

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Preparing for the Inevitable 2

After having his Colas section unlocked,  Heng had several options to enhance his strength going by the description of their power ups, but even though all of them had their uses and he definitely wished to have them all, one was his goal. 

             Juggernog Increase your Health Points permanently by 150 points. 

Among the array of Colas,  Juggernog was the thing that was the best for him at the moment. The Increase of his HP would make him more hard to kill,  and more resilient,  but Heng also had something else in mind. Seeing as his perk 'Fast Recovery ' increased his cultivation speed,  it wouldn't be a surprise if Juggernog would do something similar. After all HP was the cousin of Vital Qi because  Vital Qi came from his body, his flesh, and his cells. Still, even if he wished it, he was short on points.

' Juggernog requires 2500 P , and I currently have only 350 P, far from my intended goal.' thought Heng as he looked at his system. 'In order to gain those points it seems I have to hunt more of those dammed 'Corpse Puppets ' as killing other things doesn't seem to do anything.. but I wonder why that is so? Does the system consider them zombies, or is there something more?'

Heng was in a dilemma,  go into the Secret Realm as he was , or risk his life to kill some of those Curse Puppets and gain points for Juggernog. If he choose the former he would drastically lower his chances to survive in the Secret Realm,  but if he choose the later he would be risking his life even before stepping foot into the Secret Realm.  Heng grabbed his hair as he looked at the blue  and serene sky, and wondered if it really mattered.  Would even taking Juggernog  be enough to make him survive.


Heng sighed as he felt the breeze pass through his short hai. Suddenly  he thought  of something funny, smiled and slapped his thigh as hard as he could. This of course caught the attention of the others around him who were startled.

"What the hell? What got into you?"

"Yeah,  you almost made me choke on my food."


The perpetrator of this disturbance only smiled and looked at the three others, his face filled with amusement. " I have a way in which we raise our chances of survival, but I will need some things to achieve it. "



"This isn't a joke,  is it?"

Qiao was speechless,  Tao surprised,  but Hai was serious as he looked towards Heng.  His fists were balled up tightly as his heart was filled with expectation. He was the son, albeit an illegitimate one to a powerful family,  he didn't want to die a peasants death.

"Of course it's not a joke. You know I wouldn't joke about something as serious as this." said Heng as the others nodded in agreement.  For as long as they knew Heng he had been someone who would rarely joke, so this being one was almost impossible.

"Indeed,  it's as you say,  but can you elaborate further?  How can you do that? Even I as the illegitimate son of a noble can't think I can do much about it. So forgive me for....

"No need to apologise.....I wouldn't trust myself either if I was in your place,  but the truth still remains. I can truly raise our chances for survival."

*Babum Babum Babum.....

Being given such a news when you've lost all your hope was like a dream,  but they knew they were awake. Immediately they bombarded Heng with questions, but Heng remained calm and answered some of them,  or even partial truths,  but they understood. 

"Heng..." quietly said Hai as he looked deeply into Hengs eyes and only found confidence" We will.....I will do as much as I can for you to get what you've asked four,  even though it's going to be a little hard to do that."

"It's as the blonde says.....why couldn't you ask for something easier? " complained Wu Tao. Cao Qiao on the other hand seemed content to listening to their conversation,  but he had also made his mind to help them as best as he could.


More than one week had passed and after a lot of talking,  a lot of convincing,  and a lot of money, their plan had given fruit.



In front of Hen there were five humans tied by rope. They squirmed on the ground like worms, dirt and grime covered them,  but they didn't seem to complain about it. Heng would have been more surprised if they did as they were no more living humans, but 'Corpse Puppets '. Abominations of flesh created by cultivators practicing Yin arts,  and soulless Puppets for them to control and use as pleased.

Seeing them bound in front of him Heng only had one though' It stinks!' The smell was almost unbearable,  but he slowly took in the rancid air, and stabbed each and everyone of the ' Corpse Puppets ' in the head with a spear. They soon stopped moving, and Heng was about to see his system when Hai tapped him in the shoulder.

" Do you feel anything? Was it effective?"  

Heng nodded and smiled " It was, but I need more. These are not enough."

"I see...." said Hai as he looked at the now unmoving ' Corpse Puppets '. If what Heng had told them was true,  then he had already absorbed the Yin Qi that was keeping these 'Corpse Puppets ' moving,  and was going to refine it into Vital Qi fro himself. Forgetting that someone of Heng's cultivation couldn't absorb Elmental Qi, and that Hai hadn't ever heard of anything like that,  he had confidence in Heng.

And of course he didn't have anything to worry about it as Heng was already looking at the results in his system panel.



LV 2High Alert; Fast Recovery


850 P Juggernog; Quick Revive; Speed Cola ; Double Tap Root Beer; PhD Flopper ; Stamin-Up ; Deadshot Daiquiri; Mule Kick ; Electric Cherry


His point on the Colas section had already became 850 , only 1650 more points to his goal, and 1650 points away from Juggernog. Heng felt excited about it, but he couldn't help but feel somewhat worried about Hai. He had seemed to jave pulled all tue strings he could,  and emptied all his pockets in order to convince the Commander to bring him 'Corpse Puppets '. Of course this was under the pretext of getting revenge for what happened that night to them by the 'Corpse Puppets ' so it became much easier.

The army as every other institution of this Kingdom wasn't  exempt from bribery,  so with gold dangling in front of their eyes, Hai acquired these five Corpse Puppets for Heng.

" I didn't expect for you to acquire these many in such a short time. You must have paid a hefty price....

Hai just narrowed his eyes at those words,  and released a long breath. He seemed to have remembered something not so pleasant by the look on his face. "Indeed I have,  so you better not disappointed me.....

"I won't!"  Heng clenched his fist as he wondered how much powerful he would be if he took Juggernog.


Two more weeks had passed and finally Heng had accumulated as the points he needed for Juggernog,  but that wasn't the only thing he did. Even though Juggernog would give him an edge, Heng didn't stop practicing the Roaring Tiger  as evey strand of Vital Qi would help. With the help of the ' Yang Ignition ' art he had become bloated with Vital Qi and felt like he was about to explode at any moment,  but it was finally over.


Heng exhaled as he stopped his  meditatimeditation,  and opened his system panel, the silver moonlight making it look mystical.  Without hesitation he went to the Colas and selected Juggernog with his mind.

Do you want to purchase  Juggernog?        YES          NO


Heng selected yes and he immediately felt something move. It wasn't that noticeable at first,  but after ten seconds a surge of pain encompassed all his body. "Ahhhhh....

Heng only managed to let only a short scream as his eyes rolled back and he fell unconcious, but his body was spasming. Blood and sweat stained his clothes stem rose up from his unconcious figure. It was a quite a funny sight as Heng looked like a crab beeing boiled, but the reality was that every cell in his body was committing suicide one after the other.