
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

kallen's resolve rematch with cornellia

Cornellia li britannia was waiting on her glaucester while the drop ship was Flying towards the destination a place once known as sasebo the base was being valued by the rebellion's newly mass produced machines code named GM-Powered they were gaurding a hsnger withna prototype called the Gouf Ignited was being guarded by one lone Zaku-Phamtom.

Cornellia and her groups descended down from the sky as their land spinners allowed them to get close to the base in a matter of minutes however a shot from a beam rifle took out two units in their spearhead formation.

They've got a sniper.

From above the base on top of the largest building a GM with a long antenna and a long beam rifle had shot down two of the enemy units.

The glaucesters were almost on top of the gate the GM Powered units gaurding fired off their 90 MM Shot Guns.

The shot guns fire took out four of the remaining nine glaucesters.

The glaucesters that remained easily defeated the GM's and then they entered the base they split up.

Two went to take the north and south west corners and two went to take the north and south east corners but they soon came into contact with trouble their report stated that only the MP knightmare frames and one commander class knightmare frame was stationed here so why were there Zaku warriors waiting for them at each corner.

Bartholomew cornelia's personal knight and second in command faced the Zaku warrior in the upper right hand corner his custom glaucester was equipped with the double edged vibration sword while the Zaku was equipped with a large Beam Axe and as we all know swords beat axe's.

Bartholomew drove forward his knightmare zooming towards the Mono-eyed machine.

The Zaku pilot smirked and it used its shoulder mounted anti-beam shield to bash the enemy in head on the. Swung it's beam tomahawk imdiwn taking out the glaucester's sword arm the Bartholomew pulled back firing of his units auto-cannon to distract the enemy ling enoght to grab his sword he went to impail the knight mare only for an explosiom to hit the brittanian with sucb force he was in critical condition and forced to eject.

In the southeast corner a glaucester and a Zaku warrior were having a shoot out with the glaucesters large anti Knightmare Frame shotgun firing off several rounds while the Zaku Warrior used it's beam assualt rifle to defend return fire.

The Glaucester's gun was running on empty and that meant it would have to rely on its other gun the rail gun.

The Zaku warriors pilots simply grunted as he fired of a shot at the unit.

The Last shell of ammo was fired from the knightmare's shotgun so he discarded it and whipped out the rail gun, the Zaku in return whipped out it's long orthros M15000 long range beam cannon.

The two fired of their shots but apparently the britannian didn't realize that the Beam Cannon had enough fire power to blow away the entire wearhouse he had been hiding behind until unit came at him.

" Aw shit." He cursed and the beam took him his knightmare and his cover and blew it all to kingdom come.

Cornellia arrived at the wearhouse where the New prototype was being stored.

The Glaucester stopped when it saw the same red Mono-eyed unit from the Saitama ghetto ambush.

" You really think you can win against me?" Asked Cornelia.

" Maybe I can win since you don't have your sniper backing you up " said kallen.

" I don't need assistance to deal with an amateur like you." Said Cornelia.

" Well then let's see you do that!" Asked kallen.

Cornellia came at the Zaku Phantom with it's jousting lance it fired off it's auto-cannon at the Mono-eyed machine but kallen defended by firing of her Grenades at the enemy machine the glaucester tried to ram the Zaku with it's lance but the Zaku blocked it with it's anti-beam sheild.

The Zaku Phantom's handling had been improved thanks to the O.S adjustments that kallen had done now working as a more close ranged gmhigh mobility frame the unit was fast enough and powerful enough to handle the Glaucester that the princess was piloting.

Kallen countered with a swipe of her Beam Axe the large halberd weapon was able to take the shoulder armor of the glaucester cornellia zoomed backwards firing of her knightmare's auto cannon to push the enemy into a corner the witch of britannia then used her Jousting lance to try and impailed the machine only for the the Lance to bend and shatter.

" What?" Shouted cornelia in astonishment.

" Yeah conventional weaponry doesn't work on us." Said kallen.

Kallen then used her beam axe to make a hack at the Gloucester.

Gilbert Guilford went after the north west corner but was stopped by a Zaku warrior. gilbert was a man of few words, when he faced the enemy Zaku warrior he expected it to have some sort of weaponry to enable it a better chance;

'to his surprise however; it was just the base machine, even though it was the base machine it was still capable of handling the glaucester.

as the machine used a beam tomahawk to duel against his vibration sword the weapons clashed, it soon came to his realization, that this machine was strong enough to handle his glaucester; the enemy also seemed to be an expert in dueling.

The two machines crossed blades time and time again eventually the Zaku landed a crushing blow against the Glaucester.

The pilot of the Zaku warrior smiled and Gilbert had no choice but to retreat.

Kallen smirked whenever Cornelia went for the same maneuver as last time, kallen used the knee lift guard to stop the strike, and she countered with a bash from her left shoulder mounted shield.

She then used a swipe of her Zaku's beam axe, the axe was meet by the jousting lance which caused the two to shatter.

Kallen drew her beam tomahawk and Cornelia drew her back up weapon the vibration sword the two crossed their blades and the two seemed evenly matched but the beam tomahawk was burning through the sword each time the blades clashed and eventually it shattered the blade entirely.

Cornelia knew she had been bested so she had to retreat.

Naruto smirked well so much for those guys now to get these Zaku's back to base and dispell the clones.

" Okay boys let's get back to the base!" I said.

The boys did so and they returned to their base