
Sport festival pt 2

// Ayanokoji's POV //

Everyone is sat in class, well besides Hirata who is stood at the podium at the front of the class. At the moment we are discussing our strategy for the sport festival.

The sudden switch of class A and B has lead to us being partnered up with the old class B, or the new class A. However you want to put it, we're partnered up with them. We're expecting them to show up soon, the whole class.

Ichinose had come up to me, Horikita and Hirata and asked for a meeting of both classes. It was decided that it would occur in this our classroom, I guess all the class A students will be standing then, there simply isn't enough seats.

Thinking that, I look over to a desk in the middle of the classroom, it's empty. It has been for the past two days but we have received no penalties and will not receive any for the absence of Miyu Abe. That's suspicious, the only case I can think of for that to happen is that she circumstances have come up and that the school thinks it's unavoidable for her to miss school.

Apparently class C have been missing Ryuen and class A are missing Lucy, I wonder what could have happened that involves all three of them. I did hear a rumor earlier that Ryuen may have hurt the two of them but I know that's fake, I have fought Lucy myself albeit not seriously.

My mind recalls what I felt that day, fear. I haven't felt that emotion for years now, not since what happened at 'that place'. The thing is I know that I don't express it, but I do feel emotion. Maybe to a lesser degree but I do feel it.

Anyway I'm getting off track, it seems that class B came in while I was thinking too deeply, I can't let that become a habit.

Ichinose was smiling at us and gave an introduction to everyone even though I'm pretty sure she has everyone in here's phone number. "I have asked Horikita for this meeting to happen so we can discus our game plan for the sports festival since we will be teaming up for it."

All the boys in class practically had hearts in their eyes and all the girls had a friendly smile in support of her, so this is what it's like to be popular? Seems annoying. I've seen what the effects of that kind of stress brings in Kushida already.

Ichinose and Hirata have been talking about who to use in what event and Sudo is in almost all of them, well I guess it's his time to show off in front of Horikita. I look at her and she has a hard expression on her face, she's probably thinking something along the lines of, "There's no way he has enough stamina to compete in all those events."

Honestly with his sort of determination, he might be able to pull it off. I also listened in carefully about what events Karuizawa was volunteering for, relay and high jump? She doesn't seem to be athletic enough to come anywhere near the top contestants.

I pulled out my phone and asked Karuizawa to oppose Ichinose's idea of giving free reign to those who want to compete in extra events. I see her pull out her phone and give me a confused look, I just nod my head and she stands from her chair.

"Excuse me everyone but don't you think giving free reign is being too optimistic? I'm not pointing fingers but I think we should make it mandatory that everyone competes in at least two extra events or else people will be lazy."

Things have been going smoothly during this whole meeting but that's not going to work for us, also I want to know who supports who on the girl sides of things. That's why I had Karuizawa oppose Ichinose, I want to see who fights back against her and who supports her.

Before Ichinose could say anything Horikita stood up and voiced her agreement with Karuizawa, "I think that Karuizawa is right, we need to secure as many points as possible for this exam. You may not see it like I we do because your in class A, but us class D students want to climb through the ranks."

Suddenly a lot of class D students began to voice out their opinions left, right and center. It's too manic for any goo results to come from this, I look at Ichinose but she seems as calm as could be. I wonder what she's thinking.

// Ichinose's POV //

Just as Lucy said, these class D students sure do get angry at things easily. I gave one suggestion and suddenly I'm the bad guy. I don't let it bother me though, "That was not my intention Horikita, Karuizawa."

"I just wanted all students to be comfortable in deciding what they want to compete in, I wasn't trying to stop your class from gaining any points, I promise. I apologize if it looked that way." I bowed to show my sincerity.

Karuizawa didn't acknowledge my apology for what it was, "Hey Kushida, what do you think of this? Do you think she's being sincere?"

Kushida seemed to be a bit shocked when Karuizawa asked her this, putting her on the spot, "W-Well I think that Ichinose is a very kind and sincere person. In an ideal world we can mix the two ideas but I think if possible we should prioritize points over slacking right?"

Karuizawa seemed to agree with her with the way that she continued their conversation.

