

Today is supposed to be a fantastic day today. Family and friends all come over here together to celebrate my second birthday party, even though I had already turned two just this Wednesday. But now isn't the best time for that. Right now is the time to celebrate! All the kids are either playing inside of this huge colorful bouncy castle or doing activities with this even more colorful looking clown. All the parents are at these hangout spaces where they just sit there, eat food, and chat about their usual business. I'm currently just standing in the middle of everything wondering what to do first. "Hey my curious little angel , what are you doing just standing there? Not all investigators just stand around looking at their surroundings you know." I look up to see my mom smiling at me and ruffling my hair. "I know mom, but there's just so many mysteries out there that no one may even know of yet. When will I ever get a chance like that? " She sighs and bends her knees down to my level. "Angel sweetheart, I guarantee that some day soon you will get a chance to achieve whatever heart tells you, but remember that hard work is a key factor to achieving your dreams." "Okay Mommy." "Hey honey! Angel baby! We're going to cut the cake soon!" That voice comes from my dearest father of mine. He and mom have always been there for me from the moment I was born, although it's a blessing for all of us to know that I'm not a spoiled rich kid. That would've been a complete disaster for them to adjust to. I see that all the kids and adults gather around the long dining table waiting for some delicious cake to be placed onto their plastic plates. We are all just about to begin singing happy birthday when suddenly I feel the need to go to the bathroom. "Mommy, Daddy? I need to go use the restroom. Can one of you please take me there?" "I'll take you, sweetheart. Honey, will you and the others wait for a minute?" "Of course, honey. It's not a problem at all. I can't wait for our sweet little baby to do the honor of cutting her own slice." "It'll be alright, Daddy, but I really need to hurry before my pants explode." "Alright sweetie, let's go." With that we leave for the bathroom. "I'll be waiting for you out here, sweetheart." "Okay, Mommy. I promise I'll be quick." I rush into the restroom where I do my usual business. Always remember to wash your hands when you're done. Just as I finished washing my hands, I hear screaming and cutting coming from outside the bathroom door. "Mommy? Mommy?!" I quickly open the door back outside and I don't see Mommy anywhere around here! "Mommy! Where are you?! Mommy?!" I then look below me and what I am looking at is really starting to freak me out. Wait, no, Mommy said that you have to stay calm when it comes to bad situations. With that I breath in and out five times to help myself calm down, and start following the trail of dark red blood on the floor. Where on earth is this trail leading me to? The trail leads me up to a room that says "Do Not Enter" on it, but the trail still continue through that door. With no other choice, I open the door. There sat my mother bleeding really badly. She seemed to have three different gun wounds on her. "Mommy?! Mommy what happened to you?!" I ran close to my mom and held her head in my arms. "S-sweetheart...I'm a-afraid that I won't be able to m-make it f-for very much l-longer." "Don't worry, Mommy. I'll go find help. You're gonna be just fine." "Angel, t-there's some last things I-I w-want to tell you. I w-want y-you to a-always be kind, h-have courage, and never give u-up o-on your b-biggest dreams, sweetheart. A-and no m-matter w-what, I'll always love y-you and the r-rest of the f-family." "Mommy, no no no this can't be happening. Mommy please don't leave us!" "I love you very much sweetheart." "I-I love you too, Mommy." With that her eyes close and her body stops working as I am still holding her head. "No, no this can't be real. This can't be happening. Mommy?" She doesn't respond and I here no breath coming out of her. "No! No! No! Mommy!" Heavy tears poor out of my eyes, as I stay there crying them all out mourning for the loss of my dear mom. "Don't worry, Mommy. I promise that one day I'll figure out who did this to you, and I also promise that I'll work as hard as I can to make my dreams come true." Today has just changed my whole life for good, and little did I know how it could effect my future ahead of me.