

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

The Right Path 3

They managed to rest for five minutes in silence, but Heng was not feeling the calm as everyone else.

'Someone  or something is aware of our arrival at this place. My skill definitely activated....but it seems that were going to be okay.' Heng cast his gaze towards the bamboo forest and released a sigh of relief.' If it was capable of killing or even deterring us it would have at least looked at us for a little longer....'

Heng felt better as he arrived at that conclusion,  but something at the back of his mind nagged him. That quick look and retrat seemed to intelligent for his liking. He bit his lip in contemplation and turned his attention towards the siblings this time. They seemed to be discussing about something with great concentration,  obviously not having noticed anything. This made Heng displeased as the rumours said that true cultivators of the Dantian realm had senses much sharper than humans.

'Fuck it...' inwardly said Heng as he got up and headed towards the siblings,  breaking their conversation."Excuse me once again esteemed cultivators, but can I have a word with you?" 

The siblings seemed a little displeased at the interruption of their conversation,  but they didn't stop him.


"Of course.  I have a concern about....


On the other side of the formation and outside the bamboo forest several men had finished killing several black chicken's and were cleaning their weapons of their blood,  when a hooded one abruptly opened his eyes. They were bloodshot and wild unlike the eyes of a normal human,  making the others around him wary. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the bamboo forest and motioned towards a man wearing silver armour, only his middle aged bearded face showing.

"What is it?! Did you figure anything out about the layout of this place?"

"Indeed....but you're not going to enjoy it." hoarsely said the hooded one. A mocking smile bloomed on his face as he looked at the armored one, and he clapped his hands" The troops of the Blue Tiger Kingdom seem to have passed through the formation that surrounds this bamboo forest. They are pretty capable...."

"What?! You better not..."

"I'm not lying! So, better calm down and accept the reality of the situation, hahahaha. It's such a wonderful development,  wouldn't you agree?!"

Though words didn't seen to sit well with the middle aged man as his hand immediately went to his sword hilt. "Hmph,  one more outlandish word and your head will fly off  from your neck. I will not allow you to praise those trash from the Blue Tiger Kingdom in my presence!"

The middle aged man seemed about to draw his sword, and even the hooded figure prepared some kind of spell as crimson mist surrounded his right hand, but after some tension nothing happened as both backed down.

"You of the Silver Serpent Empire have no humour, but even less brains."


"Hmph, they may have already passed the formation,  but I've also figured the right path.  With the resources we just received,  passing through this won't be a problem anymore. Them passing the formation first is a blessing in disguise as they will clear the path for us, and we will reap the benefits of their hard work."

"I see....it seems you mercenaries are somewhat useful after all."

"Heh...glad that you agree."


Heng had finished their  brief reat and were following the water downstream, passing through the never-ending bamboo forest,  until a sign of human architecture appeared. Two  big stone statues of some feline animal were situated on the beginning of a  small bridge. It was a curved one maybe 10 meters max, and it crossed the small stream they were following.  Both of these landmarks were very old by the look of wear on the stone , but they still seemed sturdy.

"Keep moving...." ordered Lai Sen as to make them hasten their step, and so they did. They wearily crossed old the small bridge to the other side, and when they did, something was waiting for them. 


A strange hiss drew their attention to the right,  and a gigantic green snake rushed towards them. It was like a fat green bolt of lighting, too fast for even Heng to do much about it.


It was upon them in s flash , and a green tal whipped the two soldiers who were in front, Heng one of them. 


The tail hit Heng's shield with tremendous force, flinging Heng three meters back. His shield lay to the side,  broken,  and he was facing the sky as he struggled to even breathe. Tears welled in his eyes as he held his chest in pain, but he didn't have time to rest as someone picked him up.

"Brother Heng,  are you okay!? Brother Heng....

Qiao yelled , trying to get a response from Heng, but the later was watching the siblings battle the snake. The sister with a silver spear harassed the snake , and the brother did multiple heavy strikes on the snakes side. It was a wild and superhuman battle as the three figures blurred,  to fast for Heng's vision to clearly capture.