
Clannad - Kotomi Route

The entire route was, of course, fun and heartwarming, watching Tomoya work his way into Kotomi's life and helping her live life to the fullest, while she simultaneously did the same for him without either of them seeming to realize it was so well done. Tomoya's growth in this route was especially amazing to see, from being a delinquent there by chance, to being a truant to see her, to showing up to all his classes for her, all the way to spending three entire days working tirelessly to fix the yard of their memories, was so well done.

loliconist · สมจริง
24 Chs

EPILOGUE – A girl and a robot…

A world, surface of white.


"It's snow..".

Yes, snow.

Continuing to fall down even now, it covers my body in white. Ahhh...What am I doing in such a world...? Since when have I been alone in this place...?.....Buried in snow... was my hand. That hand, it was holding something.I pull it up. A hand of pure white.It was a girl`s hand.

Ahhh... that`s right...I was not alone. I brushed off the snow covering her face. Her figure which slept quietly, surfaced. That`s right... We were always together... In this world. In this sad, lonely world.