
frustrated turns

Too long. Why is she not back? What happened? Where is she? Every second Alice was away I grew more anxious and fearful that something happened to her.

My mind was racing with thoughts making me oblivious to my surroundings. It seems the longer I stay with these kids the more attached I get not wanting any to get lost, or taken by the virus.

I tried to calm down by looking at the others counting heads then nodding my head with a sigh after making sure they were all accounted for.

For some reason, Pocket seemed distant, ever since we left the house. I still don't know what he was talking about with the old man but something just feels off with him at the moment. Then again seeing those things that belonged to the lady shook me up as well not to mention the eyes on the walls.

This world is broken and it's survival of the adaptable, not the fittest. Anyone with a skill is useful, yes, but family is also important... It's the only thing keeping me going at this point. Maybe it's the small shimmer of hope to have a normal life by keeping them around, or maybe I'm just blinded by the innocence of being a hormonal mother-like teen. I don't know.

It's hard to say how long Alice had been up on the surface exactly however I need to find her. I look back at the others who seemed to be looking at me with confused looks on their faces. I asked what was the matter and they told me I had been mumbling to myself out loud in a frantic way.

Pocket helped reassure them with me then looked into my eyes with a cold yet almost frustrated look. He told me he was gonna go find her on his own.

I was about to protest when Pocket put his finger to my lips and said he would go and look for her. I wanted to slap him for the audacity of shushing me as I was speaking, I would have if it wasn't for the children being scared enough.

He told me I needed to take care of the remaining children. He said with a slight half-assed laugh that out of the two of us, I had a better chance of keeping them safe than he would due to my arm and immunity to the virus so far.

I tried to argue however he insisted on being the hero I don't know if he felt insecure about not providing as much protection as I had given but it seemed off the fact he wanted to be the one to find Alice alone, it was like he was trying to prove himself.

Without much of a choice on the matter, I eventually agreed to stay with the others as Pocket went to the surface climbing the rusted ladder and avoiding cutting his hands on the sharp and rough metal.

Now being the eldest left on her own the things around me started to become louder like scratches from rats on the walls, the drips from the pipes, and an odd nail-like tapping coming from the distance that steadily got closer.

Why must this happen underground? Why was I left alone with 2 kids in this disgusting sewer? Most importantly why did I have to have a fear of small spaces? Everywhere I looked the walls were only 4 feet away from me. Luckily the ceiling was 6 feet tall to walk comfortably but gosh it was like they were getting closer to me every breath I took. I tried to remain calm to not alert the children but being on the verge of tears it was hard to keep a straight face.

Again I heard the nail-like tapping getting louder as it got closer what is that noise where is it coming from the sounds bounced off the small walls so it was hard to pinpoint the direction of any sounds down here.