Chapter 48 Teamwork to the drain.
Angela prefers to shift the blame to divert attention away from herself… "I was sick, sir and the senior, Jane requested a stand-by and Natalie made a fuss about it."
…"Natalie is the one that caused the delay by causing a scene in the briefing room." Jane concluded.
...So this is the plan between these two to implicate her...Natalie clears her throat and asks for permission to speak?
"Go ahead," Chris responded.
…"Angela did not want to fly with the captains and Jane covered up for her by throwing me under the bus."
Chris turned to Jane disappointed in her, he remembered scolding Angela for mixing up their meals but to step down from another flight is unacceptable and shows no remorse.
"You are fired, Angela! The security will escort you out."
…"Please, sir, I won't make such a mistake again." Angela begged and began to cry, refusing to leave.