Kushida is a very excellent girl, she's out to make her class happy. I wish she had been put in my class, she would fit in amazingly.

Her statement assured her whole class that I was serious but now everyone is in thought, trying to think of a way that they can maximize their points while not fully committing to putting their all into this sport festival. I think I see why they are class D, they have potential but don't seem to have the resolve to reach that potential. That or it's people who have flaws that would otherwise be put into higher classes.

That makes me wonder though, why is Kushida who has excellent people skills in class D? Despite my thoughts I can't find any flaws in her.

Anyway, "Thank you for your support Kushida," She smiled at me in earnest, "And I agree with Kushida so how about we put everyone in a minimum of 2 extra events and you may participate in any extras if you like?"

Horikita voiced out her agreement, "I think that you're on the right track Ichinose, but I think the minimum should be 4. Participating in only 2 extra events is good but we can do much better if we participate in more, this also gives everyone a better chance of getting those extra exam points."

Four? Although I used to be very athletic, I'm not exactly in the best of shape, I can't do all the mandatory events and four extra ones in the space of 4 hours. I simply don't have the stamina.

Coming to my aid was Himeno, "No, are you being serious? Look around you, do you really think that everyone in this room has that kind of athleticism?"

Horikita looked around the room and sneered, "I hate to admit it but maybe your right, despite that I think everyone should at least try and maximize the points we can gain."

Himeno didn't give in, "Are you stupid? Have you read the rule book? Even if everyone in the room were to go with your suggestion, they would be too tired to compete in those events and would be guaranteed to lose those events."

I was going to bring up that specific point but it seems like Himeno beat me to it, the worrying thing is that half the class D and even C students don't realize what that means for them.

As I'm about to speak up Horikita lets her displeasure known, "I'm not stupid, in fact if everyone where to do as I say then I know that we can come out on top."

Himeno nodded her head, "I know we would win, we would just get that many points." She looked around at everyones look of hope, "But do you also know what else that means? It means that we are guaranteed to have all bottom 10 students in our classes. They would lose much more than if they win and will be punished for it."


I heard gasps and the gossip began. I heard things like, "I don't want to take that risk." , "Horikita is evil." and "Are we just pawns to her?"

Distrust was spreading, but Horikita spoke up once more, "Then if that's the case why didn't we just go back to Ichinose's idea from the very beginning?"

I'm starting to notice a theme with this class, they need everything spelled out to them. "What she means is that we go back to making the voluntary events... well voluntary. If you think that your able to participate in any extra events then sign up, if not then don't."

I looked over to Himeno and nodded, she guided our class out the back door of room 1-D, "I hope you come to the same conclusion as us, we will have a meeting tomorrow to finalize any decisions. Good bye." I walked out the front door of class 1-D to find Himeno and Kanzaki waiting for me.

I spoke as we kept walking, "So, what do you think?"

Kanzaki was the first to respond, "It's clear that the students of their class aren't as smart as our own, although there are a few who could give us a run for our money. It was obvious but that Sudo will be a great help in the sports festival."

I nodded, as did Himeno. "Don't you think his hot temper will get in the way?" I asked.

Himeno and Kanzaki seemed to have differing opinions on that matter, "Of course it will, when he realizes that the rest of us can't keep up with him he will explode and take his anger out on his own team mates." Himeno seemed to have the same thought process as me.

Kanzaki on the other hand, "No, from what I noticed he seems to listen to Horikta very well. I think with her in charge, things will go smoothly."

I got a flashback to the chess scandal that Lucy pulled off and grin, "How about we make a profit with the upcoming exam?" All I got was confused looks, "We post on the school board on our phones and make bets. We haven't been told we can't so why not?"

Himeno laughed at me and I pouted at her, I thought my idea was good. "You know, Lucy had the same idea right at the start of school? Well, after the first month."

That shocked me, "Wait really?"

She nodded at me with a smug grin, "Yup, and the only reason she made the bets physically instead of electronically was so she could do this betting idea again in a different way later on. She planned to do it for a special exam too. If i'm not wrong then she said she wanted to wait for a school wide special exam to so it."

