
Classroom Of The Elite: Natural Genius

Takagi, a successful man led a good life. He was a Netflix binger. he passed away due to old age. he suddenly wakes up and is in front a old wise man drinking tea...

Soul_Reads · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

The Woods

' ' means thinking

" " means talking

* * means an action


Takagi: *slowly opening his eyes*

Takagi: "This must be the woods that I was send to by god."

Takagi: "Well I need to find water first, I think i'm okay with sleeping outside."

After a couple of hours of searching Takagi found a lake, he took a couple sips of water, he noticed from his reflection he had black hair with red eyes,

Takagi: "I don't really know how to use my 6th sense power which lets me improve all my 5 senses, it doesn't matter now, I have to search for food."

After couple of hours of training Takagi goes to search for food, he then spots a deer, but before he could catch the deer, it noticed him and ran away.

Takagi: "aw dammit, thought I could catch that."

Takagi continued searching for food until he came upon something mysterious, a pack of wolves eating the same deer.

Takagi: "Hey that's my prey wolves"

Grrr... The wolves were making threatening sounds, one wolf leaps at him, like attacking its prey.

Takagi barely doges the attack, the wolf attacks again, however again Takagi doges the attack barley, and starts running. the wolves abandon him and continued feasting on the deer.

Takagi: "that was to close, I have to stop being so naive, I must get stronger no I have the get stronger"

Takagi's eyes were glowing red when he said those words, but changed back to normal, when he was doing exercise

Takagi: "I may only be 5 years old but I am going to survive theses woods."

After 5 hours Takagi took a break from working out, he took some sips from the river and started hunting for food.

Takagi: 'I must play it smart, I cant attack recklessly.'

*rustle* there was a baby deer

Takagi waited until there was a opening, he quickly jumped on the deer with speed that a 5 year old could not possibly dream of, and attacked the deer, the deer struggled. But in the end could not escape.

Takagi: "That's Dinner!" with a smile on his face

(Time skip - 11 years)

Takagi: 'God said when I turn 16 I should go to Metropolitan High School, I already know the location, and I already got a recommendation letter from that school teacher after taking the test to get the recommendation letter, and already got interviewed. So I guess I should start going'

(Time skip - Until arriving at the bus stop)

Takagi: 'I'm pretty early, the bus doesn't come for another hour or so, I guess I should just walk there'

Takagi thought about a lot of things while walking to his new school, one thing was what class he was going to end up in, then he arrived.'

Takagi: 'so this is my new school, it boasts 99% employment rate upon graduation, a school built by the government to nurture future leaders'

Takagi headed in, the gym was filled with students, Takagi took a seat and waited for the introduction to begin.

(Time Skip - 10 minutes later)

A Student then walked up to the microphone, A tall student with black hair and glasses, however he did not speak.

"Forget your notes buddy?" Some students chuckled and blurted out

However he was not fazed by this, he just stood there with a stoic expression, the gym eventually quieted down and focused all of their attention on him.

Takagi: 'interesting, he stayed silent to gather everyone's attention, he's interesting'

After his introduction, everyone was dismissed to go to their assigned classes, Takagi proceeded to go to his Class.

(Time skip - couple minutes later)

Takagi arrived at his class door.

Takagi: 'so this is my class, huh...'

Guess what class Takagi got assigned to?

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