
Chapter 7. Answers

Sitting on the bed with his legs dangling and head down, Vlad thought about everything that was happening to him, he could not get answers even to the simplest questions, but to the questions: "What is happening?" he was told that it was not dear to him to know.

- We need to look for answers - Vlad thought. – Although, how? If everything is under guard here, and I can't even leave the ward.

His thoughts were interrupted by the opening door. It was, as usual, Volkova.

- How are you feeling? she asked from the threshold.

- Fine.

- Fine.

Volkova began, as usual, to examine Vlad and write down his indicators.

- Can i ask you?

- Certainly.

- When will I be released?

- Soon. Is something bothering you?

- Yes, somehow I did not expect that I would participate in something when I left the house.

I understand, but don't be too patient.

Vlad had no choice but to agree. Volkova left the room.

- Be patient ... - Vlad said quietly - Tch.

Meanwhile, his friends puzzled over where their friend had gone. And walking down the street Misha said:

- Valerie, what do you think about Vlad? Misha asked, staring into the distance.

- Yes, if I knew. He is not at home, he does not take the phone, he simply disappeared after he was taken away.

- A sorcerer, damn it. - Misha said - They took him away... They took him away... - Wait! Misha shouted.

- A?

- Do you remember this one… But I don't remember damn it, well, the girl went into her office as a scientist or who she turned to there. I forgot her name.

- Well, I understand who you are talking about. And what?

- Well, she came up to Vlad and said "His".

- You want to say that Vlad is on the fifth floor, which those in bathrobes took for themselves?

- Maybe. Well, we won't know until we check it out.

- Here you are right, but how do we get there, if there is security.

- Hmm ... - Misha thought after a few seconds, he issued:

- The plan is bullshit, but come on?

- Why did you enter the door!? The guards there are the first, the second - they are with weapons. They'll just kill us!

- Don't scream.

Well, let's think logically. If they open fire, everyone will immediately know about it and there will be a scandal, but I think they don't need it.

- Yes, it's still complete nonsense!

- Trust me! - Misha did not let up.

Misha was the kind of person who, if he caught fire with something, he would definitely achieve this even if it was useless or deadly.

- Misha, you seem to wear glasses all the time, and everyone who wears glasses seems to be smart.

- This stereotype. And you know that without them I can't see anything.

- Yes, that's right, sometimes I constantly regret that we don't live like in a movie, then you would be the smartest and come up with a different plan, and not stupidly in the forehead!

Did Vlad bite you?

- In terms of?

Yes, you quoted him.

- You know, I don't want to die.

- Yes, everything is fine. I already came up with a plan.

- Well?

- Come to me, I'll tell you everything.

Coming home to Misha, Valera immediately went to the kitchen.

- E! Well, don't be rude! Misha shouted after his friend.

- When I eat, I digest better and in general I just take tea with something

And so the friends gathered in the room, Misha had a fairly large table, so taking a chair, Valera sat next to him, and they began to discuss the plan.

- Look, the entire fifth floor is blocked tightly.

- Uh-huh - Said Valera, drinking tea.

- Yes, and plus cameras and maybe some other measures. Therefore, the only way to get there is through the window.

- Yeah. The plan is good, but I don't remember that we could fly.

- We don't have to. We will climb onto the roofs and go down the ropes through the window.

- Will not work.

- Why is this?

- Firstly, to get to the roof you need to go up to the fifth floor, and there is security, and secondly, there are bars on all the windows.

- Not at all.

- Which ones don't?

- Toilet.

- Toilet? There's a small window, we can't get through. Even if we really want to.

You don't, but I do.

- Do you think? I would say if you were the same physique as Vlad. Yes, I'm not even sure that he would have climbed there.

- Is he? Listen, he climbed into such cracks that even our classmates who say they are fat, although I'm surprised that they don't have anorexia, couldn't get in there, but he could. And I won't pull in my stomach much wider than him, well, I'll take something slimy just in case.

- Well, let's say, and I?

- Well, you're on guard, otherwise you never know.

