
Cobra Kai: Rise Of A Hanma

I died I Woke Up And Got Put In Shit Position Now I Have To Climb All The Way To The Top

Dropped216446 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
1 Chs

Return Of A Hanma

Daniel tries to promote Miyagi-Do again, but Cobra Kai steals the spotlight. Johnny suspects Kreese is exaggerating his past accomplishments.

( Knocking at door )

( Door bell jingles )


( Sighs )

Thank God.

I was a little afraid you'd be the other guy.

He's a little unhinged.

Saw your little demonstration at Valley Fest.

Couple of the guys have been requesting I come join the club. So, uh, I feel like it's time to give it another go.

But I've got some ground rules.

I prefer to take a flag football approach to my karate training.

Ideally, learning to hit and kick without actually being hit or kicked. Part and parcel with that, I have a bit of a thing about personal space.

The other Cobras are just gonna have to accept that.

Wow! That is quite the tattoo. Ooh... Ah... Not to nitpick here, but I'm not sure it's anatomically correct.

You see, the hood of the Indo-Chinese spitting cobra is much smaller and their pupilsmare actually round, not the vertical type your artist opted for. So, uh, you know, probably an easy enough fix to correct the... Pupils.

( Door bell jingles ) sh¡t, sh¡t, sh¡t!

( Blows landing ) Maybe we should take a video of us sparring and post it on Instagram.

Everybody already saw us at Valley Fest, no one cared.

You know what the problem is? Miyagi-Do's all about defense. Defense wins championships. Yeah, but people show up for the offense. That's why Cobra Kai is more popular.

All right? We need to show them we can fight, too. So, what exactly are we supposed to do? Go to the mall and pick a fight? Record us defending ourselves? It's not the worst idea. ( Scoffs ) It's a terrible idea.

Hey, Dad. Getting the banana boat up and running?

Daniel: I'm trying.

Do you maybe wanna come around back?

You could teach us some karate.

I ever tell you about my first job selling cars? It was at this used car lot in Tarzana. The owner there, he thought he was God's gift to sales. ( Grunts ) Truth is, the customers could smell his BS a mile away. My first month there, I outsold him.

How'd you do that? I did what Mr. Miyagi taught me to do. I treated people honestly. Looked them in the eye, asked for their trust, and I earned it. ( Clattering ) All the fanfare and all the gimmicks, that stuff, I mean, it gets them in the door but it doesn't sell cars. It's the same thing with karate. We gotta use a more personal touch. We gotta look people in the eye and connect with them. That's the only way we're gonna be successful.

All right. You ready? ( Engine starts ) Oh, yeah. Go get Robby, we're gonna take a drive. You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the '90's was a hellhole. Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city. My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up. How many warlords did you kill? You keep track of every ant you stomp out? ( Eli gasps ) Aisha: Whoa. Badass.

No, no, no, you already raised my rent six months ago. You don't get to raise it again just because I have more students.

That's exactly what I'm doing! You have more students, you have more money. You have more money, you pay more rent. Yeah? And I give you storage room for free.

The storage room was already part of it. I was letting you keep your sh¡t in here for free.

I should've charged you rent! Oh, would've, could've, should've, my friend. "My friend"? I'm not your friend. We're not friends. We had a handshake deal. Well, that's because you had shitty credit! Okay, let's make new handshake deal, huh? Come on. All right, fine. ( Groans )

Okay, okay. Okay! Now, get the hell out of my dojo. No, no. Back door. Son of a b¡tch. Yeah, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. It's my door!

They were outgunned, we were outmanned. I tell you, Rwanda was no joke. Don't you mean Somalia? Mogadishu is in Somalia, Rwanda's a whole different country. Of course, Somalia. ( Chuckles ) I've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?

Johnny: Listen up! I see we've got some new recruits. Everybody, fall in. In neat rows and lines. Time to see what you're made of. Straighten up, ginger twins.

Sorry, parents can't stay for class. It's an insurance thing. I'm not a dad. I... I am here to kick some ass, sir! Do I know you from somewhere? Oh, yeah, they, uh... I sold you the mirror. We kind of bonded, talked about rock bands. Look, you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers. Well, I can take 'em. ( Chuckles ) I'm not afraid of kids, sir. And my mom, she doesn't charge me rent, so I got a lot of cash to burn. Yeah. We'll consider this a trial run. 

I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter.

But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ? Uh...

Tory: I'll take him on. Oh, you will, huh? I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show, but can you actually fight?

That sounds like a challenge. I like a challenge. Mr. Diaz, show little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about. Look, are you sure that you wanna do... ( Grunts ) ( All gasp ) All right. good kick but GAME ON.

( Both grunting ) Close the gap. ( Both grunting ) ( All gasp ) You're telegraphing. ( Groans ) Don't let me see it coming. Flipping Miguel, Did you see that coming? Maybe. My name's Miguel. Tory. ( Miguel groans ) With a "Y." 

You guys have room for one more!?

Johny: And you are

Baki Hanma at your service sir.

(' It's been a long couple years since I died, by a fucking truck with zero driver no less then I ended up in this shit show for some reason full of edgey hormonal teen and while I was at teen when I died I certenly didn't act like them. I remember I was so bored I picked up this series and season let me tell you season one made my cringe heavy as fuck. "But you said to win at any cost no mercy sensie(high pitch dweeb) But deep down I knew it could always be worse I could've gotten attack on titan. But hey at least it's a lot safer and a bit close to my orginal world just a shit ton more fighting and I'm okay with due to me apparently becoming a Hanma and looking exactly like Baki I sure am blessed. Shit I've been remnscing to long').

Johny: Earth to baki so what do you want kid this ain't a hang out zone.

oh I know I want to fight.

yoy want to fight, fight who diaz?

nah I want to fight you

exuse me?

you heard me dam clear old man I want to fight and before you decline I'm trained and brought some money with me(proceeding to pull out a couple of bands💵)

so let me get this straight if I win I get all that money?

pretty much you in?

heck yea.

Miguel: Hey Baki I don't know you but I don't think it's a good idea to challenge sensei he's a black belt and study karate for many years.

appreciate the concern but if I wanted someone's imput I would of asked('from what I remember of the show this guy is a train wreck he's the last person I will take a dive from')

so old man you ready?

Johny: why the heck not the rent just got raised and it would be nice to teach your arrogant ass a lesson.

Is that so 

Yea it so, everybody back of dojo


Oh I can't wait to kick your ass old man (' I think these Hanma genes or kicking in I am 16 after all in this world ')

Johney: Well do you need to change we got a spare gi if you want?

Baki:No need, taking off my baggy hoodie and joggers I could sense everyone's eyes widen.

(' yes soke it the fuck up I'm gonna run the valley soon enough and kick all your asses and take all ur bitches... ok mabey I'm going a bit to far').

What the fuck is this kid, trained my ass he's been to Vietnam and back talk about coming out the trenches.