
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

the scourge of tokyo unicorn versus sinanju

Naruto was getting ready to deploy his unicorn he was joined by Mario and Maya Disel in their Zaku warrior units leloucia was also deploying in her own Zaku warrior code named Zakus Warrior Zero she was dressed as Zero for this while Naruto was dressed black long coat with a sword strapped across his back he had a black face mask and a black forehead protector.

( Think sage mode with kakashi's mask and a sword instead of a scroll)

Naruto sealed the spherical panoramic monitor and he gripped the control sticks of his linear seat as the Guide monitor came up in front of him and the visual feed appeared on the monitor.

" you guys ready?" Asked Naruto.

Mario's face appeared on the screen

" I was born ready! " Said the boy.

Mayas face appeared on the monitor at an angle above Mario's.

" I'm ready Naruto-San." Said Maya.

" No Maya when I'm like this I am to be called kyubi understand." Said Naruto.

" Hai kyubi!" Said Maya

" You ready Zero?" Asked Naruto.

" Hai kyubi?" Said Zero.

" Mario,Maya from hence forth you shall be known as Apollo and Artemis." Ordered leloucia

" Hai zero." Said the twins.

" Now let's go!" Said Naruto.

The unicorn and the three Zaku's deployed into the streets where britannia's forces were waiting along with the police knightmare frames with their blast shields.

Naruto cleared them a path with his beam Gatling gun the rapid fire beam rifle pierced trough the shields and destroyed the knightmare's

The Zaku warriors drew their beam tomahawks and they cut down the gasglow units.

Then the appearance of a unit moving at three times the speed of a normal Knightmare.

" wait a second that unit?!!!" Said Naruto he suddenly was overcome with a fury and his unit began to transform it's armor opened up backpack unfolded and it's horn and face plate opened to reveal a samurai-esk unit and Naruto boosted his unit moving fast drawing a beam saber from it's backpack.

A few minutes ago.

Lord X the enemy has appeared their being lead by a horned knightmare said lady Z.

" Is it built off a unique frame?" Asked X.

" We believe it to be made off the G Frame." Said Lady Z.

" Ready my sinanju." Said Lord X.

The sinanju sat in the middle of the carrier before it dropped from the sky and flew into the city landing as it detached the Shrike flight pack module it was equiped with it moved fast going beyond even speeds of the newest model the lancelot.

' if I'm right then the pilot will attack me in full fury then I'll know the son of Minato namikaze still lives.' thought lord X.

The sinanju came into view and Naruto boosted his Unicorn Gundam NT-D mode into position he saw the sinanju draw one of its beam swords and attempt to cut the unicorn but the unicorns enhanced precison computer aka the Autonomous Reaction Computer Or A.R. Computer.

( A\n I know that's in the Gundam F-90 but I'm using a mix of different tech)

The two clashed swords until the Sinanju pulled back and went for a roundhouse kick but the unicorn landed a side kick that took the Sinanju down however the Sinanju did a hand spring spin and fired of it's arm mounted Grenades which the unicorn shot down with it's head mounted Vulcan gun then the unicorn moved fast attacking the sinanju with it's beam sabers the sinanju used it's beam swords to defend against before combining them into a beam tomahawk.

The unit struck at Naruto and went to finish him off but then Naruto used a maneuver only those trained by Minato namikaze would do when the axe was about to be swung the unicorn rolled off the Sinanju's shoulder and span around striking the Sinanju with the hilt of its beam saber in the center of its back which short circuited the Sinanju's balancer circuit and forced it to retreat this was due to the Sinanju's propellant tanks located in its backpack.

' he is the son of Minato namikaze Naruto namikaze still lives' thought Lord X 'I must tell lady kushina about this.'

In a cabin a lady sits in a chair and she cried tears of joy.

" Naruto my baby boy is still alive." Said a beautiful red head her name is Kushina Uzumaki.

" Is it true Sasuke is it true my baby boy is still alive?!!" Asked Kushina

" Yes it is true I dueled with him on the battlefield he was piloting a G frame like my own and he used a maneuver only one man would know the Reversed ocean wind." Said Sasuke who was unmasked in front of the red head due to the reclusive location and the fact only one other person that was there.

the spy kushina sent to watch out for Naruto neji hyuga, the reason he hadn't told her until now was he wanted to be certain.

because there were only certain things Naruto knew that Minato knew the first was the one inch punch the second was the data of the G frame and the third was the maneuver of the Reversed Ocean Wind.

Neji nodded "yes he still looks just like he did six years ago when he was ten." Said neji both he and Sasuke were childhood friends of Naruto namikaze they had trained together played together and even ate suppers together.

" Oh my baby boy your father would be so proud of you." Thought kushina.


"Naruto when you fought that red knightmare frame you were. Fighting as if you were going to kill him over a personal matter tell me why?" Asked leloucia.

" He was piloting my father's unit the MSN-06 Sinanju." Said naruto.

" What then does that mean?" Asked leloucia.

" I don't know but all I know is he was testing me like he was trying to find out who I was and what I was capable of next time I see him he's dead though." Said Naruto.

Kallen sat in the back of an armored car with her group sitting across from her and her friends was zero they were heading to a certain location where they would be given a "gift" from a certified person.

" So this is what you were talking about new knightmare frames." Asked kallen.

" Yes there called the Zaku warrior frame." Explained Zero.

Meanwhile on the other end of town Naruto Mario and Maya were at konoha industries where Mario and Maya were being given new units.

for Mario due to his preference of fast paced ranged combat he was given a unit called the ZGMF-X10A Freedom while Maya was given a unit for her special close ranged combat style of fighting the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam; the units were beyond anything the two had piloted before which were the Sutherland they both had commandeered during the Shinjuku massacre and the Zaku warriors that leloucia was giving the recruits who would become their black knights.

" Here's the instructions for the units controls unlike the Zaku each of these units have unique control schematics even between the two of them, Their both equiped with a special High Mobility Aerial Tactical System mode or HiMATS Mode explained Naruto he also explained that they each had a Nuclear Reactor Engine meaning that they had almost unlimited power and mobility.

" We'll be ready by the next skirmish." Said