
Classroom of the Elite: King of Conveniences

A seemingly normal school boy, Kazuki Hikaru, enrolled into Japan's best and most prestigious school, Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. A school for elites. But as things go, Hikaru has always been one for misunderstandings. Situations of convenience and inconvenience continue to bless or curse his days, even the uninteresting ones. When he arrives at the school, he will soon befriend a very important figure, fight for his future, create multiple misunderstandings, meet new people and familiar faces, and possibly even something more intimate. Hirata: Kazuki-kun is the most reliable student in the entire school and without a shred of doubt, the most talented. We're lucky to have him in our class. Karuizawa: Kazuki-kun...! You promised to protect me didn't you ? No wait, what am I saying... I'm sorry for bothering. Why am I even worried when I have such a reliable person safeguarding me ? Kushida: Kazuki-kun... He's not like the others... Not like me... Everyone has something they want to hide. A secret. But he's... different. Horikita: He is my key to Class A. As much as I hate to admit it, he's better than me. Maybe even more so than my brother. Ryuuen: That man is a true monster. I wonder if he's actually the leader... Or is just another one of X's pawns ? Sakayanagi: I never expected to see someone of such incredible talent outside the White Room. It pains me to say this, but I think I fall quite short when compared to that man. Ichinose: He is... He is the strongest. The best of the best. The most helpful. An amazing and kind person. He helped me whenever I asked for his aid. He's always there for me... I think... I think I'm slowly falling for him. Ayanokouji: Kazuki Hikaru. My first friend. My best friend, is what he calls himself. A man of freedom and raw talent. He appears normal, but everything he does is just so... inhuman. It's like he's some kind of God. Perhaps he'll be the one... To help me recognise my dream. Follow the journey of the King of Conveniences, Kazuki Hikaru, of Class D.

Ph0enix_A · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Ch-2 First Impressions

[Ayanokouji's POV]

"Don't you think you should give up your seat ?" 

Those words were quick to rush through me and I opened my eyes. 

It was April, a new year for students. I had just entered the bus that will take me to my new school, one that I was increasingly excited to attend. But during my time in this bus, I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, have fallen into a deep thought. One that's always weighed on my mind. 

Are people truly equal or not?

These days, all society loves to talk about is equality. People are calling for men and women to be treated equally, and shouting for society to get rid of inequality. They call for high employment rates for women, personal-use cars for everyone, and they go as far as to find fault with the order of the register of names. People even advocate equality for people with disabilities, and now the public is encouraged to stop using the term "disabled people." Children are being taught that everyone is equal.

Is that really true?, I wondered.

Men and women have different roles if they have different abilities. People with disabilities are still disabled, no matter what term they call disabled people. None of this has meaning if no one pays attention to it.

In other words, the answer is no.

People are unequal beings; there are no truly "equal" people.

A great man once said that God did not make anyone above or below each other. But that doesn't mean that everyone is equal. Do you know that the passage doesn't end there? The rest is like this. Everyone is equal at birth, but then I asked, why are there differences in people's jobs and statuses?

That was written in the second half of the passage. Is it a difference because one struggled with academics or because one didn't try hard enough?

A difference is created there. That's the famous "scholarship studies." These teachings haven't changed at all, even in modern day 2015. However, the situation is more complex and is becoming more serious.

Anyhow, people are beings that are capable of thinking. I don't think it's correct to say that people should live on only using instincts because things aren't fair.

In other words, the word equality is full of lies and falsehoods, but inequality is also unacceptable. I was trying to find a new answer to the eternal problem facing human beings.

But as I continued to find the truth, and solve humanity's eternal problem, my attention was snatched away by a voice nearby. 

The old woman that was standing near me was wobbling precariously as two people seemed to be conversing about something related to her. This situation was so troublesome in fact, that I wish I hadn't taken the bus at all. 

I truly made a mistake by choosing to come by bus. 

A young, well-built, blonde male was seated confidently on a priority seat, his legs folded one above the other, smirking to himself as he listened to music. The unfortunate old woman was standing next to him and there was another person, an office lady, there as well. They seemed to be discussing something. 

"You there, can't you see the old woman having trouble ?" She asked him. It seems that she wanted him to hand over that priority to the old woman. 

When she asked this, she made sure to raise her voice sound as to garner the attention of the flamboyant young boy. In a quiet bus like this, her voice got louder and quickly, all attention was on her and the boy. 

"That's a crazy question lady." He said without ever losing that toothy smirk. "Why should I give this seat up for the old woman ? There's absolutely no reason for me to relinquish it." 