- Well, let's say we get to the toilet on the fifth, and then what? And if the guards are patrolling there, you remember what the fifth one looks like, if there is no guard in the toilet, then she can stand at the exit from it.

- Well, let's go and find out! Misha answered happily.

- Yeah. I can see how I'm standing two meters high on the roof, the sun is shining in my eyes, and you're crawling along the rope, but it's all nonsense.

- Brad, Brad. Then your ideas.

Valera thought.

- There is one plan. The cleaning lady has the keys to the back room with inventory, and the back room is on the second floor on the flight of stairs.

- Is that what they call black? - Misha interrupted him.

- Yeah. So, there are no cameras.

- Well?

- Oh well. After the last cleaning, we take the steal key and climb up there.

- And how do you steal the key?

- I will distract the guard, and you will climb in and take everything.

- And the only camera on the first is directed to the front door.

- Exactly. Valera said and snapped his fingers

- Okay, why do we need this?

- We climb into the back room, close and wait for the guard to make a detour, then we climb out and go to the fifth, he makes the last detour at half past seven, and since it gets dark early, we will not be so clearly visible.

Let's say the door creaks.

"Are you going to kick her off your feet?"

- No.

- Well, don't be stupid, we'll quietly open it and that's it.

Misha nodded his head. The next day, the guys, as usual, sat in class, and that's when they ended, the guys went to the back stairs.

- Well? Misha asked.

- Well, we're all sitting and waiting. While she scrubs the floors, returns the key and leaves, and then according to the plan.

- And if someone goes?

- It won't. Now teachers are only at the third and fourth, and the second, as you can see, the classrooms are closed.

- Is the second one open? Misha said and quietly opened the door.


- Well, that's good.

- M-yes. How to figure out a plan so you are the first in your studies would you be so.

- I'm not parading Vlad. It doesn't suit you.

- OK OK.

The boys sat down on the stairs and waited. And now, finally, the time has come. The cleaning lady finished cleaning and left the college. Misha hid on the second floor. Valera approached the guard and said:

- Hello, I forgot the bag with the change at 304, can you open it?

- No.

- Well, please, I don't have any more shoes, but they won't let me in without a change of shoes.

- Don't forget anything! The guard said with a frown.

- Please.

Grunting displeasedly, the guard took the key to room 304 and said:

- Went.

- Thanks a lot.

Meanwhile, Misha was standing on the second floor, and as soon as he saw that the guard had gone up to the third floor, he quietly left and quickly went to the counter where all the keys were hanging.

- 305… 001… Basement… But where is he!

And then Misha remembered that all offices, including offices that are considered service rooms, also have a number.

- Bitch! And what is the number? Ah-ah-ah...

Misha became very nervous

- Think, think... If there are five rooms on one floor on one side. Then we need two hundred ... The sixth! Or seventh? Oh well, I'll take two. And where?

Misha began to look for the necessary keys, but there were no keys where the keys were needed, then he began to look in the boxes. Suddenly, he heard the door opening. Then, in a panic, he opened the last drawer and saw a key marked "206". He grabbed it and quickly ran to the second. Without calculating his strength, he pulled the door hard, causing it to slam.

- Sorry again. Valera said.

- Uh-huh - The guard answered. As there was a knock on the door.

- What is this!?

- Misha, your mother! thought Valera.

- So you! - Said the guard, turning to Valera - Get out of here so that my eyes do not see you!

- Oh, yeah, okay. - Said Valera and began to slowly descend ahead of the guard.

- What to do!? What to do!? - Misha said quietly, shaking his head in all directions, when he heard the guard with fright Misha flew into the door to his left.

- Toilet! - Misha thought and ran up to him at the speed of light and quietly opened the door, going inside he closed the door.

