A child from the lowest class of society, a simple G-class boy, will impose himself with his fists in a cruel world. He will advance from the sewers and sewers to the top and fame, from class to class, only with his perseverance, his rage, and his ability to survive. But getting out of the gutter is not easy, nor will the elites allow him to advance easily. Will his fists be able to impose himself on his cruel destiny?
"Where is Lala?"
"Grandma and Gundam have gone to eat, don't worry, everything is fine, they will arrive in a while, Tom, I mean Reborn is in the workshop"
Axel looked around at all the products in the store, he was surprised they were no longer random knick-knacks that Lala was gradually clearing out, now the store was stocked with the best, and especially with things that could not be obtained at the station.
"I see that things are going well, has Reborn also been promoted?"
"Yes, in the end he needed the engineering skill to replace Gundam in certain operations and for the station to leave him alone, but aside from that we have tried to be discreet, hey, what's up with you? I don't see you limping, and it seems that you have made a great effort in these years to have such a physique..."