
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

The Tomb’s Maze

Leaving the stone room behind, Lin Yun and Chen Hao entered a narrower passage. The air grew colder, biting at their skin, and the runes on the walls flickered, whispering ancient tales. Lin Yun felt his spiritual energy intensify, the amulet in his hand glowing softly, lighting their way.

"This place is even colder. Be careful," Lin Yun cautioned.

Chen Hao nodded, gripping his torch tightly. The passage twisted and narrowed, the runes becoming more intricate, as if warning them of the dangers ahead.

Suddenly, Lin Yun felt something strange beneath his feet. Looking down, he noticed peculiar patterns on the ground, resembling an ancient mechanism. He quickly stepped back, pulling Chen Hao with him. "Careful, there's a trap here."

Chen Hao stopped, his eyes fixed on the ground. Lin Yun knelt down, studying the patterns, trying to decipher their meaning. They seemed related to the runes they had seen earlier, perhaps the trigger for a hidden trap.

"These patterns look like part of an ancient formation," Lin Yun said, frowning.

"What should we do?" Chen Hao asked, anxiety in his voice.

Lin Yun thought for a moment and decided to test it. He picked up a small stone and gently tossed it onto the patterns. The moment the stone landed, the passage shook, and the patterns lit up, forming a glowing energy formation.

"It's definitely a trap," Lin Yun muttered, gripping the amulet as his spiritual energy surged.

The air grew tense, and Lin Yun knew they had to find a way to deactivate the trap. He observed the light's movement, searching for a clue. Suddenly, he realized the pattern's light seemed connected to the amulet's runes.

"Maybe we can use the amulet to deactivate this trap," Lin Yun said with determination.

Chen Hao nodded, watching nervously. Lin Yun took a deep breath and aligned the amulet with the center of the formation. He felt a powerful force from the amulet intertwine with the formation's light. With a flash of brilliance, the formation dissolved, and the passage returned to normal.

"We did it," Lin Yun sighed, wiping sweat from his brow.

Chen Hao smiled, relieved, but he knew their adventure was far from over. They continued forward, the passage widening until they emerged into a vast underground chamber. Lin Yun raised his torch, illuminating the surroundings. They stood before a massive stone sarcophagus in the chamber's center, surrounded by strange artifacts emitting a faint glow.

"This place… it's incredible," Chen Hao said softly, awe in his voice.

Nodding, Lin Yun approached the sarcophagus, examining the intricate runes and patterns on its surface. As he reached out to touch it, the ground trembled, and the sarcophagus began to glow.

"Something's happening!" Chen Hao warned, tightening his grip on the torch.

Lin Yun quickly pulled back, sensing a powerful force emanating from the sarcophagus. The air thickened with tension, ready for an impending battle. Suddenly, the sarcophagus opened, and a brilliant light burst forth, illuminating the chamber.

"Lin Yun, look!" Chen Hao pointed to a glowing crystal inside the sarcophagus, his voice filled with surprise.

Lin Yun followed his gaze, seeing a pale blue crystal that seemed to hold a flowing energy. "This crystal… it feels incredibly powerful," he murmured, wonder in his eyes.

As they stared at the crystal, a low hum echoed from the chamber walls. The runes glowed brighter, intertwining to form a massive energy barrier, trapping them inside.

"What's going on?" Chen Hao asked, panic creeping into his voice.

"We must have triggered another mechanism," Lin Yun replied, his mind racing for a solution.

The air buzzed with intense spiritual energy, Lin Yun's power surging as the amulet glowed brightly. They had to find a way to break the barrier or face dire consequences. Observing the light's movement, he noticed a connection between the runes and the amulet.

"Maybe we can use the amulet to deactivate this barrier," Lin Yun suggested.

Chen Hao nodded, watching intently. Lin Yun aligned the amulet with the barrier's center, feeling a powerful resonance. The barrier trembled under the amulet's light but held strong. Exhausted, Lin Yun realized the barrier was more formidable than expected.

"We need to find its weak point," Lin Yun said, scanning the runes for a clue.

Chen Hao searched quickly, the tension thick in the air. Suddenly, the humming intensified, and the barrier shook violently. They had to act fast.

"Lin Yun, over here!" Chen Hao shouted, pointing to a flickering rune.

Lin Yun moved quickly, aiming the amulet's light at the weak point. The barrier cracked with a sharp sound, finally shattering and scattering light. The chamber fell silent, and Lin Yun felt his energy stabilize, the amulet trembling in response.

"We did it," Lin Yun said firmly.

"But there are still more secrets ahead," Chen Hao replied, worry in his eyes.

Nodding, Lin Yun gripped the amulet tightly, determined to uncover the underground space's hidden truths. They passed the sarcophagus, entering a deeper passage. The air buzzed with faint waves of spiritual energy, welcoming their arrival.

Lin Yun felt his energy surging, ready for the next challenge. Taking a deep breath, he gripped the amulet tightly and stepped forward, ready to uncover the secrets ahead.