"Isn't it natural to hand over the priority seats to the elderly ?" 

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just that- priority seats. There is no legal obligation for me to move. The one that decides whether I give it up or not, should be I, who is sitting on this seat. Do you think I will give up this seat just because I'm young ? Hahaha, that's a stupid way to think. It's true that I am a healthy young man who would certainly not find standing an inconvenience. But I would obviously expend more energy standing up than I would sitting down, would I not ? I don't want to do such a useless thing. Or are you maybe, telling me to be more lively and energetic ?" 

He certainly seemed like a confident, arrogant young male, a tone of voice unbecoming of a normal high school student. 

"What kind of attitude is that towards you're superiors?!" The office lady exclaimed in disbelief. 

"Superior ? It's obvious both you and the old woman have indeed lived longer than me, but such is completely meaningless. The term 'superior' means someone of higher status or position. And even if you are both older, would I not be correct to say that you have an impertinent attitude and are being very rude yourself ?" 

"What ? You're a high school student aren't you?! Honestly, just listen to what adults say!" 

"It's fine, it's fine..." The old woman tried to diffuse the situation, not wanting it to spiral out of control. She didn't want any commotion to happen because of her.

The office lady was clearly starting to lose her cool but she still tried to press on. She tried to go further, but the boy flashed a pointlessly vigorous smile and simply ended the argument there, leaving the office lady in frustration for failing to help the old woman and humiliated for getting insulted in public by a high schooler. 

It was clear the egotistical boy had won. That's what everyone thought at least. 

"Um... I think this lady is right." I heard another voice speak. 

A new challenger had appeared, providing the lady with unexpected support. She also wore the same school uniform as me. 

"Ah, it seems the next challenger is a pretty girl. It appears that I am rather popular with the fairer sex." He said.

I also noticed in the back, someone slowly waking up from a quick nap, likely because of the commotion.

"The poor old woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won't you offer up your seat ? While you may think of such courtesy as unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly towards society." 

Contribute to society ? 

"Contributing to society you say ? That would be an interesting thing indeed. It is true that offering up one's seat to the elderly will be viewed in a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I can only for my own self satisfaction." 

His words may appear outrageous, but he truly meant it. 

"And also, why are you so insistent on-" 

"She can take my seat." Another voice suddenly spoke, resonating through the bus. 

Turning back, I noticed a handsome dark haired boy smiling kindly at the old woman while standing up and pointing towards the free seat. 

"You may take this, if you wish. I don't mind standing." He said to her. 

Next to him, there was a violet haired girl simply moving her head along while listening to some kind of music from her headphones. 

Hearing him say this, a smile formed its way onto the old woman's face. "Oh, thank you young man!" 

"Don't mention it, grandma." 

I noticed him walking up to the old lady and gently holding her shoulders, guiding her to her newly acquired seat. 

I noticed someone close by was about to take advantage of this and take the now empty seat. 

But he froze before he could. 

"What are you trying to do here ? I gave up the seat for this struggling elder, not for you. You seem young enough to handle yourself. Be a responsible man and stay out." 

Even though I couldn't see his face, I could guarantee he was giving that man a vicious glare. This voice was laced sickly with animosity that he could scare anyone with a single line. 

Hikaru POV

I had gotten into the bus with Himeno and we shared a seat, with her taking the window seat. While this was going on, I couldn't help but want to doze off. 

Eventually, I found myself succumbing to the clutches of Morpheus. 

When I came too, I had no idea how much time had passed. But upon looking around, I realised the bus was much more packed then it was before. I also overhead some things. 

Looking at the direction of the voices, I noticed two girls, a beige haired high school and a middle aged office lady, and they were talking to...


Espera un pinche minuto. 

My eyes fell onto the man on discussion and my mind began to finally understand what was going on and who they were talking to. 

It was that cabronazo, Koenji Rokusuke. 

A tall, well-built young male with died blonde hair and a confident grin on his face, legs crossed proudly while playing with his hair. The epitome of narcissism himself. 

Upon seeing him, my mood instantly dropped. Not trying to be rude or anything. After all, Koenji is still my amigo cercano, but he can be a bit much sometimes. 

Finally having a grasp at what was going on, I looked down at the quivering old lady trying her best to stop them from getting worked up over her. I would feel bad for her if I were to just ignore this situation. 

"You may take this, if you wish. I don't mind standing." I stood up and told her, making my presence known in the bus. 

"Oh, thank you young man!" 

"Don't mention it, grandma." 

I walked up to her and helped guide the woman to her new seat. 

