
The Story

Brooks and the rest of the Dojo were standing in a junkyard. Johnny was sitting on a van drinking a beer as he said "You trained hard, you've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best, you're ready for this tournament, am I right?" the group shouted "Yes, Sensei!"

Johnny shouted "Wrong!" as he threw the beer on the ground, exploding the can. Brooks looked at the beer can and sighed "Wasted a perfectly good beer.." Tory nudged him and Johnny gave him a look before continuing "Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All-Valley you gotta give me better than your best, which is why from now on you're gonna get my worst, understand?"

The class shouted "Yes, Sensei!" Johnny shouted "Are you losers?!" The class responded "No, Sensei!" Johnny shouted again "Are you Nerds?!" The class shouted back "No, Sensei!" Johnny shouted "Are you sure?!" The class shouted "No, Sensei!" Johnny rubbed his face and sighed while Brooks started laughing.

A little bit later

The whole class was running through tires, balancing on beams with sharp metal and glass beneath them, and running around with pipes breaking car windows and other things. Brooks sighed as he smashed a car window open, Hawk looked at him and said "Hey, Brooks." Brooks looked over and Hawk continued "How did you get so good at fighting?"

Brooks smashed another window and said seriously "I've been fighting all my life, man. Even before Cobra Kai." Hawk was silent and Brooks continued "Believe it or not this year is the first time I've gone to school in years." he sighed and added "You know, sometimes I wish I was like you guys."

Hawk was taken back and said "What? Why?" Brooks replied "You guys have everything. A stable family, food, shelter, you don't have to work. Before Cobra Kai, I was fighting through everyday just to make enough money to feed myself, not to mention I had to provide for a brother and a deadbeat whore of a mother."

Even just thinking about her made him angry as he swung the pipe at the windshield and shattered it to pieces. Hawk was silent for a moment before saying "That bad?" Brooks looked at him and laughed "It wasn't so bad. If you get a good employer, you might get good health care." he lifted his shirt and laughed again "I got lucky. Haha" Hawk chuckled and shook his head as they continued.

A while later

Johnny was handing out beef jerky and said "You wanna win, you gotta be hungry. You guys hungry?" The class shouted "Yes, Sensei!" Brooks looked at Johnny and took the beef jerky from Tory's hands before putting it in Miguel's hood.

Tory looked at him in confusion and Brooks pointed at Johnny, who grinned and said "Good! So are they." as he blew a dog whistle. The class heard dog barking and immediately started scrambling, Brooks started laughing and chewed on the beef jerky. He looked at Johnny and said "Can I?" Johnny shook his head and said "Run only. Come on man it's a dog."

Brooks sighed and picked up Tory before running away and laughing as she yelped.

A while later

Everybody went home, leaving Johnny, Brooks, and Miguel in the Dojo. Johnny said "Alright, Alright, enough. Save some strength for the tournament." Miguel said "Why are we the only ones here?" Johnny said "Because you and Brooks are my best chance at winning the tournament." Miguel grinned and said "So we're your best students?"

Johnny rolled his eyes and said "Tory's pretty good, maybe you want to switch with her?" Miguel shook his head and looked at his phone before chuckling, Johnny looked over and said "What are you laughing at?" Miguel said "Nothing, just a photo my girlfriend posted." As he showed Johnny.

Brooks chuckled and kept punching the dummy as he said "Migs, I wouldn't-" Johnny said "Is that Larusso's daughter?" Miguel looked at Johnny and said "Yeah...." Johnny looked at him and said "You're dating a Larusso?!" Miguel nodded and Johnny said "We need to talk." as he walked out of the Dojo.

Miguel and Brooks looked at each other before following him. Miguel sat next to Johnny and Brooks leaned on a beam near them. Johnny started talking about his life, Brooks and Miguel listened intently and chuckling at some points. Johnny said "That's when I saw her."

Brooks said "Who?" Johnny said "Ali Mills. We went to Golf and Stuff for our first date, we kissed on the Ferris wheel. We were madly in love.. We dated for two years.." Brooks looked at Johnny as he continued "She gave me this." before he took out his signature black headband and continued "Summer before my senior year we got into a fight. I figured we'd work things out, then Danny Larusso came into town. Next thing I know he's hitting on her, I see the two of them flirting with each other."

Brooks said "That must've ended well." Johnny chuckled and drank from his beer can as he continued "I went over to have a civil conversation with Ali, but Larusso kept butting in. So I told him to mind his own business. Next thing I know, he sucker punches me."

Brooks frowned and Miguel said "What an asshole." Johnny nodded and said "I know, man. So I did what anyone would do and defended myself. I figured he would beat it and we were done." Brooks said "He didn't?"

Johnny shook his head and said "Of course not. Keep in mind, I haven't seen this guy for months. Anyway, I was sitting in the bathroom at a Halloween dance, suddenly this get turns a water hose on my head and drenches me out of nowhere." Brooks clenched his fists and Johnny continued again "So I chased him down, trying to put an end to things that night. Little did I know, this guy had a karate master of his own. This guy came out of nowhere and assaulted me and my friends, I think Tommy got brain damage from that fight."

Johnny drank from his beer can before going on "So we decided to end things at the All-Valley tournament. It was the final round 2-2.." and he stopped while drinking his beer, Miguel said "What happened, who won?" Johnny was about to speak when Brooks finished for him "He lost. Via illegal kick to the face."