*Sigh* "Damn it, and here I was thinking I'm all genius only to find out I can't even do it."

"Says who?" Kanzaki questioned.

I looked at him rolling my eyes, "It's Lucy's idea isn't it? We can't steal it."

Himeno laughed and Kanzaki shook his head, "Don't you think she would be upset if you threw away this opportunity to get private points for the class? Besides, we may never get another class wide exam again."

He's right, I need to take control. Lucy isn't here and I am eaqual to her when it comes to the leaders of class B- I mean class A.

I slammed a fist into my other hand, *tap* "Okay, Lets do it."

I am confident that this would work!

Before I knew it we are a caffe in the mall, "So Himeno? Who's on who's side in class D?"

// Lucy's POV, a week later //

We were held out of school and put into a hotel for a week as we couldn't join in mid exam and help. It was... "Sooooo booooooriiiing!"

I was met with a knee to my thigh, "Ow Ryuuueeen! Your mean! Bob, kick him out the car! Make him walk!"

Ryuen obviously didn't like that idea, "Tch, Stupid girl."

*Gasp* How could he? "Miyuuuu! Ryuen called me stupid!"

// Bob's POV //

Hey Author! My name isn't BOB! Tch!


How are these kids a high priority to Japan? How have they come to run a crime organization? No seriously, how does that happen?

You know what I don't care, all I have to do is get these kids to school and my job is done.

// Lucy's POV, the next day, 7PM //

I'm in Ichinose's bed, head in her thighs, "I knew we would win this with you in charge but I never thought you would steal my idea and use it in such a good situation."

She rapped her fist on my head, "I did not steal your idea, I thought of it all on my own thank you very much."

I smiled, "I know, but man is it going to be difficult to keep ourselves at class A for 3 years when going against Sakayanagi, huh?"

"Mmm, She managed to control a violent class that didn't even have their leader present and srill managed to come out of it only behind 5 points."

Throughout all the year groups classes A and D won, but Sakayanagi managed the closest score to ours. Very well done on her part.

The best thing that I have heard through out what Ichinose was telling me about is the clear fact that Kushida hasn't betrayed class D yet, this is obviously due to my actions back on the ship and the fact that Ryuen wasn't even here for the sports festival.

I think I might pick up a side quest.

Suddenly I feel a hand stroking through my hair, "Hey did I tell you about what happened with the student council president and Ayanokoji?"

I grew tired from the hair stroking so it came out as a mumble, "Not yet, tell me."

I listened to her for the next few hours before it came time until I had to leave.

// Kushieda's POV, two days later //

I exit the dorm buildings at 1:00 AM. It's cold and silent. In my coat pocket was a can of pepper spray for my protection, it was there just in case because some older boy called me out here.

I walked to the meeting point and found myself in front of our school, I knew there was cameras all around us me so I relaxed a little bit.

It was hard to see but I think I can see someone on the bench outside the main doors. I walk over to make sure, "Hey are the boy who wanted to meet me?" I asked in that high pitch voice.

He nodded, "Your Kushida right?" I gave him a nod back, "A girl is going to make you an offer, if you know what's good for you, you will say no and be done with it."

"She may seem like a nice and kind girl but trust me when Ii say that she is a vile, scum of the earth human. She will eat you alive. What ever she offers you? Say no, it doesn't matter what it is, just say no."

And he left. I didn't even get to say anything before he left.

I shivered as a gust of wind blew past me.

What girl is he talking about?


My main question is would you like to see a much more in depth back story of Kushida along with next chapter or a different character after the next chapter?

I would like to point out that if you have any suggestions or ideas that you think could be interesting for this FF please tell me and I will see what I can do. Naturally if anything comes out of those suggestions I will give that idea credit to whoever it was that gave it to me.

I've just had a bit of writers block recently and am finding it rather difficult to make a story like classroom of the elite interesting without it being basically a 1 to 1 copy from the original because I am following the story line that is already set.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

D-Did Bob just break the 4th wall!? Is he deadpool!? no. Sorry to break your dreams so quickly but he isn't deadpool.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the one before it as they take place at the same point in time. That's why they are being released together. It just made the most sence to me.

fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts