
Clone Chronicles

I’m an international, multiple award-winning author with a passion for the voices in my head. As a singer, songwriter, independent filmmaker and improv teacher and performer, my life has always been about creating and sharing what I create with others. Now that my dream to write for a living is a reality, with over a hundred titles in happy publication and no end in sight, I live in beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada, with my giant cats, pug overlord and overlady and my Gypsy Vanner gelding, Fynn. CLONE THREE: BOOK ONE The fate of the world lies in the hands of a clone who can't remember anything... "Clone Three." The old man's voice is a softly echoing sound, volume and pitch altering as he speaks, as if over a great distance. "Pay attention, dear. Final instructions." Is he talking to me? He must be. His holographic eyes seem to be meeting mine, he looks at me with great expectation. And yet as I lie here and begin to regain sensation and control, I realize I not only have no idea where I am, what I'm doing here. I haven't a clue who I am. Clone Three wakes in a decaying city she is sure doesn't match the one she came from. If only she could remember. She has a purpose at least--she must find her fellow clones and the statue whose image is embedded in her mind. But she is lost, surrounded by a dead and crumbling metropolis, fought over by those who have been altered by the illness that has ravaged humankind, turning survivors into strange and terrible new forms. She must risk everything, including the safety of those who try to help her, in order to fulfill her task. But is she this crumbling world's salvation... or the source of its downfall? Don't miss the exciting sequels! Clone Two and Clone One are now available!

Patti Larsen · ไซไฟ
125 Chs

Chapter 40: Payment

I mount the engine in awe. This looks like some kind of museum piece, a slice of history brought to life. The interior is dark and smells of oil and something else I can't identify. A boy turns, red hair and freckles clear in the low light, light hazel eyes shining with excitement.

"S-s-socrates!" He grabs the other's hand and shakes it firmly. "G-g-good to s-s-see you."

"Ande." Socrates grins. "Nice train."

Ande practically bounces up and down on his toes. "Isn't s-s-she beau-t-t-tiful?" He seems unaware or doesn't care about his stutter. I find myself liking him immediately.

"Ande," Chime grasps his shoulder. "Socrates is here for a reason." She glances at him. "Want to tell him?"

Ande spins back to his friend. "You found some?"

Socrates grins. "I did. And it's yours." He gestures, a grand motion, as if he's doing it out of pure benevolence. I hide a laugh behind a cough, not wanting to ruin Socrates's show.