It was one thing to have my hands and feet securely tied, but why was my mouth also sealed? I should at least have been able to make a noise! Why was I confined in a mental asylum? Why did it seem like everyone was afraid of me? Why... do I feel like laughing?---------------- This is a story where Holmes and the Joker wreak havoc on the SCP Foundation. I hope everyone will enjoy it!
In Shell Street, K city, Boss Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes, feeling sore all over, his head as if filled with paste. As he became more lucid, what followed was an intense thirst.
"Water..." he moaned weakly.
There was no response.
Then, he seemed to feel his hand touching something... Influenced by numerous similar scenes from movies and comics, the image naturally popped into his head that Jingjing or Xiao Nan, or maybe his cousin, exhausted from work, had fallen asleep next to his bed.
So, he propped up his body with effort and turned his gaze to the side. Then... "Huh?"
To his surprise, he found himself not on a bed at all, but lying on the ground, with an overturned trash can next to him, and some mineral water bottles scattered at his feet.