
queens are queens

when he turned back he patted her down the make

sure shes dry then put her back down

you ran up stairs

because you got a idea , you were thinking

"what if i make him wear a dress huh?"

you laugh

and walk into the closet

and found a old dress

it wasnt in bad shape but had some wear and tear to it

you came back to see him

laying on the floor with rajah in his hands taking selfies

with her

you stand there for a sec thinking of whats happening in the moment

you walk up to him and say

"hey wanna do some thing"

with the dress be hide you

he looked up and said "demands on what you are inferring "

you laugh while pulling out the dress

as soon as he sees the dress he runs off

while say out loud " NO"

just to tease him you run after him

and say "you dont want to be a queen?"

he looks at you dead in the eyes and says " no "

you give him a sad look while walking away

then you hear "fine...."

you run back over to him and try putting it on


after a few mins of struggling , you get in on

and the thought of him in a dress was priceless

you could see where there was fabric stretching though

and how he was to big for it

but it was still funny

so you grab your phone

but dream snatches it out of your hands before you could

get a photo of him in his dress

you look around to see that

he left his phone on the couch

and take it

but there was a password to it

you look at him and hold it out

and say "can you unlock it so i can take a pic"

you see him thinking if he should or not

then finally opens the phone

then you reply "wow.. i wasnt expecting you to take it"

while you were looking through the camera to see how it was

he says " i mean i have nothing to hide"

you think "wow a guy thats loyal thats new "

your thought made you laugh

even though it was stupid

you finally take the photo

while handing his phone

back you say "hey send that to me please"

he walked into the bathroom

while sending it to you

when he looked up

to see himself in the mirror with a dress on

made him laugh as well

you asked him

"you wanna take it off you can"

he looked at you then looked out side

you were confused

then he started walking out side when you to got out

side he said wait here

while you were waiting rajah walked up to you in the

drive way and jump on you

you have been waiting for a couple mins

then the garage opened and you see the

a pink toy car

like one you would see at toys r us

and him on top of it driving it

but he was to big and his knees were poking out

when he turned on to the road

the side of the toy car said barbie "queens are queens "

you grab your phone so fast

and recorded the whole thing

he probably sat there for 40 mins driving around

the block singing the barbie girl song

and you got it all on camera
