
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

kallen's melancholy

Kallen sat in her room in the base depressed she had done so well to keep her training she had fought so valiantly against Cornelia and she even had an ace custom unit and for what she had lost just because the bitch had landed a nasty blow to her cockpit she then got a call over her phone.

" Milady there's a boy at your house." Said the head maid.

" Okay I'm coming." Said kallen.

A few minutes later kallen arrived at the kozaki estate and she saw the boy standing there it was Naruto she noticed he had his long blonde hair straightened instead of disheveled he smiled at her " hey kallen I was hoping I could talk to you." Said Naruto.

Kallen and Naruto were at the academies knightmare training grounds Naruto smiled as he was giving her some lessons on knightmare combat.

" And if you use a knee lift you can block strikes to the cockpit." He explained this and kallen was surprised she had had the exact problem when facing Cornelia

'did Naruto know; is Naruto... Zero?'

" Hey kallen." Said Naruto.

" Yes Naruto-San." Said kallen.

" You know you have really beautiful hair." Said the blonde.

She blushed " you really think so." She asked.

" Yeah it reminds me of the hair my mother had." Said Naruto.

" Is it true your a ward of the school." Asked kallen.

Naruto looked sad and distant.

" Yeah it's true I lost my dad and mom during the occupation of Japan he clinched his fist because of that damned emperor." Said Naruto.

" We're your parents diplomats or something." Asked Kallen.

" They were noblemen but unlike the other britannians they were Japanese and truly good people my father however had to become the sinner he never wanted to be because he wanted to protect me and my mom." Said Naruto.

" So he was forced to become evil for the sake of good." Asked kallen.

Naruto nodded "then after all the things my dad did for that man,during the occupation of japan that bastard that fiend he killed him because he wanted to take my mom from him but my dad sent my mom and I somewhere." He continued

" we escaped because we had allies but an explosion separated us and they said they couldn't find a trace of her so she was announced dead and then that bastard shifted the blame onto my father." Naruto grit his teeth.

" That's why I promised myself I'd do all I can to destroy that bastard one day he's going to pay that zero people call him a terrorist no he's a hero he's doing what should've been done from the beginning and that bastard had the audacity to label anyone who apposes him as a enemy of the people more like a coward who can't fight his own battles." Said Naruto.

Kallen agreed he forces his children to fight on the front and reign over his territory while he sits on his fat ass and spends his time with women at least Narutos mother had the sense to stay true to her man.

" I promise you Naruto you will meet your mother one day." Said kallen.

The next day a new girl transferred into the class.

" Greetings everyone it's very nice to meet you my name is Hinata hyuga you may know my cousin neji I will be her to enjoy school with you." Said Hinata in a lady like manner.

" then she spotted Naruto sitting at the window looking at the sky and she out of nowhere tackled him

"Naruto sama it's you waaahhh." Cried Hinata.

Naruto who hadn't been paying attention looked at the crying girl then for the first time he recognized her and he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to comfort her.

" It's okay Hina-hime it's okay." Said Naruto.

" Oi you who are you to Naruto and what are you doing hugging him." Said leloucia loosing her temper.

" Oh you must be Naruto kuns friend it's very nice to meet you I am Hinata hyuga I hope we can be friends." Said Hinata.

Leloucia suddenly felt guilty.

" Um yeah but please refrain from touching Naruto Kun." Said leloucia.

Hinata smiled " okay oh and I want to thank you for always looking out for my fiancee." Said Hinata.

That had the class in an uproar.

" Fiancee!!!" Shouted the entire class.

Naruto felt as if somebody had just signed his name in a target book with the words kill on sight.

" Anyways Naruto Kun I hope us being engaged doesn't hinder our ability to be friends." Said Hinata.

" Um right." Said Naruto.

After class the trio went to their clubs Naruto was in the Chinese kenpo club it was then when he noticed Hinata fallowing him.

" What are you doing." Asked Naruto.

"I wanted to see what club you are a part of." Said Hinata.

"I'm part of the Chinese kenpo club , the student council and the knightmare frame piloting club." Said Naruto.

' martial arts politics and knightmare piloting he's just like his father.' thought Hinata.

" So what martial arts do you know?" Asked Hinata.

" Wing Chun, Ancient Tai-Chi and Jeet Kune Do and Koh-en-ken." Said Naruto.

" You learned that many styles." Asked Hinata.

" Yes and I happen to think myself good at them." Said Naruto.

" Well how about we have a match." Asked Hinata.

" Naruto felt that he should be carful with this girl he remembered that her clan is trained in an odd form of bagua zheng combined with Dim Mac the death touch dispite what a lot of people believe the death touch is a real martial skill it's just not what movies want the people to believe it's no different from a boxer punching a person in the chin or the temple to knock them out in fact the concept is to strike nerve points and vital areas to disable an opponent.

Naruto got ready to spar with Hinata whenever kallen came to the club and found the two.

" Naruto Kun is it true that your engaged to this woman." Asked kallen.

" Ah well kinda it's an arrangement between my father and her father." Said Naruto.

" I see then I shall forgive you." Said kallen

" For what?" Asked Naruto

" For this." She said and she kicked Naruto in the crotch.

"9999 damage!" Said a voice from nowhere.

" Critical hit to the nads." Said Naruto.

" Are you okay Naruto Kun?" Asked Hinata.

" Yeah I'm fine." Naruto whimpered.

' how dare that hussy do that to my Naruto kun.' said Hinata.

The two of them spared Hinata being cautious of Naruto's injured groin and the two learned both of them were on equal terms of skill dispite her family using bagua zheng Hinata preferably used Taijiquan.

Hinata found that Naruto seemed to use each move from each style in an amalgam of his four different martial arts styles together like when he used a straight blast while using a tai-chi movement called horse splits the plow a cross over elbow spike that can be used as a guard how he did this was by blocking with his left elbow he shifted his right leg forward and threw a right straight fallowed by a left and connected a chain of straight punches or in her case palms as Naruto didn't believe in striking a girl unless she was trying to kill him he was a gentleman but he also knew that in self defense chivalry didn't matter.

The two then went to the knightmare piloting club.