
His Concubine 3

"This old man would be more than pleased to give it a try! Please educate this useless old fellow!"

Huangfu Yun did not get to be so accomplished a eunuch, back in his old life by ignoring the older, more practiced cultivation experts back then. And he had dealt with people who were more powerful than he was in the beginning of his career. So what was this Protector Ling, compared to all of those experts? It should be an easy thing, to look into his problem. When he had the leisure to do so.

"I understand. But you should know that I shall have to dig through my father's notes. And look through my own books thoroughly before I attempt such a thing. Especially if he had used any rare herbs with strange medicinal properties on you.

"We should take the first step carefully, in case there are unusual circumstances surrounding your case. But I promise you that I shall look into it. There! Does that satisfy Protector Ling?"

"Yes, yes! Yes, of course."

"In that case, I suggest that Elder Ling head back to rest. I shall need to deal with my ... brother-in-law's more urgent issues first, you understand? Distant water cannot save fires near by, as they say. So his troubles shall have to take priority."

The old man smiled and gave him a deep bow, before leaving without a word. Which was good, in Huangfu Yun's eyes. That sort of man would not waste words, when he did not have to. And Huangfu Yun had made him a promise.

That should be sufficient, for the moment.

He would have to regain a bit more strength, a bit more of his zhenqi, before he could do anything about this, after all. So Protector Ling would just have to wait.

After they went their separate ways, Huangfu Yun headed to check on his patient, and more importantly, his woman. But to his surprise, he only found the unconscious boy, lying on the bed in the guest room. Yang Xiaoli was nowhere to be found!

That had surprised him, and he almost called on Elder Ling again, to ask him to help search for her. Then he shook his head. It was unlikely that Yang Xiaoli had left the courtyard, in her state of dress, and while she was so concerned about her younger brother. She had to be still around.

She probably had the need to head for the latrine perhaps?

With that in mind, Huangfu Yun started to search for her, in the more obvious rooms and sites within the courtyard. There weren't that many places that she could go to, in any case. And there weren't that many reasons for her to leave her injured brother.

True enough, he found her in the kitchen, devouring the leftovers of what had been Huang Fuyun's last meal. In fact, she seemed to have cleaned them all out! And she looked a little guilty too, when he caught her. But he only smiled, and moved slowly so that she would not be alarmed.

"Ah! I had forgotten to feed you. I am sorry. Are you still hungry?"

Yang Xiaoli shook her head at that. And started to put her utensils away as he stepped up to her. In a bit of a panic too, he noted. So he chuckled, as he pulled her closer, enjoying her squeal as he did so.

"There, there. You shouldn't make so much noise now," he warned her with a whisper in her ear, once he had her pinned down, "You don't want to alarm Protector Ling. Or wake your brother. Do you?"

And smiled at her as he squeezed her taut buttocks again. He was getting a little addicted to doing that. It felt so wonderful, to feel her flesh bouncing back into its smooth, round shape, after he pressed it. Which had her starting to make an outcry again. Only to cut it off by pressing both her own hands over her mouth. The sight of that amused him greatly. Not to mention the fact that it had left her completely open.

So he snatched the opportunity to slip his hands into her robe - actually his old robe! It was simple to do that, since it was so loose about her! And so Huangfu Yun had his other hand against her modest bosom before she could do anything to stop him!

She gave out a moan at that, but tried to keep the sound from squeezing out between her lips. He laughed out loud at that, and rolled to the side, so that he was not pressing down against her. At least, not with his full weight. The kitchen table may not be able to take all of that!

He had not forgotten about how large and heavy he was, and knew how he would have to control himself a little, when bedding his new concubine. And took his hand off her behind so that he could tilt her chin up, leaving her no choice but to meet his eyes. And grinned again when he saw the traces of oil on the same.

"Now, I am going to have my rough way with you again. Well, maybe not so rough. I am sorry that I was so ... enthusiastic earlier, and had not taken into account that you were a virgin. It must have been a great shock, hmmm?"

He let out an evil-sounding laugh, and pinched her chin a little tighter, so that she could not shift her face away. It was one way to make sure that she would keep her eyes on him. And that was what he wanted.

"I know I do not look like the sort of fellow that you girls are always dreaming about. But I am your husband now, so you don't really have a choice in the matter. And haven't I been good to you? And your brother? So I think you should be able to look past all of my fat, and see how well I have been treating you? I think you'd want to treat me well too, don't you agree?"

So saying, he shifted her thighs apart so that she was wide open again. And once again, so she was straddling him. Which allowed him to quickly slide inside of her. Surprisingly, she was already very wet. That made it even easier.

And gave him the impression that he had made an impact on her earlier.

Which prompted him to step up his game. It was time to paint her a picture, wasn't it? An excuse that would explain why he had been loitering about her and her family? One that didn't include her handsome, older brother?

"There, there. Didn't I tell you how much I enjoyed bedding you? Don't you know that I have had my eye on you for a very long time? Why else did you think I was paying the Tangling City's Army Training Yard so much attention, back in the day? Did you really think I enjoyed watching your brother and his friends bash at each other with their weapons and such?"

To be honest, Huang Fuyun was watching the young men at their exercises. Especially in the late Summer afternoons, when they stripped off their tunics and strode about the field showing off their bare upper bodies. He had enjoyed that immensely for all that he had felt ashamed. But Huangfu Yun decided that it was safer to feed the girl his version of the story immediately, before anyone started asking questions.

In any case, his words were sufficient to surprise the girl. Whose body stiffened momentarily, against his slow but deep thrusts. Huangfu Yun almost laughed again at that. It was next to impossible for someone like Yang Xiaoli to hide her innermost thoughts from him. Not when they were engaged in something like this!

"I had been planning to speak to him too, you know. About taking you as a lesser wife, and not as a concubine. After you turned sixteen, that is. But ... Well, you threw yourself at me for the sake of your younger brother, so how could I resist? I have been lusting for you for so long!"

Yang Xiaoli's eyes were wide open as she listened to his 'confession'. And she was clearly so shocked that she was no longer paying attention to the discomfort. Which told Huangfu Yun that his ploy was working.

"So can you blame me for wanting to bed you, again and again like this?"

He smiled at her as he said that. And continued to keep his movements slow as he ground against her. This was a different experience. To think that he would have a chance to try something like this, so soon. Perhaps he should plan something else, so that he could take her in the other rooms of the house as well?

"I was a little rough earlier, because I could no longer control myself. But I think I should be able to do this a little more slowly, and go easy on you now. Do you like it better like this? I am trying to make this enjoyable for you too, you know? So that you would be more willing to do this more often? With me?"

A bright red blush painted her cheeks now, as she looked away from him. And her reply was so soft that he could barely hear it:

"You can ... do whatever you wish ... with me. I am your concubine now."

He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before she could stop him. Or turn her head away. "I am glad to hear that. But I don't want to be the sort of man who bullies his women. At least, not when we are in bed together. I would prefer it if you found some pleasure in this. Besides, that is something that would certainly boost my self-esteem, hmmm?"

That got her squirming again, as she tried to hide away from him. But he caught her by her chin again, and tilted her face up so that he could look into her eyes. Which were tearing up a little. But from gratitude or from his rough lovemaking, he had no idea.

"We'll will go slowly, my dear. After all, we still have a long, long road ahead of us."

* * *