But just as we were about to reach the seat, I met an interesting guy. I noticed the man that was standing nearby looking at the empty seat I was just sitting in and my intuition immediately knew what he wanted. 


My face was shadowed, my voice laced sweetly in poison so as to intimidate him. I praise myself for good looks, but even I can be intimidating whenever I want to be. 

"What are you trying to do here ? I gave up the seat for this struggling elder, not for you. You seem young enough to handle yourself. Be a responsible man and stay out." As I said this, I gave that man a nasty glare that cut him freeze on the spot. 

I then helped the elderly woman to sit down on the seat and smiled at her. 

"Thank you dear. Please, never change that attitude." She told me with a sincere smile, which I simply returned. 

"Of course grandma." 

I then looked back and my gaze fell on Koenji, who was not actually looking at a mirror for once, but instead at me. Upon noticing my gaze on him, Koenji's smirk widened and he hmph'd and turned away. 

"Thank you so much for offering your seat to the old woman!" I heard a higher pitched voice say this to me. 

Looking at the source, my mind was was with a beautiful sight. It was a girl of only average height. She had beige hair and red-violet gradient eyes. The school uniform she wore hugged her body closely, revealing her bountiful curves. I noticed it from Himeno's case as well, but their skirts are a bit short. Kushida was certainly well endowed for her age and with a face that adorable, she was sure to capture the hearts of many boys. 

I wouldn't really say I wasn't affected by her beauty, but she did look appealing to look at. That cheerful smile of her could heal depression. 

It made me wonder if it was truly genuine. 

"Oh, please don't thank me. I only did what I believed was right. It is the duty of the competent to help those that cannot help themselves, after all." 

Now there are also exceptions even in this philosophy as well, but this was certainly not one of them. 

"If I had a seat of my own, I would've given it up in a heartbeat. But I was already standing so I couldn't give anything to the old woman. I'm glad you were able to notice her struggles." She smiled at me, showing her pure eyes that made me feel a little warm inside. 

Meanwhile, I eyed Koenji secretly, to which he grinned and glanced on my direction. I then mouthed the words "later" to him. This made him laugh and go back to listening to his music and fixing his nails. 

But right now, I had to return my focus to the cute girl in front of me.

"That's good to hear Kushida. I can tell you have a good heart and you're a very kind person that just wants to help others." I told her while smiling brightly. 

I noticed her body stop for a second and a slight blush envelop her face before she started to calm down.

Now personally, I wasn't really aware of how she acted or anything. I just met her after all. I'd like to imagine she's completely honest about her feelings. 

"Thank you for doing that young man. I'm glad there's still least one person here with common sense. Children like you are the reason we have a future." The office lady said while also coming up to me. 

Now can I just say...

This lady was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met in my life. She was shorter than me but taller than Kushida. Hair dark hair was short but smooth and silky. She had blue gradient eyes and beautiful light skin complexion. I also couldn't help but notice the mole underneath her left eye. And when it comes to figure, she boasts one of the best figures I've ever seen, with the most appealing parts being her large chest and beautiful thighs, which was mostly exposed due to how short her business skirt was. A true beauty. 

"Of course. Truth is, I was sleeping so I didn't notice any of this earlier. Otherwise I would've helped earlier." I told them about this. 

"Oh, well my apologies for waking you up from you nap." The office lady apologised. 

"Oh no, don't apologise. I only did was was necessary and I woke up completely on my own. There's no need to apologise to me." I reassured them both, after noticing the slightly worryful expression on Kushida. 

"You're very dependable aren't you ? Um..." 

"Oh, where are my manners! My name is Hikaru. Kazuki Hikaru of Class D." I noticed Kushida's face light up excitedly when she heard me say that. 

"Really?! I'm in class D too! I'm Kushida Kikyou! I'm so glad we get to be classmates." She exclaimed in joy and excitement. 

"My name is Mirai Yume. But you may call me Mirai."

When she said this, I heard a record scratch somewhere else behind me. I opened my eyes and stared at her for a good minute. Now that I think about it, her face does resemble that other guy who threatened me and Himeno, and she does look old enough to have an adult child. 

That man who threatened me and Himeno, I didn't get a good enough look at him because he wore a mask, so his face wasn't completely shown to me. But his hair was the same. Not that it matters. Most Japanese people have naturally black hair. But what really ticked off this train of thought, was their eyes. They both had the exact same blue gradient eyes, down to the last detail. It's like a photo copy. 

