

then when everyone voted

it was a skip

you unmuted and said" how long are

you guys planning on playing?"

they all said they were going to end in about two hours or so

then you say

"well imma have to go in a hour because i have to been on minecraft "

then you muted

after a hour

you guys are talking in the lobby

and you looked at the time

"hey guys imma go it was nice meeting every one!"

everyone said bye

then you hurried up to get

on minecraft

when you joined there was four other guys

and dream

then in the chat it said y/n join the call on discord

when you join dream said hi

but the others stayed quiet

you said hi back

dream induced you to goergenotfound, sapnap, bad , antfrost

then bad said " hello y/n !"

you said "hi badboyhalo!"

then you let dream do his intro to the live action manhunt

then he said every hunters name

after you guys waited

then out of nowhere dream ran off

and everyone followed him

you hear bad saying "corner him "

you climbed on a tree for a sneak attack

every one tried to one on one dream but they ended up dying to him

when he thought he was alone you jump off the tree

landing on him and punched him with a wooden sword

he was running from you then he did a sharp turn to a corner you slowed

down and walked slowly to the side of the wall

when you crossed the wall his wooden sword hit you

and you guys brawled it out until you died from the wooden sword


its been a few mins

and you guys are at the end

the whole stream / vid was dream checking every inch of the world

to make sure you dont sneak attack

but you always got him some how

sapnap and dream were fighting

and you were watching from the high pillars waiting with all

diamond armor for the perfect time to strike

bad and ant were yelling at everyone

while you and George were perfectly calm

when it was just you and dream but he thought he was


but then he said "wait wheres y/n shes been quite for a while "

he looks around but does see you

then you get the perfect hit and

it was a one shot kill

you sat there so shocked

and you hear dream scream

then the others were saying " YEAAAA LETS GO"

they entered the end and were running around you

you stayed quiet thinking did you just one shot him

dream joined in the end and walked up to you

and said "hey. good job"

you finally say a word "thank you '

you to looked at each other then went with the others

you almost forgot you guys were


after that you guys ended

your streams

and talked for a while

but after a little bit bad and ant left

then you goerge and sapnap and dream became a little

more comfortable with each other

you felt your phone rumble you looked at it

and it was a text from dream saying "hey can i come over after?"

you texted back saying "sure:)"

after streaming with everyone

they actually invited you to the dream smp

you went down stairs and grab your phone and order some Chinese food

when you hear the door bell ring

you walk up to it to see dream there, you

let him in , you guys were talking and messing around when he grabbed

you and threw you onto the couch you were laughing so hard

that you were crying he was laughing pretty hard to

you finally calmed down and you looked at him

you guys were making eye contact

then he put his hand on the side of your face

you guys were inches from each other

he was going in for the kiss

then the door bell rang

you guys look at the door

then got up to see it was the restaurant from when you order food

you paid then closed the door

but when you turned him was looking around the room

he looked a little shy

you walked to the island in the middle of the kitchen

and placed the food down

then said "you hungry "

he got up and sat next to you

at the bar chairs

you were looking around the room

while eating he was doing the same

it was kinda quiet since the kiss attempt

but then you finally broke the silents

and said "wanna go swimming later?"

he turned back to you and said "yea" he seems more happy

then you both heard a huge bang from up stairs

it scared the living out of you

dreams head poked up so fast

you guys got up and walked up stairs

dream was infront you were be hide him

then you said " that sounded like it was from my recording room

then dream opened the recording room

you poked your head in

to see rajah running out and your computer on the floor

dream picked up the computer and when he did

you see broken glass on the floor

you at there then said " thats broken "

dream looked at you and said "yep"

you started walking down stairs

while saying "hey wanna got the the store "

dream followed you down stairs

you grabbed your car keys

and head to the car

and then putting on your seat belt

dream did as well

when you got there

tons of computers but stuck out the most

its was a double mentor with curved sides you looked at dream

and gave him that face of oooh yeaaa i want that one

then you walked up to it and didnt care about the price and

took it anyways

when you into the line it went all the way to the back of the store

you looked at dream and he looked at you

and said " you wanted it so you have to wait now"

you walked to the back of the store and in line

you were sitting in the cart after a while of waiting

and old lady came be hide you and said to move up

but when you turned there was no room to move

you looked at dream and he was gone

you looked around and he was looking at the Nintendo switches

then the old lady said "move" sounding more mad

then you said " mis im sorry i cant theres no room"

she looked at you and said " make room"

you got mad and say " how with fuckin air ?"

she got madder " and said dont yell at her "

then you said " then stop being stupid"

she gave you a dirty look then stayed quiet

then dream came back to see a old lady giving you dirty looks

and you pissed

and you guys barely started moving in the line

you felt a tap on the shoulder

to see it was dream asking what happen

you said " that old hag yelled at me "

he laughed then said" be nice"