
Clockwork of Alchemy

Yue_c · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Reborn in Crimson

Cecil opened his eyes and found himself in a strange room. He didn't remember how he got in there, but he knew that he was in a strange place. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were different, it was more slender and delicate than before. He tried to stand up, but his legs felt weak and shaky. He stumbled and fell, but fortunately, he landed on a soft velvet cushion.

The room was bathed in a reddish crimson veil, emanating from the pale light of the full moon shining through the window. The crimson hue added an air of mystery and intrigue to the room, creating a captivating and enchanting atmosphere. The walls were painted a deep rich burgundy, which amplified the intensity of the red light. The furniture was dark and elegant, with velvet cushions and ornate carvings, which contrasted beautifully with the deep red walls. The room was adorned with antique mirrors and candlesticks, casting flickering shadows around the space. The scent of incense wafted through the air, mingling with the light and adding to the room's mystical ambiance.

As Cecil peered out of the castle window, his eyes were met with the sight of a beautiful garden below. The lush green lawn was adorned with vibrant flowers of every color imaginable, enriched with their sweet fragrance permeating the air. The garden was also surrounded by tall, dark trees with their branches stretching out like spindly fingers and casting long wavering shadows across the lawn. The silence was only broken by the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl, which added to the eerie and otherworldly atmosphere of the room. As Cecil gazed upon the serene beauty of the garden, he couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility washing over him, and for a moment, he was lost in the peacefulness of the scene before him.

Cecil felt disoriented and confused. He looked around the room and saw that there was no one else there. He tried to remember how he got there but he couldn't. A few seconds later he felt a sudden jolt of pain in his head, and his vision blurred. He felt like his memories were slipping away, like sand through his fingers.

He tried to stand up again, and this time, his legs held. He stumbled to the door and opened it. The hallway outside was dimly lit, but he could see that it was long and narrow, with paintings and tapestries adorning the walls. He walked down the hallway, feeling like he was in a dream. He saw a staircase leading down, and he followed it, one step at a time. However, Cecil's gaze drifted towards a large ornate mirror hanging on the wall of a room. He saw his reflection and gasped. It was a different face he was seeing, but he couldn't help but be mesmerized by how handsome he looked.

Soft waves of black hair cascaded around Cecil's striking features, his sharp features and chiseled jawline. The contrast of his dark hair against his pale skin made his two different piercing red and black eyes even more striking, their colors seeming to shift and dance as he moved. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that left many in awe and wonder, yet also a little uneasy. As he looked closer, he noticed the intricate details of his face, delicate yet defined. He then glanced down at his body and saw that he was pretty fit, with well-toned muscles and a lean build. His fingers were slender, and his skin was smooth and flawless. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he couldn't deny the undeniable charm of his new body.

As Cecil continued to stare at his reflection, he noticed that the clothes he was wearing were equally as intricate and detailed as his body. He was dressed in a dark, tailored suit with a matching coat that hung elegantly from his shoulders. The suit was adorned with subtle patterns and intricate embroidery, and the fabric felt soft and luxurious against his skin. His shirt was a crisp white, with ruffled cuffs peeking out from under his coat sleeves, and his shoes were a polished black leather that gleamed in the dim light of the room.

Cecil couldn't help but feel amazed at the level of detail and craftsmanship that went into the design of his clothing. He had never seen anything like it before, and it only served to deepen his curiosity about this world he had found himself in.

As he tore his gaze away from the mirror, Cecil realized that he still had no idea how he had ended up in this world. He had vague memories of his past life, but they were hazy and fragmented, like a dream that he couldn't quite remember upon waking. He wondered if he would ever be able to regain his memories and figure out how he had come to be here.

Cecil walked out of the room and descended the staircase, he felt the air getting colder and thicker. The staircase seemed to go on forever, and he wondered if he was ever going to reach the bottom. Finally, he reached a door at the bottom of the staircase. He pushed it open and stepped into a large hall.

The hall was even more magnificent than the room he had just left. It was a grand ballroom, with high ceilings and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The walls were painted in a pale cream color, and the floor was made of marble. There were long tables along the walls, filled with food and drinks, and people were dancing in the center of the room.

Cecil looked at the people dancing, and he saw that they were dressed in vintage, medieval, and steampunk costumes. He saw knights in shining armor, princesses in elegant gowns, and inventors in bizarre contraptions. It was in this moment he realized that he was in a magical world, a world that he had only read about in books and seen in movies.

He walked around the ballroom, feeling like a stranger in a strange land. He saw people laughing and chatting, and he wondered if they could see the confusion and fear in his eyes. He saw a man sitting alone at a table, drinking from a glass. The man looked up and saw Cecil.

"Hello there," the man said, gesturing for Cecil to join him.

"You look lost."

