

"In two hours, my plane will fly. I still have things that I haven't put in my suitcase. Help me pack them up," said the handsome 30-year-old man, tall and burly. A young entrepreneur in the hospitality sector owns a coalfield in the Kalimantan region, Indonesia, while looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. "You know, it's not free to do all this," the woman said with a smile. The handsome man smiled. "You can do whatever you want," said the handsome man with his gaze fixed on the beautiful woman. That woman is Clara Wibisono. A beautiful 24-year-old woman who is used to living in luxury. Clara always saw things in terms of money. One day, an unfortunate incident happened to her family and made her lose her property. To support her luxurious life, Clara is willing to become the mistress of a young and wealthy businessman. For her, there is no beauty without money, there is no happiness without money, there is not even a life without money. Clara's job is to serve men in bed and Clara is free to use the man's money whenever she wants. Clara even got all the luxury amenities from the man. However, as time goes by, love grows in Clara's and the man's hearts. Since then, unexpected things have happened. Problem after the problem came to Clara and the man. Will Clara and the man be able to survive amid complicated love and relationship? Especially for Clara, after knowing the other side of the man's life, which turned out to be much more complicated than Clara had known before.

Mahdania · สมัยใหม่
182 Chs


Clara fell silent hearing Bram's words. How could Bram live with her? What would the world say if they found out that she and Bram lived in the same apartment?

"Why do you have to stay here? Why do you have to stay with me? Can't you come anytime? There's no need to stay here with me," Clara said.

"Are you showing your objections?" asked Bram.

"Yes!" said Clara.

Bram frowned. His chest rumbled. He doesn't like rejection. Bram clenched his fists.

Realizing that, Clara opened her voice again.

"I don't want your name to be tarnished because of gossip. You are not a random person, you must protect your good name, your company, and your family," said Clara.

Bram fell silent when he heard Clara's words. He thought Clara had refused to let him live in the apartment for some other reason. Clara was thinking about his name.

"You want everything to look good?" asked Bram.

"Yeah, we agreed from the start to keep all of this a secret," Clara said.

"Then, so that everything is clear. I have a solution. Of course, this can be a way so that no one's good name is tarnished," said Bram.

"What is that?" asked Clara curiously.

"Married," said Bram spontaneously.

"What?" Clara was surprised to hear Bram's words. She patted her cheek, thinking everything was a dream. However, Clara groaned a moment later from the pain of the blow. Clara rushed to Bram and looked at Bram seriously.

"Are you proposing to me?" asked Clara.

"Not!" said Bram.

Clara frowned. It seemed that she had not misheard when Bram said about getting married.

"I was wrong, how could I ask you to marry me?" Bram suddenly felt stupid. He doesn't know why he could say that word. However, he is not interested in getting married.

Clara touched Bram's forehead.

"No wonder, why suddenly have a fever? You're breaking out in cold sweat," Clara said when she felt Bram's body temperature suddenly rise and sweat dripped from the pores of her skin.

Bram pushed Clara's hand away and looked away.

"It's okay, I'm just tired," said Bram.


"So what's the solution?" asked Clara.

"I'm not staying here," said Bram.

"Are you serious?" asked Clara.

"Hm... What you say is true. My good name and the name of my company are the most important. I don't want what I've built all this time to be destroyed," said Bram as he lay down on the chair. bed.

Bram closed his eyes, he didn't feel well. It looks like he has a fever.

'Before, I was fine. Why is it that after I said about getting married, I suddenly had a fever? I feel stupid,' thought Bram.

Clara lay beside Bram. She turned to Bram, and it turned out that Bram was sleeping.

Clara continued to watch Bram's face. Bram fell asleep so fast. Seeing Bram's face while sleeping, made Clara realize one thing.

'Why is he so cute when he sleeps like this? His face looks so calm, unlike when he wakes up, it's annoying,' Clara thought.

Clara remembered the word 'married' that Bram had said. She thought Bram was serious in his words. Bram was just toying with her.

'Will one day, I get married? Have a family and cute kids? ' mumbled Clara.

Clara smiled bitterly. She doesn't know when she will marry if a man asks her to marry her, will she accept him with all her past?

Clara had her back to Bram, she remembered someone. She missed that person. She wanted to hug her, tell her many things, share everything Clara was feeling. Unfortunately, she will never be able to do it. She didn't want to make that person sad thinking about her life story.

Clara took her cell phone. She sent a message to her assistant to buy her some things. Tomorrow she intends to visit a person she hasn't seen in a long time. Clara also asked her assistant to send her a bill. She would pay for it using her savings.

After she finished sending messages, Clara took a break. She fell asleep.

*** The next day.

Clara came out of the bathroom, she had just finished taking a shower. She looked at the bed and Bram was still asleep. It was unusual for Bram to stay asleep in his dreams even at this hour. Normally, Bram had already disappeared from Clara's sight. Clara approached Bram and tried to wake Bram up. Clara was shocked when she felt Bram's body temperature was high.

'Is he sick? Why is this fever? ' mumbled Clara.

Clara took the thermometer and opened Bram's arm. She placed it under Bram's armpit.

'Oh my gosh, 38° celsius. He's got a fever,' Clara worried.

Clara rushed into the kitchen. She took water and a small towel to compress Bram. She put a small bowl in the bedside drawer. She wet a small towel and placed it on Bram's forehead.

Bram woke up a little but kept his eyes closed. It seemed he didn't realize Clara was compressing him.

Clara came back out of the room, looked for the fever medicine in the medicine box, and found the medicine. She thought for a moment, before taking the medicine, of course, Bram had to eat first.

Clara went into the kitchen, got an apron, and put it on. She washed the rice and intended to cook porridge for Bram. Although sometimes Clara gets annoyed with Bram, still seeing Bram sick makes her feel sorry for her and feels the need to take care of Bram.

Some time passed, the porridge was almost cooked. While making porridge, Clara's doorbell rang. Clara turned off the fire on the stove and went to open the door. Clara saw her assistant who came in with some paper bags. Clara also invited her assistant in and asked her to put all the paper bags on the table in the living room.

"Thanks, I'll pay the bill now. I'll get my phone first," Clara said.

"Then I'll go back to the boutique," said the assistant.

"Okay," Clara said and her assistant left the apartment.

Clara went to the room, it turns out that Bram still hasn't woken up. She took out her cell phone and paid the bill for the items she ordered earlier. After that, she went back to check on Bram's condition. The fever hasn't gone down.

Clara remembered the fever medicine, she also intended to take the medicine left in the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Clara smelled burnt. She was hysterical and immediately ran to the stove. She forgot she was cooking porridge for Bram.

"Gosh! My porridge burned! I worked so hard to cook it, and now it's a waste," Clara grumbled.

Clara turned off the stove and checked the porridge, was it burnt, or was there anything else to eat?

"Thank goodness it wasn't burnt. It just smells, but it's still edible," said Clara.

Clara prepared a bowl of porridge and prepared a glass of water. She put it on the tray. After that, she brought the porridge to the room along with the fever medicine.