Running into the booth, he closed the door and stood up as if rooted to the spot. The guard opened the door on the second floor and began to examine it, he began to walk all over the floor in order to understand what kind of sound it was. And as soon as the guard was out of sight, Valera returned to the third floor, went to the emergency stairs, went down to the second floor, reached the pantry where the inventory was stored, Valera sat down on the steps so that he could not be seen through the flights of stairs and began to wait for a friend

- The main thing is that they don't find it, thought Valera, staring through a small window through which only the dark sky was visible. Meanwhile, Misha continued to stand in the toilet. Finally, he decided to leave the toilet, only touching the handle, he heard approaching steps, he immediately released the handle and sat on the toilet lid with his legs tucked up to him. And then the door opened, Misha shivered all over his body. The guard came closer and then he stopped in fear Misha held his breath. The situation was extremely tense in Misha's eyes, his whole life ran through, and finally he heard the guard leave and there was a difficult choice to get out and hope that the guard left and quickly run to the stairs so that the camera would not see or wait a little longer, but then there is a chance that the guard will look into the cameras and see him. While Misha was thinking, he heard the slam of the door that leads to the stairs and assumed that the guard had returned to his post. Let's weigh the pros and cons, he flew out of the booth and ran to the emergency stairs, holding the door so that it would not slam. Running out onto the stairs, Misha saw a silhouette sitting on the stairs with his back to him.

Misha wanted to scream out of fright, but covering his mouth with his hands somehow restrained himself, looking a little closer, he recognized his friend in this silhouette.

- Valera is that you? Misha asked in a half voice.

- A!? - Valera wanted to scream from fright, but he realized in time and covered his mouth with his hands. Coming to his senses, Valera said:

- Tfu. Fool, your left

- Look who's Talking. Misha answered in a sarcastic tone.

- Me-me. - Valera was mocking a friend - Did you get the key?

- I got it, though I'm not sure what it is.

Just don't say...

- I also hope that everything will be fine - interrupted Misha.

Friends approached the door, Misha took out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole.

- Well, half the work is done.

- Yeah, - said Valera, not taking his eyes off the castle.

Misha turned and the door opened.

- Well, welcome to home. Hehe.

- Englishman, figs. Valera said with a sigh and went inside.

And it seems everything went almost smoothly, but when Misha slammed the door, the sound spread throughout the college and the guards on the fifth floor heard it and it alerted them, so one of the guards went to the first floor to find out what was happening. Having reached the first floor and approaching the counter, he asked:

- What's going on here?

The guard at the counter made a blank face.

- In terms of?

- There was some cotton.

So it didn't seem to me

- It's clear. - Said the guard and took out a walkie-talkie. Answer the first, fifth.

There was a hiss from the radio, then the guard repeated:

- First, answer the fifth.

Here came from the radio

- Fifth, first reception.

- Fifth, possibly penetration, comb all the floors. Reception.

- Got you.

The guard removed the radio and said:

- I need to see the camera footage.

- I can't show them to you.

- It's clear. - The guard said, sighing heavily and taking out a machine gun from behind his back, removing it from the safety lock, said:

- I need records.

Goosebumps ran down the guard's skin, and his legs began to give way.

- W-good. - The guard said, but before he could touch the mouse, the light went out.

- Fifth, first, reception

- First, fifth, reception

- Fifth what do you have there?

- We would like to know. We comb the whole fifth

- Accepted. All free groups to check the whole building, I repeat to all free groups to check the building.

Meanwhile, friends were sitting in the pantry without suspecting anything.

- It was close. Misha said

- Yeah.

- Listen, what time is it now?

- Paul ... - Valera did not have time to finish, when Misha immediately interrupts him

- Quiet!

- M?

- Do you hear?

Valera listened and heard someone stomping.

- Is someone running?

- Rather, he runs and not alone.

- We made a stir here.

- Yeah.

- And what's the plan?

- So so so…

Misha began to rub his face in circular motions.

- Do you have the key? Misha asked without taking his hands off his face.

- Naturally.

- Then... Then... Get those boxes from the closet.

- Okay, how much?

- All

Valera got up and took out boxes from the cabinet.

- Well?

- Listen, purely hypothetically, you will climb into this closet?

- No, well, you can shove anything and anywhere, but it is closed.

- Look. - Misha said and pointed to the key hanging on the wall.

Misha took the key and opened the closet.

- Will you get in?

- I'll try.

Valera, bowing his head, somehow fit into the closet

- Well, how?

- It's like they made it for you.

- Ugh. I'm also a joker. Okay, what's next?

