
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

Cornelia's resolve part one: Cornelia versus kallen

After about three days britannia decided to deploy another force to try and exterminate the terrorist this time it would be lady Cornelia Zi britannia who would do so unlike the previous undisciplined commanders Cornelia wasn't just a person hell bemt on killing elevens without reason since that thinking could get you killed no she was a more disciplined more mature soldier she knew the phrase the game of chess is like a sword fight and every move must be counted for her mentor minato may he rest in peace taught her that.

" Y You come with me." She said.

" Yes ma'am." Said Y who was secretly Hinata hyuga.

She moved to board her Sazabi using the DNA registry to allow her inside she would come to the battle field her Sazabi was taller than the normal Knightmare Frame.

" When you see the horned knightmare capture it detain the soldiers we want to know who has been providing them with weapons." Said Cornelia.

" Yes ma'am." Said Hinata

' but I am coming too.' so she could confirm it for herself her Naruto Kun was still alive if he is then maybe just maybe this war could finally end.' Thought Hinata to herself.

Ready soliders move out.

" Neji you deploy in the Gunner Zaku warrior and get into position on top the tallest building and wait for my signal." Said Naruto who was behind the mask of Zero.

" Kallen you deploy in the Slash Zaku Phantom and hold the line." Said zero.

" Ohgi, Kento you two deploy in the Blaze Zaku Warriors and take out the main forces if you see Cornelia disable her but keep her alive and if you see a red Knightmare Frame larger than normal let me know and keep your distance." Naruto said

" Alpha Beta You Two ready." Naruto said.

" Yes sir." Said the twins as the came flying in from the sky.

The battle field was set.

Naruto had secretly created a multitude of clones who were in the mass production knightmare and artillery vehicles he created codenamed GunTank's and GM's while not as high performance as the Zaku warrior the GM did have on thing going for it it's versitility the unit was built with the rare material of Gundanium alloy and nano laminate armor making them nearly indistuctable to conventional and beam weapons however their control schemes and weapons were not as potent due to them mainly only having conventional ranged weapons however they were equipped with thermal energy reactors which allowed the GM's to use beam sabers still they were more of a grunt unit the GunTank's were more meant to hold of the enemy they were made of the more conservative yet highly durable Lunar Titanium Alloy or LTA for short.

Naruto felt a tingle in his mind.

" Is that you leloucia." Asked Naruto after he cut off his radio.

" Naruto their fielding a different red Knightmare!" Came leloucia's voice from her custom made knightmare the unit was built off the G-frame but used the Blueprints of the Zaku warrior to design a new unit called the Gespenst the unit she had was equipped with a Hyper beam rifle a Neo plasma cutter, a missile pod launcher, a Chargeable plasma steak rack code named jet Magnum for a powerful punch, and a set of computer controlled bladed disk drones code named slash rippers the unit was a prototype leloucia designed for stealth.

" While your busy Fighting the ground game I will be here in the air dealing with the choppers and jet fighters." Said leloucia who was wearing a similar get up to Naruto except hers was more of like a princesses get up.

The enemy came into view.

" Here they come!" Said neji.

Leading the charge was a glaucester wielding a lance.

" The bitch is mine." Said kallen as she activated her units Beam axe and she went to face Cornelia.

Naruto cursed "Damned girl I told her to deal with the incoming enemy.' he said as Cornelia flanked right.

Naruto moved in he used his beam gatling gun to take out the enemy that was incoming.

" Your mine!" Said a voice and from the right a beam tomahawk sword came near his unit.

Naruto quickly dodged it the enemy was one unit he never thought he'd see again the Sazabi the unit his father originally built for his mother.

( Flash back ten years ago.)

"Otou-sama this machine is like your sinanju isn't it." Naruto asked.

" Yes it's the msn-04 Sazabi." Said minato.

" So Otou-sama does this mean Mom is a knight too?" Asked Naruto

" As well." Minato corrected his six year old son.

" Will I pilot a knightmare one day." Asked Naruto.

" Yes one day when your old enough." Said minato.

( Flashback end.)

Cornelia raced the Red Unit she knew it's design stemmed from the same design as the sazabi but was a bit different it's weapons were similar to that of the Sazabi as well using a thermal energy axe and a beam based rifle.

" You won't beat me using tech alone." Said Cornelia as she reved her units engine and it zoomed across the ground using its land spinner propulsion system she moved fast firing off her chest mounted machine guns fallowed by a strike from her jousting lance the drill like tip trying to peirce the core but to kallen's surprise it actually managed to do some damage.

She used her units shoulder shield to ram Cornelia.

" Tch I forgot that she's the anti-panzer of the group." Said kallen.

" But that's okay because I'm taking her head." Said kallen and she drew her beam tomahawk and boosted in.

Cornelia was surprised that this unit was just as fast as hers she had noticed the unit seemed a bit different from the other two like it because of it's red color scheme but now it was revealed to be different it had two shields and a unique head.

The unit moved fast dodging her lance.

" Tch should've brought a sword." Said Cornelia.

The beam tomahawk would've been the coupe-de-grace except that Cornelia had back up.

From behind the building debris rifle fire lanced at the slash Zaku Phantom.

" What where's that coming from." Asked kallen.

From behind the building was a helicopter that was low to the ground.

But fortunately kallen had some help as from the tallest building Neji fired off a shot from his perch using his beam assault rifle.

But just then Cornelia rammed kallen knocking her out.

But just as she was about to capture her. Twenty knightmare frames with a god awful tacky grey and orange color scheme got in between her.

" Heh so more die today." She said and she Drove forward.

To be continued