Cecil approached the man and sat down at the table. "I don't know how I got here," Cecil said, feeling embarrassed.

The man studied Cecil for a moment before nodding understandingly. "I see. Well, no need to worry about that right now. Let's start with introductions. My name is Clyde, and I work as a clock master, inventing and fixing all sorts of contraptions. What about you?"

Before Cecil answered him, Cecil also glanced at him for a while. Clyde was a striking figure, just like Cecil. He stood tall and lean with broad shoulders and chiseled features. His hair was a bright shade of yellow, falling in perfect waves that framed his face. But it was his eyes that really caught Cecil's attention. They were a deep shade of yellow, like the sun itself, and they seemed to glow with an inner light. It was a startling contrast to his otherwise cool, composed demeanor.

Clyde's attire was just as impressive as his appearance. He was dressed in a formal, high-collared suit that was a mix of modern and medieval styles. The coat was dark green with gold trimmings, and it was fitted perfectly to his lithe form. Underneath, he wore a crisp white shirt with a matching green and gold cravat. His pants were black and tucked neatly into a pair of knee-high boots that gleamed in the light.

As Cecil took in Clyde's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. The man was as handsome as he was intricate, and there was a quiet confidence in the way he carried himself that was undeniably alluring. It was clear that Clyde was used to being the center of attention, but he wasn't arrogant or haughty about it. Instead, he had a natural charm that drew people to him like a magnet.

Clyde extended a hand towards Cecil, breaking him out of his reverie. "Well, what about you? What's your name?"

Cecil hesitated for a moment and quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts before responding. Unsure if he should use his real name or the name of the body he had been reincarnated into. Ultimately, he decided on the latter. "My name is Cecil," he said, trying to sound confident.

Clyde looked at Cecil with a quizzical expression. "How did you get in here? Where did you come from?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Cecil took a deep breath, trying to piece together his scrambled memories. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "It's all blurry. But when I woke up, I found myself in that mysterious room."

Clyde listened intently before he started explaining the world Cecil was in. "You were in the Grand Hall, a place where the royal family gathers for important events. It's where the magic happens, quite literally. You see, in Adoria, magic and technology coexist together."

Cecil's eyes widened as he took in the details of the strange world he found himself in. He looked at Clyde and asked, "Can you tell me more about this world? My memories are all jumbled up, and I feel lost."

Clyde smiled kindly, understanding the confusion that Cecil must be feeling. "Of course," he said. Then, Clyde proceeds to tell Cecil the wonders of this world with an excited tone.

"Adoria is a stunning world that boasts a unique blend of antiquity and innovation. Its landscape is a picturesque tableau of verdant forests, rolling hills, and towering mountains, all of which are imbued with a magical essence that permeates the very air. The architecture is a testament to the world's rich history, featuring grand castles and fortified walls that harken back to a medieval era."

"At the same time, the world is also dotted with intricate and elegant machinery that embody the ingenuity of steampunk design. Everywhere one looks, they are met with a harmonious mix of the old and new, the traditional and the modern. The people here are also quite advanced in terms of technology, but they still use magic to power their inventions. We have all sorts of inventors, workers, and magicians or mages who make sure everything runs smoothly."

'Inventors?" Cecil asked, intrigued.

"Yes, inventors," Clyde replied with a smile. "We're like clock masters, but instead of just fixing things, we come up with new inventions to help humanity. And then there are the steampunk workers, who build all sorts of transportation vehicles like airships and trains. It's really quite fascinating."

Cecil was fascinated indeed. He had always been interested in technology and machinery back in his old life, and it seemed like this world had plenty of that to offer. As he listened to Clyde talk about the intricacies of this world, he felt a strange sensation in his head, like a jolt of electricity.

Cecil winced and rubbed his forehead. "What was that?" he muttered.

Clyde looked at him with concern. "Are you okay, Cecil?"

Cecil shook his head, feeling a rush of memories flood his mind. He saw glimpses of another world, another life. But it was all too confusing and overwhelming to make sense of.

"I...I don't know," he said weakly, feeling his consciousness slipping away.

Clyde caught him just as he passed out, and he lifted Cecil up in his arms. "Don't worry, Cecil. I'll take you to a clinic. There's a mage there and she should be able to help you."

Cecil didn't have the energy to respond, and he drifted off into darkness once again. When he woke up, he was lying in a comfortable bed in a cozy room. Clyde was sitting in a chair beside him, looking anxious.

Cecil rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of what had happened. "I don't understand," he said. "Why am I here?"

Clyde stood up to approach Cecil and smiled gently. "That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself," he said. "But don't worry, we'll help you every step of the way."

It was then that Tina, the mage who ran the clinic, walked into the room. She checked Cecil over, making sure he was okay, and then explained that he had passed out due to exhaustion. She gave him a potion to help him feel better, and then left him and Clyde alone to talk.