
Code Geass FF chapter 12

I didn't want to put an author's note here but then I realized that even I am not reading the author's note at end like most people.

Don't worry these part is not counted in the word count.

I just want to say that the next 7 chapter will only be updated next week.

If you like my work and want to read an advance of 10 chapters then you could join my p a t r e o n.

The link is in the author's note below.

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I had to Rush my learning of the things needed for piloting a plane. Thankfully, I have the sage geass. I forged an Identity as a pilot cadet and I got in.

Are you thinking of what happened to my identity as Hans Wilton? It died. It died in flammenwerfer and explosions. I know, this meme is being over used. Can't help it.


So, I got to the Royal Air Force of Britain or RAF for short. I did good in there. There is no significant event worth mentioning for my time of being a pilot. I became a veteran fast because of the war. I got a shot down count of about two digits. I only got to pilot fighter planes for about a year because they put me on the cargo plane first because of the lack of man power. But cargo planes are more dangerous to pilot because it was too big, it is an easy target. And it is always being targeted for delivering the logistics or reinforcements.

Fortunately, I was only assigned for delivery of arms and ammunition sponsored by the US. I didn't to go to the forefront where I can get shot down. I wouldn't want to make another pilot identity which was really hard to forge in this time.

Although piloting fighter planes was exciting but the war is about to end. So, I killed this Identity.

I did a kamikaze on a warship. It was glorious and Exhilarating. Even my escape was intense because I have to kill everyone who saw me get up from being dead.

I even turned on the public channel before going kamikaze and I was like 'ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!', yelling out with all my might.

It was good because, many of my fellow soldiers got a boost in moral at that time and they were also yelling all hail Britannia like maniacs after me, I only got to know that my kamikaze stunt has a huge effect on the Britannian soldiers when I got back to the british isles.

Hitler did suicide. Then the war was over.

I am going on a short vacation in France to ease my mind from all the blood and death I went through in the war.

I feel like I even became a maniac a few times whenever the squad I am in got wiped out.

I died so many times, about over a hundred.

I went and became sniper just so there was no one to be wipe out with me. That was before I become a pilot.

The war only lasted from 1939 to 1945, even though it feels longer than that.

I became a ground soldier in a squadron for britain at 1940 and became a sniper between 1941 and 1942 then I was a pilot from the latter part of 1942 until 1944. I was only able to pilot a fighter plane from 1943 to 1944.

I planned to go to America after my pilot identity died. The easiest identity to use is of refugees, so I became one and got on a boat transporting refugees to the US.

I know that the US wouldn't be accepting refugees for long, that's why I got on before the war ended.

My plan was to ride the economic rise of America and make the advancement of the computer age faster.

I wanted to advance the material sector too but it might make the birth of knightmare frames early so the safest tech would be computers and softwares.

I should also build a private agency to collect information around the world, mostly from Britannia.

The agency will be a simple one.

Just collecting public and semi private news, there is no need for spying. I can just deduce the deeper happenings using the collected information with my geass.

I don't know if this is common but I haven't seen soldiers from both sides of the war raping someone. They mostly directly killed everyone. Specially those nazis, they brutally kill everyone some higher officials even seems to feel disgusted by touching those who aren't of their same Arian race or something.

There was so much going on at the war that I didn't get to spread my seeds as a soldier.

For over five years, I didn't f*ck any girls!

Can you imagine that?

I was so engrossed in the war that I forgot to take care of my little brothers needs.

Right, I'm on vacation right now, when the economic rise of America is not on full swing yet. I just remember that I haven't nut for five years because I am nutting right now.


You want to where I am right now? Of course I am in New York city. I have yet to do my plans and I am still trying to find a channel for forging identities.

My previous channel was only for Britain. I need an American Identity to make microsoft with Bill Gates in new mexico, a few years from now.

I will dabble a little in hardware but I will mostly go for softwares I guess. After all, Hardware needs material science and micro technology to advance.

While I am at it, I will also try and become an investor for media arts like movies and television series. I want to try and knock up a few beautiful actresses.


But for now, I plan to go to Las Vegas to try the fun of gambling and also owning a casino seems to be a profitable business.

While also going nuts on the way and specially in Vegas.

You might be thinking why I am only thinking about nuts, it is because I feel like going really crazy a few times already, sometimes it felt like everything is going to shit so I have to calm my self down by going on a nut therapy.

Dying so many times isn't good for your mental health, I tell you. Specially if you can feel the pain every fucking time.

Dying was like...

It was so... so...

I don't know! Maybe we should just burn everything down! Right?! Right?!

Who am I talking even? What?

Oh right, where were we? It was the nut, right?

Yeah, I feel like I should really under go a nut therapy.

According to myself, nutting makes me vent all of my pent up negative emotions.

- chapter ends at 1075 word count -

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