
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · แฟนตาซี
258 Chs

Rose pregnancy

Rose, Sophia, and Sendra rushed into the room, their expressions twisted in a surge of fear as they took in the room's disastrous state. The walls lay in ruins, furniture strewn across the floor, and some parts of it seemingly vanished into thin air. The bed's mattress had been torn to shreds, and the room was an absolute mess. But one thing was clear—Xzson was nowhere to be seen.

Sophia's heart sank as she took in the room's chaotic condition. A single glance was enough to tell anyone that there had been a fight or a desperate struggle. Desperation gripped her as she cried out, "Son!... Son!... Son!... Son!... Son!... Son!... Son! Where are you!... Call my name!... Call my name! Son!... Son!... Son!... Son!... Your...mother is calling you... Son!... Son!"

Sophia, driven by sheer panic, disregarded the broken objects strewn across the room. She pushed them aside, frantically searching for any sign of her beloved Xzson. Tears streamed down her face as she continued to call out for her son. The maids and guards who had been watching were equally shocked by the room's condition and Sophia's distress.

Rose's heart pounded in her chest as she comprehended the gravity of the situation. Her voice trembled with anxiety as she demanded answers, "What happened here? My dear, where is he?"

Her anger and distress ignited her dragon aura, radiating a powerful energy that sent the guards and maids scrambling back in fear.

One of the guards, trembling, cautiously approached Rose and stammered, "Your Empress, w-we don't know what happened here. We heard a loud noise, and when the maids came to check, they found the guest room destroyed."

Rose's frustration and fear intensified as she tried to make sense of the inexplicable breach within the Imperial Palace, a place that was considered impenetrable. Her voice quivered with disappointment as she questioned her own formidable guards, "How could this happen? We are in the Imperial Palace of the Dragon Kingdom, a place where no one should dare to threaten my beloved. Aren't you my trusted guards, sworn to protect the royal dragon family?"

Silence fell among the guards as they knelt before Rose, their heads bowed in shame. The weight of their failure was heavy, and they couldn't bring themselves to meet her gaze. The palpable fear on their faces spoke volumes, and they knew that their punishment was inevitable as Rose's fury continued to grow.

Sendra walked inside the room, her heart heavy with fear and grief. She couldn't believe what she was seeing—Xzson was gone. She whispered softly, her voice filled with sorrow, "My Xzson... You left me... You left me alone... We promised to be together from that day onwards."

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought to stay strong. "Don't be scared, my love. I have come to rescue you, and I will not forgive the person who took you away from my heart."

Sendra's gaze fell upon a tiny piece of ice crystal lying on the furniture. Her eyes widened in recognition. "Huh! These are Frostgate Amulets, used for traveling between realms. Someone from the ice realm must have taken Xzson there. These are extremely rare, valuable, and difficult to obtain. In the ice realm, only the Suquen, Gyzen, and Zavantan families can afford them, but only the Epquen family knows how to use them to leave the ice realm. They dared to take my Xzson in my presence! Who do they think they are?"

Sendra's anger flared, her hand clenched into a fist. Her godly beauty transformed into a visage of intense rage and determination, driven by the desire to reclaim her love.

But amidst the turmoil, Rose suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her breathing halted, her hand on her belly. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to her. Sendra, Sophia, and the guards watched, perplexed and concerned, as Rose stood frozen, her wide-open eyes filled with shock. Something unusual was happening to the Empress.

Rose's breathing gradually returned to normal as she caressed her belly with a trembling hand. Her shock slowly subsided, replaced by a fierce determination.

"Closed the gates of the Dragon Kingdom, both entrance and exit! Lock it down!" Rose's voice was laced with anger and authority. Her eyes blazed with intensity as she continued, "Order all military and Royal guards to conduct thorough searches of every household, slum, hotel, noble's residence—every corner of our kingdom! Leave no stone unturned! Go now, and do not show me your faces until the task is done!"

The guards and maids swiftly turned and rushed to carry out her orders, leaving Rose, Sendra, and Sophia alone in the room. They could feel the urgency and fear emanating from the Empress.

Sophia, her tears now wiped away, approached Rose with concern in her eyes. "Mom... what's happening? Why are you behaving like this? Are you okay?"

Rose's eyes softened as she looked at her daughter. She replied, her voice filled with anguish, "How can I be okay when my love has been taken from me? Someone infiltrated the palace and took him away."

Sendra stood by their side, her expression a mix of sorrow and determination. The three women shared a profound bond in their love for Xzson, and they would stop at nothing to find him and bring him back safely.

Sophia's voice trembled as she asked the question that had been weighing on her mind. "I know that I have to find him now before it's too late, but I want to know... Are you... pregnant?"

Rose met her daughter's gaze, her eyes soft but filled with emotions too complex for words. For a moment, silence hung in the air, heavy and laden with unspoken truths. Then, Rose made her admission. "Yes, I'm pregnant with my dear's child."

The revelation hit like a bolt of lightning, shocking Sendra to her core. She couldn't believe what she had just heard, and her immediate response was one of denial, tinged with envy and anger. "What! You are pregnant? You are making false claims! How could you be pregnant with my Xzson's child? This cannot be possible!"

Rose, her patience running thin, turned away from them. "Believe what you will, Ice Queen. Your denial won't change the reality. There's no time for this conversation; I have to find my love as soon as possible."

With that, Rose left the room, leaving behind a silence fraught with unspoken tensions and emotions. Sophia and Sendra watched her retreating figure, their hearts heavy with a mixture of envy and longing for the child that grew within Rose's belly.

  "I have to go and find my son before some other woman takes him away far and makes him her mother... No, I can't let that happen. He is only my son, and will only be mine." Sophia couldn't bear the thought of someone else taking her beloved son away from her, and the idea of another woman becoming his mother filled her with a primal fear. With a heavy heart and a determined mind, she took a deep breath and, in a fit of desperation, flew away from the window of her otherworldly realm.

Sendra watched Sophia's frantic departure with a sigh. "They both are acting like fools," she muttered to herself. "There's no way they'll ever find him in the Dragon Kingdom or in this realm. He's in the Ice Realm now, and the only way to reach there is to use the Frostgate Amulet. Luckily, I have many of them in my ice castle. I must find him as soon as possible."

With a sense of purpose, Sendra took to the sky and flew toward the distant northern mountains, where her icy castle stood. She was determined to rescue Xzson and reunite him with his true family.