Johnny looked over and said "You know about that?" Brooks looked away and said "I stumbled on it." Johnny shook his head and said "What I'm trying to say is, I lost Ali that night. Listen kid, you gotta watch out for the Larussos." Miguel was silent and Brooks walked back into the Dojo before training on the dummy to vent his anger.

A while later

The three went back home to the apartment. Carmen was getting her mail when she saw the three, she smiled and walked over before saying "Hey, how was training?" Johnny smiled and said "Your son's doing great." Carmen smiled and said "Miggy, so get yourself cleaned up, Yaya's making saco de carne." Miguel nodded and said "See you guys later." before leaving.

Johnny nodded and Brooks walked to the apartment, Carmen suddenly said "You guys have dinner plans?" Brooks snapped his head over with his mouth open like an 'O' he looked at Johnny, who said "I have a couple hotpockets.." Brooks smashed his head into the door.

Carmen looked at Brooks and laughed before saying "We have plenty of food. Just come over and have some." Johnny said "Well, I wo-" Carmen interrupted "My Dojo, my rules." Brooks looked at Johnny and really wanted to beat the shit out of him. Johnny sighed and said "Alright." Brooks grinned before keeping a straight face as he said "Thank you, Ms. Diaz."

Carmen smiled and nodded before going back to her house. Brooks walked over and elbowed Johnny whispering "Dude! Strike First, what are you doing?" Johnny whispered "Man, that's Miguel's mom!" Brooks said "So? I'M not the one who's in, it's you! You got this, I believe!" Johnny sighed and said "Just shut up." Brooks nodded with a grin and they walked into Miguel's house.

A bit later

Brooks just finished praying and said "Amen." Johnny said "Amen. I know that one." Brooks covered his mouth and coughed to the side, Miguel chuckled and started eating. Brooks shot Johnny a look and started eating himself. Carmen said "Miguel told me about the tournament. I hope he doesn't get hurt."

Miguel was embarrassed and said "Mom.. There's referees." Johnny nodded and said "He won't get hurt, well at least not permanently." Carmen felt her mouth twitch as she changed the subject "So are you from here originally?" Johnny shook his head and said "No, I grew up in Encino." Brooks was stunned and looked at Johnny with a weird look.

Carmen felt awkward and said "Oh.. They have some really nice houses up there." Johnny smiled a bit and said "Yeah well just because it's nice on the outside doesn't mean good things happen on the inside." Carmen was silent and Johnny pointed at the bananas on the plate as he said "I love these bananas!"

Carmen smiled and said "They're plantains." Johnny said "In english we call these bananas." Brooks spit out his drink and coughed as he said "I'm sorry." Carmen and Rosa laughed and shook their heads. Miguel's phone started ringing and he said "Sorry.." Carmen said "It's okay. Answer and come back quick before your food gets cold."

Brooks disappeared with Miguel, finally finding an exit to the awkward meal.

Brooks laid on Miguel's bed and said "Woah, that was soooo awkward." Miguel shook his head and answered the video call as he sat with his back leaning against the bed. Miguel smiled and said "Hey, Sam!" Sam smiled and said "Good to see you, my house is like world war 3 right now." Miguel said "Oh that's not good, what's going on?"

Same sighed and said "My mom and grandma just go at it sometimes, probably gonna end up being the peace negotiator all weekend." Miguel said "Actually I was hoping we could go to the movies tomorrow?" Sam shook her head and said "Can't, what about Sunday?"

Miguel said "Cobra Kai training all say." Same said "All day? Isn't that a little excessive?" Brooks popped his head in the screen and said "Oh my.. is that the Princess?" Sam rolled her eyes and said "Douchebag." Miguel added "Also, Sensei thinks we really have a shot at winning the tournament so we're going all out."

Brooks chuckled and knocked on his head saying "It'll be Cobra Kai from semi-finals on." Miguel chuckled and Sam said "Actually, I looked it up and there's a ton of other Dojo's in the Valley. Maybe try a new one?"

Miguel was confused and Brooks narrowed his eyes as he said coldly "I take it you declined my invitation to Cobra Kai, princess?" Sam said "Anything from you is a bad thing." Brooks sneered and said "How would you know? Maybe you've..." he clicked his tongue and changed the subject "Listen, don't diss my Dojo, princess. I don't care if you're my best friend's girlfriend."

Miguel looked and said "Best friend?" Brooks said "You're falling fast, man." Miguel chuckled and stayed silent, Sam just rolled her eyes and said "Whatever, dick." suddenly all three of them heard "Hey Sam, who you talking to?" The screen went black and Brooks and Miguel narrowed their eyes.

Sam's voice was heard as she said "Juts a lab partner, dad." Daniel said "Well, I need you in the kitchen. They might try and kill each other." Sam said "I'll be right there." before the screen showed Sam's face again and Brooks and Miguel went back to normal.

Sam had an apologetic expression as she said "I have to go, I'm sorry." Miguel scratched his cheek and said "Yeah, it's no problem. I actually have to go too. I'll see you... When I see you I guess." Sam smiled and hung up.

Brooks sighed and patted Miguel's shoulder as he said "Don't worry, man." Miguel nodded and said "Why does she want me to switch Dojos?" Brooks jumped to his feet as he said "Probably her dad planting thoughts in her head. Who cares." he turned back and said "You're not actually gonna do that are you?"

Miguel shook his head and said "Are you kidding? I could never do that to Sensei." Brooks nodded and said "Yeah. I know." before leaving the room. He sat down at the table and ate silently for the rest of the night before thanking Carmen and Rosa for the food and leaving.