- Further? And then the doors close and we sit here.

- Aren't I going to suffocate here?

- Hold your breath so that it lasts longer.

Valera held her breath.

- Fool, this is a joke.

- Yes, you went.

- All right, come on.

Misha closed Valera back to the castle, and he began to build a shelter, he took the desk and moved it as far as possible to the cabinet, then placed it vertically, resting it on the cabinet, and put the boxes on one side.

- Well, it seems to be ready, there is only one thing left ...

And then Misha realized one thing.

- Bitch! - Misha shouted in the floor of his voice, which made Valera feel uneasy

- What do you have?

- Key.

- What's the key?

- Where do we put the key that I took?

- Bitch…. - Valera said with a complete lack of understanding of what to do.

Meanwhile, the top intensified. Then Misha made a decision.

- Everything is quiet! I figured it out! - Misha shouted softly

He gently opened the door, put his hand out and put the key in, then pushed the key so that it lay as if it had fallen out of his pocket and just as slowly closed the door, and he climbed into his hiding place and closed himself with boxes. Silence reigned in the room. After some time, the door opened and someone came in. Through the small gaps between the box, Misha saw the light of a flashlight. A man with a flashlight began to inspect every corner, out of fear Misha sank to the floor and pressed himself against one of the boxes so that in which case he would not be seen. While Misha sat pressed against the box, he remembered that the key to the closet was in his pocket.

- Crap! Crap! - Misha shouted to himself, but there was nothing to change, it only remained to wait and hope. How did he hear:

- Eighth, fifth, reception. Found the key on the floor, welcome

- Fifth, eighth. What's the key?

- "206" is written, and I am right next to this office, over.

- Accepted. Now I'll send you another one to check everything there, over.

- Accepted.

After a couple of tens of seconds, the second guard came and they began to walk around the small office.

- Ass, ass ... - Misha continued to shout to himself. Raising his head a little to the crack, he saw that the guards had machine guns, when the light of a lantern hit their eyes. Frightened, he ducked back and clung even tighter to the box, and then heard footsteps approaching. The guard pushed the top box so that it fell and the side cover opened in flight and covered Misha. The guard shone the light into the space between the cabinet and the desk, without seeing anything, he went further, and Misha, lying under the box, tried to control himself in the literal sense, because he was pounding like a bell. The guards inspected the office for about ten more minutes, and finally one of them said:

- Eighth, fifth. We're clean, welcome.

- Accepted, let's go to the basement, how do you understand?

- You understood. - The guard put the radio on his belt and turned his head to his partner and said:

- Went.

- Mg.

The guards left the office for several minutes Valera sat silently in the hope that his friend would open it, but this did not happen, so he decided to shout:

- Hey, are you going to open me or not?

Misha lay silently, and his whole life ran through his eyes, then his friend shouted again:

- Hey, did you die there?

Misha, without answering anything, somehow got to his feet a couple of times, almost falling, staggering, he reached the door, pulled his shaking hand out of his pocket and hit the lock from the fifth time and opened the door.

- Listen, help me.

Misha without further questions grabbed his friend by the hand and began to jerk him out. All his jerks were accompanied by Valera's grunting and sighs, since the closet was not designed for people to climb into it, especially when the man stepped out two meters, naturally Valera's whole body became numb. But then Misha pulled his friend out of the closet, after warming up a little, Valera looked at his friend, and he was as white as chalk.

- Listen, what are you doing?

- M? - Misha asked, not taking his eyes off the emptiness

- I say why are you all white?

- If the c-box had not opened, they would have seen me.

Valera looked at the shelter where Misha was sitting.

- Yeah, what are we going to do?

"They'll be looking for us now if they see us."

- Understood, understood - Valera interrupted a friend.

- Went.

Misha and Valera quietly left the office and slowly began to rise, and now there was very little left. Misha gestured to Valera to stay where he was, and he climbed higher, and fifteen steps separated him from the fifth floor, he looked at the door that led to the offices on the fifth floor. There were two guards

- Yours! Misha thought.

