
Chapter 191 Training

Lin Fan opened his eyes.

The ceiling was a pale yellow-green, the paint slightly cracked, with a bulb that was not too glaring, showing slight moist traces where it met the wall.

He let out a weary grunt and sat up.

There was a makeshift wardrobe by the bed with his school uniform in it, which still looked reasonably clean. Between the wardrobe and the bed's foot, there was a white painted wooden door; opposite the door was a very small washroom.

Looking out the window, there was a small courtyard, with no tall buildings in the distance, just a few scattered low houses, resembling a remote area in the countryside. The shadows of the trees swayed leisurely with the wind, very light, very quiet.

This was all he could see.

Lin Fan lowered his head and gave a bitter smile.

It had been a month since he came here, and although he had been trying to accept everything about this place every moment, he still seemed unable to accept even this small room of less than 20 square meters.