked with a slight smile.

"Yes!" Dragneel shouted in confirmation as he nodded together with the other two kids. "Woohoo! Let's go!"

"Go where, mom?" Cornelia asked with a puzzled look.

"Just nearby, you'll be accompanying this three kids into the exhibit as they wanted to buy something like that robotic bird." Eunalia said with a smile as she pointed her finger at the said bird by the end.

"Hmmm? What? Why? I just came here, mom! I feel tired already." Cornelia said loudly while acting like a proper teenager.

"Really? I don't believe it. But even if so, you still have to go.

You can't refuse." Eunalia said with a slightly stern voice while also smiling a bit as she really like messing with her kids by being bossy.

"Sigh... Alright midgets! Let's go! We are going to just walk up to there.

I already know where that place is, it's really quite near." Cornelia said as she still followed what her mom said even when she complains about it.

- word count 1040 -

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