Since it was dangerous to return on the stairs, he returned to Valera, telling everything that he saw there, the friends began to come up with a plan. They had gone too far and did not want to back down. At this time, Vlad was lying on the bed, but he could not fall asleep

- He can ask to be released, at least to go to college, although the chance that they will let me out is as small as the fact that tomorrow I will be at home. Vlad thought.

But still, he decided suddenly luck would smile at him. He got up from the bed.

- Group 2/5, we need one of you on the third floor, over. - It came from the radio.

- Now let's go down, welcome.

- Who will go?

- Let it be you.

The guard sighed heavily, but went down the stairs and said:

- My legs hurt.

- Well, then I'll go, what are you? - His partner said after him

- Yes, you go.

Vlad knocked on the door and waited. The door was opened by a guard

- What do you want?

- Can you walk?

At that moment, from the radio came:

- The basement is clean, I repeat the basement is clean.

- Something happened?

- No, everything is fine.

- You can only go, bring this into the two hundred and sixth room - the guard said and took out a plastic bag from his pocket.

- Well - Vlad answered without hesitation and took the bag.

- And no more than fifteen minutes

- Okay - Vlad replied. After all, even fifteen minutes would be enough for him to freshen up.

Vlad went down to the second floor along the main staircase, entered the hall

- Eh.

Entering a long corridor that led to an emergency staircase in the distance, he saw two silhouettes sitting pressed against the door.

- So. Either someone is sitting there or I have already arrived.

He came closer to see how he heard the conversation of silhouettes.

- And I'm telling you that you're not a fool at all?

- Yes? And what do you suggest?

After listening a little more, he recognized these voices, coming up and sitting next to them, Vlad began to listen to them.

"…Come on, then how do I distract and you slip through?"

- And how do you propose to do it? What if there's more inside?

- Well then, let's distract and break the door, it's almost all glass.

Here Vlad decided to intervene:

- Yeah, yeah, what else can you say?

Friends have almost screamed, but I expect such a reaction from friends, Vlad closed their mouths.

- Quiet, you. Their.

The friends were scared so their mouths were closed for a little while longer

- I remove my hands, but you do not scream

Vlad removed his hands, his friends took a breath, and now Misha said:

- Fu-u-uh. Why are you so scared!?

- I? Never. You better answer me, how did you get here?

- They were looking for you - Valera said taking a breath.

- Me?

- Yeah. You disappeared, you don't answer calls, you're not at home, you're on steam too. Valera said

- Even these wise men took you to no one knows where. - added Misha

- Eh. Damn idiots - Vlad said - Come here.

Friends hugged, and Vlad said:

- I missed you too.

- Can you tell me how you got here?

Friends began to tell their plan and everything that happened to them

- ... Well, then you came.

Vlad was shocked by what he heard, thinking it over, he said:

- Of course, you guys are great, but your plan is like cheese.

- Why? – Not understanding asked Valera.

- Because there are holes in it, like cheese, and the whole plan rests purely on luck and luck. Although this is still not bad compared to the plan with a rope and a roof. And what would happen to you if you were found, I don't even want to think.

The friends lowered their heads.

- But you know, thanks.

Friends raised their heads and looked at Vlad.

- I'm going completely crazy here. All day in the ward and today I was released for a long time. I can't even put on my own clothes.

- And when will it all end? Valeria asked.

- If i knew.

- Okay, I don't have much time left, so let me take you out.

- But how?

- As expected through the main.

- They'll see us!

- Do not be afraid, everything is fine. The cameras don't work.

- How do you know?

- Intuition and observation.

The friends got up and walked towards the exit. Not much is left of the first floor. Here Vlad stopped and turned to his friends and said:

- Stay here. I'll call.

The friends nodded their heads. Vlad went down to the first floor, the guard noticed him and shouted

- Hey, who are you?!

In the dark it was hard to see, so it was difficult to see the face.

Ignoring Vlad opened one of the main doors. And he began to return to his friends. The guard decided to stop the intruder, but as soon as he got up, Vlad approached him and grabbed his chest, he bowed his head and said:

- New? I do not remember you

Since childhood, Vlad saw well in the dark, so he saw the face of the guard clearly.