No... I don't want to jump to conclusions. I did tell him I slept with his mom, which was a bluff to get him to back off. But if my intuition is correct and this woman really is his mom, then what even is happening right now ? How do I conveniently meet her immediately after that incident ? 

I decided to get that thought out of my head, and confirm my theory. 

"Say, Mirai-san, do you perhaps have a son in his twenties ?" I asked her this unrelated question completely out of the blue. 

The sudden question caught her off guard and took her out of it for a few seconds, before she could then reply to me. 

"Well, yes. But how would you know that ?" 

"Oh no, it was just an educated guess. I think I met your son while waiting for the bus. Maybe. We talked a little and I found out his mom's name is Mirai. Additionally, you both have the same eyes, which was too hard for me to overlook." I explained. 

Technically I'm not lying. That basically what happened. Without context. 

"Oh.. I see. Did he... cause you any trouble ?" She asked as an expression of worry overtook her beautiful features. 

It surprised me. "No. He didn't. Why ?" 

"Well, he's always been some kind of delinquent, no matter how I try to make him a mature, proper citizen. Since my husband left us, I've had to take care of him by myself. That's probably why he's gotten so aggressive." She said with downcasted eyes. 

Me and Kushida looked into each other's eyes, before I looked back at her with a smile. "Don't worry. I'll talk some sense into him when we meet again. That won't really be anytime soon though, since I'll be at school. But once I'm done with that, I'll come help you." 

My words were enough to make the middle aged woman smile at me. "Thank you, my dear. You certainly don't have to do anything. Just enjoy your high school life." 

"Nonsense. You said you were having problems with an acquaintance of mine didn't you ? So I'll gladly help you out." I didn't budge or move from that statement of mine. I wasn't sure what it meant, but her smile became more relaxed. 

She would've probably said something to me, but she never got the chance. Because the bus driver clearly doesn't know how to do his job. 

The bus suddenly stopped. No warnings. No deceleration. Nothing. 

The sudden force sent everyone forward. People that were sitting slammed against the chair in front of them whole those who were standing fell or almost fell but held on to something. 

I was holding the handlebar, but these two girls weren't, which meant they would both fall. Mirai was in front of me and Kushida was behind me. 

Acting swiftly, I stretched a hand out and wrapped it around Mirai-sans wrist, tugging on it to put a stop to her fall. I then pulled her up to me and let go, before using that same hand to hold her waist to make sure she doesn't fall. 

While doing this, I also wrapped my other hand around Kushida's waist, my fingers digging into her side. My grip on Kushida was arguably stronger than Mirai, simply because Mirai was in front of my and I had pretty much stopped her fall. But since Kushida was basically next to me, only slightly behind, I had to stop her fall. I used my hand to slow down the fall and then held her waist to provide her balance. 

Now I had to make sure I was balanced. 

It would be a complete waste if I were to fall after going out of my way and doing this. 

I wrapped my foot around on of the seats' legs, my ankle turning just about enough. With a good enough grip, my body came to a sudden stop while holding the two women together. 

"Agh~" Kushida let out a small noise. 

Luckily for her, it was soft and most people didn't hear it. She mostly made that sounds because of the grip of my fingers on her delicate waist and her face was a little red, likely from embarrassment. 

On the other hand (literally), Mirai looked surprised with a small red tint on her otherwise fair skin. It wasn't at all hard to see. Her body was smothered against mine, her back even arching ever so slightly as I pulled her in. 

So, Kushida had to also grab the arm that held her, squishing herself against me and Mirai placed one hand behind my shoulder, by my nape to pull herself up. This resulted in her getting squished against my chest. I could feel both of their large breasts pressing against me. 

They were soft. 


I then let them both go, allowing them to freely spring away from my embrace. 

I looked back and noticed Kushida was a little embarrassed. Understandable, considering what happened. 

"Are you both alright ?" 

"Y-yeah... T-thanks to y-you..." 

Mirai was silent, rubbing waist and stomach without saying anything. Her face was shadowed by her eyes as she appeared to be contemplating something. As the bus driver came to check if everything was okay, Mirai walked up to me and placed a gentle hand on my chest. 

Wait why's she touching me ? 

"Thank you... for that." She smiled calmly. 

That smile she made almost felt like a grateful one. A smile you would give to someone who saved your life or did something very important or impactful to you. But I didn't do anything like that ? 

I know I just saved them from falling, but I feel like there's more to it. Mirai-sans reaction implies that there was certainly more to it. Perhaps she has a condition or something ? She's rubbing her stomach constantly. Maybe...? I don't know how that thought conveniently came into my head, but it did.