- Who are you?! – Frightened guard responded.

- I'm your nightmare. Remember, you didn't see anything, and if you tell anyone, it's the same as with the one who was here before you.

- So it's you! The man broke his psyche because of you!

The guard said this very loudly, which made Vlad angry because I can see my friends and then there will be problems, and adding problems with sleep to this, he became even more angry. Realizing that it would not be possible to agree, Vlad swung and hit the guard in the stomach, from which he began to wheeze and cough.

- Quiet, quiet. Remember one thing: You didn't see anything. Understood?

- P-p-understood ... - Somehow squeezed out the guard.

- Well, fine.

Entering a long corridor that led to an emergency staircase in the distance, he saw two silhouettes sitting pressed against the door.

- So. Either someone is sitting there or I have already arrived.

He came closer to see how he heard the conversation of silhouettes.

- And I'm telling you that you're not a fool at all?

- Yes? And what do you suggest?

After listening a little more, he recognized these voices, coming up and sitting next to them, Vlad began to listen to them.

"…Come on, then how do I distract and you slip through?"

- And how do you propose to do it? What if there's more inside?

- Well then, let's distract and break the door, it's almost all glass.

Here Vlad decided to intervene:

- Yeah, yeah, what else can you say?

Friends have almost screamed, but I expect such a reaction from friends, Vlad closed their mouths.

- Quiet, you. Their.

The friends were scared so their mouths were closed for a little while longer

- I remove my hands, but you do not scream

Vlad removed his hands, his friends took a breath, and now Misha said:

- Fu-u-uh. Why are you so scared!?

- I? Never. You better answer me, how did you get here?

- They were looking for you - Valera said taking a breath.

- Me?

- Yeah. You disappeared, you don't answer calls, you're not at home, you're on steam too. Valera said

- Even these wise men took you to no one knows where. - added Misha

- Eh. Damn idiots - Vlad said - Come here.

Friends hugged, and Vlad said:

- I missed you too.

- Can you tell me how you got here?

Friends began to tell their plan and everything that happened to them

- ... Well, then you came.

Vlad was shocked by what he heard, thinking it over, he said:

- Of course, you guys are great, but your plan is like cheese.

- Why? – Not understanding asked Valera.

- Because there are holes in it, like cheese, and the whole plan rests purely on luck and luck. Although this is still not bad compared to the plan with a rope and a roof. And what would happen to you if you were found, I don't even want to think.

The friends lowered their heads.

- But you know, thanks.

Friends raised their heads and looked at Vlad.

- I'm going completely crazy here. All day in the ward and today I was released for a long time. I can't even put on my own clothes.

- And when will it all end? Valeria asked.

- If i knew.

- Okay, I don't have much time left, so let me take you out.

- But how?

- As expected through the main.

- They'll see us!

- Do not be afraid, everything is fine. The cameras don't work.

- How do you know?

- Intuition and observation.

The friends got up and walked towards the exit. Not much is left of the first floor. Here Vlad stopped and turned to his friends and said:

- Stay here. I'll call.

The friends nodded their heads. Vlad went down to the first floor, the guard noticed him and shouted

- Hey, who are you?!

In the dark it was hard to see, so it was difficult to see the face.

Ignoring Vlad opened one of the main doors. And he began to return to his friends. The guard decided to stop the intruder, but as soon as he got up, Vlad approached him and grabbed his chest, he bowed his head and said:

- New? I do not remember you

Since childhood, Vlad saw well in the dark, so he saw the face of the guard clearly.

- Who are you?! – Frightened guard responded.

- I'm your nightmare. Remember, you didn't see anything, and if you tell anyone, it's the same as with the one who was here before you.

- So it's you! The man broke his psyche because of you!

The guard said this very loudly, which made Vlad angry because I can see my friends and then there will be problems, and adding problems with sleep to this, he became even more angry. Realizing that it would not be possible to agree, Vlad swung and hit the guard in the stomach, from which he began to wheeze and cough.

- Quiet, quiet. Remember one thing: You didn't see anything. Understood?

- P-p-understood ... - Somehow squeezed out the guard.

- Well, fine.